Monday, September 9, 2024

Review: My Adventures With Superman #4

My Adventures With Superman #4 came out last week and continued to be a fun, heart-warming, and surprisingly action-packed book. This also pushed the Amazo storyline forward in an interesting way. You know I love mysteries and now we have one. 

Writer Josie Campbell continues to walk that tightrope of whimsy and serious, character moments and action moments, progressive plots mixed with nostalgic callbacks. I seriously don't know how she does it. This book opens with the Kents talking at length about family, unconditional love, parents teaching and learning, and the power of Christmas. The book ends with a brawl between Superman and Amazo, Checkmate, and Task Force X. In between that there is humor, romance, and at least two callbacks. 

Artist Pablo Collar continues to walk his own fine line between the anime style and more standard comic style. I like his take on Amazo. I love his Checkmate armor. But it is the early portion with the Kents and Lois that I think he really shines, bring warmth to everything.

Add a decent cliffhanger and you have a winner.

On to the book. 

As I said, the Kents are teaching Amazo about holidays and how they bring families together. These are rituals that show family that you love them.

It is very sweet, from us seeing in a flashback that Pa put gifts on the barn roof (because Santa knew Clark could fly) to Ma bringing Clark's special ornaments to Metropolis.

Look at the one she is holding.

Nice callback.

And Pa leans into love and family.

Pa leans in. Family isn't just blood relatives. Clark was adopted. Lois and Jimmy are 'family'. And as parents you try to teach your children a viewpoint on life. But you learn from your kids too.

You might remember that the Kents coming up was so Lois could plan a great Christmas for Clark, his first away from Smallville.

Here Clark admits he knew all about it. 

And he appreciates it. 

The Lois/Clark romance in this book is just too sweet. I really love it. And Collar captures the emotions wonderfully.

In an interesting wrinkle to the Amazo story, he seems to unlock some of his memories. The earliest he has is of the stars making it possible he is an alien tech. I don't think he is Kryptonian tech. I hope not ... we have seen enough of it.

He almost looks like Imperiex. Hmmm ...

But all this loving and sharing and hugging has to end.

Both Checkmate and Task Force X show up to grab Amazo and mess up Superman.

Checkout the armor worn by Agent Dubois as he jumps into the melee.

I really like Collar's work here. Such a crazy armor but it sings.
I don't know if this is a callback but I am going to say, it reminded me a lot of the mass produced Evas in Neon Genesis. And given all the Neon Genesis vibes I got from Supergirl's armor and demeanor in the second season of this show, I am going to assume I am write.

I mean 'Angel Array'? This has to be Neon Genesis.

As Task Force X and Checkmate brawl, Superman and Amazo enter the fray.

Amazo saves Slade Wilson's life. 

He is learning from Superman. 

Another callback?

I might be stretching on this one. 

Superman and Amazo end up fighting both sides. At some point Superman shows tremendous trust and lets Amazo drain him a little. 

That sounds a bit more like the Parasite than Amazo ... but here we are. They hold off the bad guys.

In fact, Amazo has learned so much he wonders if he could join Superman's family. Cue the violent cliffhanger. I haven't even brought up the subtle subplot that Amazo is radiating crazy heat, leading to a heat wave in Metropolis.

How do you rate this stew? Somehow it is just enough of all the things to read well. Sweet, violent, deep, superficial, silly, serious ... quite the balancing act.

Overall grade: B+

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