About 2 and a half years ago I created a blog called Comic Box Commentary, the plan being to review any comic, movie, TV show, or anything else pop culture that I felt was worthy of some words. With a canvas that big, I never got off the starting blocks.
It was two years ago today that I decided I needed a finer focus. And what better focus than my favorite character Supergirl.
I renamed the blog Supergirl Comic Box Commentary (that name just does not roll off the tongue) and started posting. I had no idea, even with the new focus, if I would have the time or the tenacity or the talent to keep the site running in any sort of worthwhile capacity.
And yet, here we are.
I have had so much fun blogging about Supergirl that I can't imagine having not done it.
While Supergirl obviously remains the focal point, the scope has widened a bit to include reviews of the Superman titles and even Adventure Comics and R.E.B.E.L.S. It might widen a bit more if I review Legion issues like I plan to.
But this is primarily a Supergirl blog and I wouldn;t have it any other way. I feel like I have met many Supergirl fans here and made so many new friends. It has been great to finally realize that I am not alone in being a big Supergirl fan ... that there is truly a fanbase for Kara ... a group of people who follow her adventures and care about her stories.
To everyone who stops by and reads my rambling wordy posts, thanks you so much for visiting. If you take the time to post a comment, thanks so much letting me hear your thoughts. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the dialogue here.
To the 'regulars' who visit and post and make this such a great forum on Supergirl, thanks for keeping the discussions going and keeping me honest with my analysis and grades. I would thank you all individually but I am so afraid I would forget someone unintentionally. I think you know who you are. You are the best!
I feel I have learned so much about Supergirl and comics in general from everyone here. And I think I am a better comic reader because of what happens here. I love hearing the differing opinions and everyone's analysis and guesses. And I am glad you put up with my overly long reviews and super-analysis of panel composition and word play.
And thanks again to the comic professionals who have stopped by and posted - Sterling Gates, Jamal Igle, Landry Walker, Eric Trautmann, Cliff Chiang, Jake Black, Matt Camp, and Jimmy Palmiotti. I think fans are always thrilled to find out that creators are listening to their compliments and concerns.
With a somewhat set pattern of reviews, sales analysis, solicits, back issue trips, general news, and the occasional poll/shrine addition/commission post, I don't know if I have any 'bold new direction' for year 3 of SCBC. Still, I would love to hear suggestions on how to make the site even better for the Supergirl community out there. Is there something you would like to see that I am not doing? Something I should be doing more? Or less?
Anyways, thanks to everyone again for making the last two years so much fun. I hope you all have enjoyed visiting here as much as I have enjoyed blogging.
Cheers to you Anj and to everyone else for making the Supergirl Comic Box Commentary the best place on the web to enjoy all things Supergirl.
Cheers to you Anj and to everyone else for making the Supergirl Comic Box Commentary the best place on the web to enjoy all things Supergirl.
Congrats and Happy Birthday! :) Looking forward to more to come!
No,thank you for making this amazing blog !!! thank you.
Dude this blog is a revelation, it is officially "Supergirl Fan Central" a place where REAL fans can debate and discuss in a civil atmosphere. This stands in stark contrast to some other sites on the internet that are run by corrupt fan-pros and whose opinions are therefore suspect on every level.
So congrats, congrats and congrats again, I come here every day without fail, the reviews are insightful and the discussions fascinating...What more could a Supergirl fan want?
John Feer
Cheers! This has been such a tremendously wonderful Supergirl blog to read!! It has been a wealth of information and such a joy for me to read. I always feel like I'm up to date with what's going on with Supergirl and even the other Super titles. I may not always comment, but believe me when I say I stop by the blog almost daily to see what's going on in the world of Supergirl. I love it that even the Supergirl creative team (Sterling Gates, Jamal Igle, etc.) stop by here and sometimes chime in. I look forward to more of the same!! :-)
You're blog is great! I visit it all the time. Keep up the good work! (And a little Legion-focus sounds great)
Having just read an interview with Bruce Timm, where he spoke about the Wonder Woman animated film floundering in 1st week sales (though it rebounded and actually sold decently). Which means: No WW sequel, plus the studio put the kibosh on the planned Batgirl movie... which in turn means that I have to put away my dreams of an animated SG flick.
It's sad that superwomen don't get the respect and attention (and sales) they so richly deserve. Thank God then, at least there is one place where SG is given her due and fans can celebrate her exploits in print and those brief moments in films, TV etc.
I don't visit a many blogs, this is my only regular read, so that says a lot as to the quality of your site. Happy anniversary and thanks for all the hard work. This Supergirl fan salutes you!
Thanks for all the kind words everybody!
Congratulations and hope to see more post from you in the future...cheers!
happy birthday anj! this a great site with great commentators. i also think it is a great testament to your writings that the comic creators stop by here and comment. this is one of my favourite blogs so please keep it up :)
W00T! Sincerest congrats on achieving this here celebrationary milestone, Anj! :-D
Happy Birthday, Kara would be so proud.
And the Danvers!
Streaky wouldn't care mind - bloomin' cats!
Thanks Anj.
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