Here is the latest commission in my collection, drawn by Billy Tan at the Boston Comic Book Spectacular last Sunday.
Tan is best known for his work on Uncanny X-Men and now New Avengers. He said that he struggled with this Kara commission because he is not used to drawing DC characters. His manager was there and said Tan erased the page 5 or 6 times while drawing because he was having a hard time getting things just right.
I think it came out great. There is a cute strength in this commission with Kara looking out of the corner of her eyes, hand in a fist on her hip. This is a nice addition to my growing collection.
Thank you for sharing as always. Very nice of you.
ooo, billy tan... goodness, now i'm getting jealous. i've been a fan of billy tan since before he started at marvel.
heh, it does look as though he's had a bit of fun trying to get kara right, but he has done a nice job in the end...
you're right about the cute strength. also a bit of darkness, with her hair coming around from the back, on the far side of her face... a good picture of our current supergirl...
Look again, folks... That's not Kara; that's the Matrix costume!
Hooray for Linda love!
Look again, folks... That's not Kara; that's the Matrix costume!
Hooray for Linda love!
I haven't hidden the fact that I like the Linda/Matrix costume the best. All my commissions (outside of Jim Mooney's original version) have been Matrix-y.
I am starting to wonder if I should branch out to different versions of the costume for the collection.
Beautiful! Someone needs to colorize it and clean it up. I wish I can draw like that.
That's just sweet as yo! 8D
Anj, I haven't hidden the fact that I like the Linda/Matrix costume the best. All my commissions (outside of Jim Mooney's original version) have been Matrix-y.
I am starting to wonder if I should branch out to different versions of the costume for the collection.
What and bring shame to your famous love for all things Supergirl/Matrix super-suit? Never!
Heh, again, just joshin' with ya, Anj! ;)
But seriously though, well "variety is the spice of life" and all that, but my advice is to only do this if you truly want to and not because you feel you have to in order to appease us in general ah. :)
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