Waid has been weaving together a very entertaining story jumping around a bit as he explores the concept of the Phantom Zone from beginning to 80s fever dreams back to the present. Jor-El not wanting the Zone used as a prison? Interesting. Aethyr as ruler of Phantom Zone (again)? Interesting. Mon-El struggling with his life in the Zone. Interesting.
When you string that many plot lines and even time travel into one story, there are bound to be some leaps, some short cuts. If you read this modern comic with Bronze Age sensibilities, it all works out fine. Things like giant orbiting technology appearing out of nowhere can be jarring unless you remember you are reading comics AND it works for the story. Things in this issue and this finale move quickly but end in a great way.
Clayton Henry is on art and shines as usual. This is a high action issue with a surprise guest star. There is big action with big splashes. Henry has been around the DC block a bit. I hope he gets a monthly.
On to the book.
On to the book.