Friday, January 31, 2025

Review: Superman #22

My Red K detour has delayed my current comic reviews on the site. And at some point I'll need to cover all the 'Summer of Superman' books we have heard about with some interesting creative teams.

But for now, allow me to review Superman #22 by Joshua Williamson and Dan Mora. 

I really think that Williamson has hit his stride on the book for a while now and this latest Doomsday story is really solid. I have been pretty tired of Doomsday but bringing in a Time Trapper version into the mix is a great idea, injecting something new into an older character, a change that actually makes sense. 

Now Williamson does a great thing and leans into Superman's history, going all the way back to Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey, a mini-series over 30 years old. But if you are telling a Doomsday story, why not utilize the continuity? I mean, I haven't read the mini in at least 25 years. (Should I cover it here?)

Should Superman give Doomsday over to the Aftermath (the remnants of races decimated by Doomsday)? Or does he think Doomsday deserves to be watched over on Earth? It is an interesting question. And Williamson injects a little mystery and a little new wrinkle to things that made me want to hear the debate more.

I'd be remiss if I didn't say that there are some small Supergirl moments in this issue that really let her shine. Williamson really seems to have taken a shine to her.

As always, Dan Mora's art is just spectacular. He makes Supergirl's jacket outfit look good. He gives The Radiant a shiny, slick look. He has a tremendous two page spread showing a great battle. Mora is a gold mine.

On to the book.

We start out with a double date between the Whites and Jimmy and Siobhan. Suddenly, the Aftermath fleet shows up, putting them in shadow. 

As I said, it feels like Williamson is really leaning into Superman history. So even lines like Jimmy being called Turtle-Baby or a 'Great Caesar's Ghost!' adds a little depth, a little history to the proceedings.

I know. Silly panel to highlight. But I loved it.

The Radiant, the leader of the fallen planet Catalon and leader of the organized Aftermath, invites Superman and Superwoman on to the throne ship and starts the conversation. 

This ragtag army wants Doomsday. They want to take Doomsday off Superman's hands.

And yes, you aren't going crazy! There is an editor's note suggesting people should go back to the Hunter/Prey mini to learn more! Amazing!

And there isn't much discussion from the Aftermath side. While Earth has Doomsday imprisoned now, eventually he could come out and then people on Earth will die. Makes sense.

So Superman has two choices.

Superman can turn over Doomsday.

Superman can not turn over Doomsday but then the Aftermath will attack Earth. Is the carnage that would ensue from that battle be worth not turning over Doomsday??

Now the new thing that comes out of this is Superman saying that Doomsday was created to be a weapon and he wants to know why. Admittedly, it has been a while but I thought Doomsday was made in a forced, fast evolution experiment. Is this a new origin for Doomsday?

After all, Hunter/Prey was probably 8 continuities ago. 

There is something here to mull over. Why wouldn't Superman do it? It isn't like these people can kill Doomsday? Seriously, why not just hand him over to the Aftermath?

But there is something unsaid by the Radiant. What are they going to do with Doomsday?

It is vague. 'Put to good use.'

I guess it is too vague for Superman to acquiesce to. Instead he won't turn over Doomsday. 

There is so so much to unpack. As a Superman fan, if in this battle Metropolis is leveled, is it worth it? If he wins and Doomsday gets out and kills everyone on Earth, is it worth it?

I get that Superman's ethics are solid. Doomsday is the same as a person on the street. But is he??

So let's get it on.

The Radiant and his Aftermath army are now ready to battle.

I love this look by Mora. Rippling blue energy. Almost monstrous. Dripping energy. 

Pretty cool.

I talked earlier about how Supergirl gets a couple of moments to shine.

First off, Superman has her guarding Doomsday. She is the one who will have to move Doomsday, gently and securely if things go south. She is in this position of prominence. 

I have said this for a while now but it is clear that the current Super-books consider Supergirl as second in command of the family. She is the field general. She is who Superman trusts. This isn't Jon or Conner or Steel or even J'onn J'onzz. It is Kara. Awesome.

Next, despite the dire situation, she is pulled out of it by 'Lexy', side-eying Mercy. Fantastic.

Mora just draws such a fantastic Supergirl. He even makes this jacket thing work. She looks determined and ready.

But the Radiant isn't wasting any time. It streaks to SuperCorp and blasts the tube holding Doomsday, freeing the thing.

I love how Supergirl just dives in, trying to fight the Radiant. (She loses but this thing killed Doomsday in the past. They are no slouch.)

But it is her words that get me. She is an orphan to. She understands. But she won't let something terrible happen. She is a hero.

Glad Williamson acknowledges her history here so easily. But her whole demeanor is wonderful. After all, in that series ... you know the one the Supergirl movie is being based on ... she is an orphan too. But there she's drunk, or crying, or bringing a young girl to witness an execution, or allowing a repentant prisoner to be beaten to death.

See the difference???

See what a hero she is in this book?

Doomsday is free. The Aftermath is blasting Metropolis trying to kill the monster. Steel, Lana, and others are trying to fly interference. But they are badly outmatched.

So Superman, enraged by this, becomes overwhelmed by the Red K Rage. It looks like ... gasp ...  Superman is teaming up with Doomsday against the Aftermath army and the Radiant.

Rage Superman! 

Great two page splash by Mora. I can only show some of it but it is incredible. 

And I don't know if it is a team-up as much as two people fighting the same foes. I bet if it quieted down they'd turn on each other.

But as warned, things are getting ugly and innocents are in danger. In fact, a Radiant blast is about to kill Jimmy Olsen when time stops.

The Doomsday Time Trapper has stopped it all. He warned Superman about this. He warned Superman that dark times were coming. But Superman refused to help this being.

Maybe now, with everything going to pot, he can lure Lois into doing his bidding. Indeed, does she want Metropolis leveled? Does she want Jimmy dead? What will she do?

Great cliffhanger. Wanted more right then.

So what isn't to love about this. The plot has its basis in Superman continuity. It embraces his history. The motivations of the characters make sense. The battle makes sense. There is a little mystery revolving around what the Aftermath wants with Doomsday. Lex seems to be remembering his past. And then the ending.

Add to that Supergirl's killer 2 pages. And Mora's utterly brilliant work.

This book is crushing it.

Overall grade: A


Martin Gray said...

I’m with you, generally tired of Doomsday but surprisingly interested in the current storyline. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if somehow Joshua Williamson type the Legion of Super-Heroes into the story?

Have a big ‘Me too!’, so far as the involvement of Supergirl was concerned – but I would have been interested to see her questioning Superman‘s defence of Doomsday… I would just want the monster off earth. Is there a reason he’s not prime Phantom Zone fodder?

Top review!

Kinofreak said...

Please Do Hunter/Prey! I liked it when I traf it, but that was decades ago...
I agree, Doomsday should be in the Zone.
I wonder if we will see the LSH again, considering Time Trapper Doomsday...

William Ashley Vaughan said...

Please, DC, let Joshua Williamson write a Legion of Superheroes comic.

Dick McGee said...

I know Jimmy Olsen way too well to believe getting zapped by weird alien energy is going to do anything fatal to him. He'll either randomly gain a temporary superpower or wind up in a plot development. You know, like the Legion showing up because Jimmy can't die now, he hasn't joined them yet. :)