Monday, June 24, 2024

7 Million Views


I do an anniversary post yearly.

So sorry if this seems overly self-congratulatory.

But last week, the site crossed 7 million views. 

Thanks for everyone who visits and comments.

This is a site predominantly about Supergirl! 

Thanks for coming by!


Martin Gray said...

Many congratulations, that’s where hard work and enthusiasm gets you. Kara would be proud.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Congratulations on the milestone and anniversary.


Bostondreams said...

Grats! Well deserved. Even though I don't always agree with your takes, I appreciate your passion for one of the greatest characters in comics. :)

SG Fan said...

It's well earned! Glad I can contribute to the views :)

Anonymous said...


Anj said...

Thanks for congrats!

John (somewhere in England) said...

Big congratulations for a remarkable achievement!

Anonymous said...

My Supergirl Home on the Internet, Ah Luvs It in Good times and in bad, right now, kinda bad, but we must be equal to our times!
"All Power to the Kara Soviets! No Superman Without Supergirl! Midvale Uber Alles!"