Monday, April 27, 2009

Supergirl #40 - Jamal Igle's Costume Changes

Thanks to everyone who pointed out to me Kara's costume in this flashback panel with Batman. It was something I glossed over in my first reading of the issue.

Given this is a memory of her training with Batman, the assumption is that this panel takes place during the early days of Supergirl's time on Earth.

And Jamal Igle lets us know that by putting her in a costume more in line with the earlier issues of the book.

Notice how the shirt and skirt are a little bit smaller.

And can't you read her body language here? Bored/frustrated look on her face, hands on hips. It just speaks a bit more about the K-poisoned irritated angsty Kara seen in the first 19 issues of the title.

Contrast that costume to this panel which showcases some of the subtle changes Igle has made in the costume. Notice how the shirt covers a bit more of her ribs now, a strip of blue now evident under the S-shield.

And the skirt also rides higher and is little longer as well. We don't see the lines of Kara's pelvic bones anymore.

Lastly, I thought I would show the most controversial change Igle made, the inclusion of bike shorts under the longer skirt.

I did not put this post up to necessarily discuss the merits of the costume changes (although I like the changes Igle made).

Instead I posted it to show how the current creative team is doing the small things to put out the best product it can. The Batman panel shows that Sterling Gates and Igle care about details like costume continuity in flashback scenes.

And as I said way back when they took over in issue #34, I was glad that they weren't ignoring everything that had happened in the book prior but instead were recognizing and reacting to it. This was a 'soft reboot' with Kara's history (outside of her muddled 'Kill Kal-El' origin) kept intact.

As a reader I appreciate it when the writers and artists care enough about the character to get the small details right.


  1. It's nice to see that artists and writers listen to the fans...

    And i'm definetly glad we got great artists and writers on this series... I though it was going to go down hill after issue #33!


  2. Nice to see how Kara's costume has actually evolved, rather than be in flux from all the different artistic interpretations over the recent years.

    I personally like how her costume looks today. The Amazon arm braclets that represents her time on Paradise Island is a nice touch. I fail to see why some people dislike the red bike shorts. I just see them as insurance against someone with a telephoto lens...

  3. A very nice way to make the costume alterations feel like a natural evolution rather than just a arbitrary choice. I am continually impressed with the work being done on this book.

  4. ^ What he said. Heh. :D

  5. Not that I wanna indulge pantie-politics, but I do think the bike briefs ought to be cut a bit higher and colored blue. As it stands right now they clash and look incongruous as well...but I won't stand on any picket lines if there is no change, they are only a pair of damn spankies after all.

    John Feer

  6. Has Igle commented on this? I would love to hear his thoughts on this and his motivation for the evolution of the costume. I like it but I would love to hear his thoughts. I didn't say this on the previous post, but I appreciate the current creative team's acknowledgment of previous things such as her time with Bats.

  7. I personally like how her costume looks today. The Amazon arm braclets that represents her time on Paradise Island is a nice touch. I fail to see why some people dislike the red bike shorts. Thanks for the post.

    The loarger gold bands are the sleeve are another nice touch. I think you are right that they are an Amazonian touch.

  8. A very nice way to make the costume alterations feel like a natural evolution rather than just a arbitrary choice. Thanks for the post.

    I think you are right that it seems more like natural progression. There is no jarring change here.

  9. Not that I wanna indulge pantie-politics, but I do think the bike briefs ought to be cut a bit higher and colored blue. As it stands right now they clash and look incongruous as well...Thanks for the post.

    I keep hoping for the skirt to go red (rather than the shorts go blue.

  10. Has Igle commented on this? I would love to hear his thoughts on this and his motivation for the evolution of the costume.Thanks for the post.

    Igle talked about his costume changes when he took over the title. He mostly talked about how he felt Supergirl had been drawn in an over-sexualized manner and that he would try to tone that down, including the changes to the costume.

  11. I keep hoping for the skirt to go red (rather than the shorts go blue.

    Even better idea, Wish I'd a thought of it.

    she could go back to the red hot pants....okay a guy can dream can't he????

    John Feer

  12. I'm all for the skirt going red! :D (Past time if you ask me)
