Sunday, April 26, 2009

Review: R.E.B.E.L.S. #3

Okay, so it's not a super-title and there isn't even a glimpse of Supergirl in this issue. It technically doesn't fit the usual scope of this blog. Still, R.E.B.E.L.S. has been a fun title and as close to Legion as we have these days.

R.E.B.E.L.S. #3, released 2 weeks ago, was another interesting issue in this team-building initial story arc. And since I reviewed the first 2 issues, I figured I would officially review this one too.

The last issue ended on a semi-ominous note with Vril Dox aiming a weapon of some sort at Wildstar. It turns out that (as I had imagined) his plan was not to kill her but to manipulate her and change her into something useful.

In the opening scene we see Dox seemingly incinerate Wildstar, although longtime Legion fans could have guessed where this was going.

As Dox is confronted by members of the tribe, he tells them to not disturb the anti-energy download.

Ahh ... anti-energy ... the basis for the powers of my absolute favorite Legionnaire Wildfire. It seems Brainiac 5's template for the Legion included Wildfire and Dawnstar. And Brainiac 2 decided to get the benefits of both Legion members in one body. Heck, even the name works! Wildstar is an amalgam of Wildfire and Dawnstar.

And at least out of the gate Wildstar is happy with this change. She was shunned in her own tribe. She was the 'crazy one' with tracking instincts that were called delusions and vestigial wings which kept her grounded. Without any delay, she grabs the members of her tribe and tells them to leave or else. They are more than happy to oblige. To them she is a trouble maker and now out of their hair.

But that initial optimism is squelched a bit when Dox tells her that she is a noncorporeal now. She needs to stay in the suit now forever.

Here is an interesting twist which I like in the book. Brainiac 2 tries to tell Wildstar about the Legion of the future. But Brainiac 5 put in a lock function in the download. While Dox knows all he knows about the future, he cannot voice it or write it down. And I like the moral high ground that Brainiac 5 takes here. In many ways, he will be acting as Brainiac 2's conscience. That is innovative.

Still, Dox is at his most conniving here as he shows Wildstar how much 'better' she is know. Her tracking senses can span galaxies. And she can control energy blasts. And most important to Wildstar, she can fly.

The character trait of isolation was one that was played up a lot in stories about Wildfire. He had no body. He could never have any meaningful relationship. All of those feelings happened after his accident. How ironic than that feelings of isolation are what led to Wildstar's creation.

One thing I like about the design of Wildstar are the anti-energy wings. It is a very slick look. Kudos to Andy Clarke.

Wildstar leads Dox to Cairn where he runs into his old teammate Strata and her comrade Bounder (sort of a Bouncing Boy stand-in).

Strata is upset with Brainiac 2 initially because she has been fighting off swarms of L.E.G.I.O.N. robots. Whatever took over Dox's business aimed it right at Strata. In fact, Strata actually looks like she might attack Dox.

Wildstar is quick to defend him though leading to this great exchange.

Wildstar tells Bounder that Dox 'remade' her and that is why she is loyal. Strata responds 'whose life did you ruin this time?'

It just speaks volumes about the dislike Strata has for Dox. And yet, he is so smug and manipulative she ends up leaving with him. Is it possible to like and dislike the lead character of a title. I find Dox to be a self-serving jerk but he definitely makes for a great read.

But Dox and his team aren't the only team in the DC cosmos. The Omega Men are also active. And in a slick bit of guerrila warfare, bait the L.E.G.I.O.N. forces away from the headquarters allowing their small group to infiltrate. It is the classic 'crush the head and the body will die' tactic!

And surprisingly it works. With D-listers like Broot and Doc, they make their way into the control room where Elu blasts Silica, the L.E.G.I.O.N. living computer. In another bit of good design, Silica is swirling pink lines of binary code.
In the middle of Silica's smoking body is something else though ... a Starro drone. Much like Streaky, I have a soft spot for Starro.

And so the Omega Men meet the person behind the L.E.G.I.O.N. upheaval ... Starro! And whoever this host body is, she promises the Omega Men that they are next in line to become Starro slaves.

I will start out by saying that I did not expect to enjoy this comic as much as I have. It has been a very fun ride.

First off, Vril Dox is just a fascinating character. He is so arrogant and rigid in his political views. He is not likeable. But I think that is part of the allure of him as the headliner in this book. He is not your standard hero.

The team he is bringing together - Tribulus, Wildstar, Strata - are not typical heroes either. They are simply a bunch of flawed beings who Dox can mold to his purposes. But you wonder how long they will follow along?

Add to that the Legion links and the presence of Brainiac 5 as 'Jiminy Cricket' and you have a good set-up.

Plus, the art is at time stunning. Clarke's designs on the characters are slick.

If you are a Legion of Super-Heroes fan, this might be a book to look at.

Overall grade: B+

1 comment:

  1. Anj said...Here is an interesting twist which I like in the book. Brainiac 2 tries to tell Wildstar about the Legion of the future. But Brainiac 5 put in a lock function in the download. While Dox knows all he knows about the future, he cannot voice it or write it down. And I like the moral high ground that Brainiac 5 takes here. In many ways, he will be acting as Brainiac 2's conscience. That is innovative.Oh agreed! Thank Rao for Brainy 5's 'fail safe' feature is all I can say. Heh.

    P.S. Anj, will you be officially reviewing Power Girl's own title too what with her basically being the E-2 Kryptonian Kara and all as well as her ties to our 'E-0' Kara Zor-El proper come Post-FC continuity too boot. ;)
