Friday, February 21, 2025

New Supergirl Book By Sophie Campbell

The official DC May solicits haven't hit the web yet but Bleeding Cool already has scans of the previews and lo and behold there is news of a new Supergirl book. Here is the solicit and some preview art.

1:25 variant cover by BILQUIS EVELY 
1:50 variant cover by W. SCOTT FORBES 
Foil variant cover by STANLEY "ARTGERM" LAU 
Blank variant cover
ON SALE 5/14/25

Kara Zor-El has been a key member of the Super-Family in Metropolis, but what happens when she strikes out on her own? Follow Kara as she returns to her roots in Midvale…home of Supergirl! But how could this be? Our hero has not been back in years, and the protector of that town has been saving the day for weeks. Can Supergirl stop the impostor before they steal her fresh start and life?
Celebrated writer/artist Sophie Campbell (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Wet Moon) makes her mark on the DC Universe with this thrilling debut issue! Plus a new costume designed by bestselling cover artist Stanley "Artgerm" Lau.  NOT FINAL TRADE DRESS COVERS

There is a lot to unpack here. I very much love Campbell's art but I haven't read much of the stories she has written. Her writing style will be new to me. That said the solicit sounds great.

I think the Super-family has swollen to pretty big numbers so I think moving Supergirl out of the city and letting her branch out on her own, be the solo star, is great. I also like Midvale being the setting, a flashback to classic Supergirl.  I have loved her relationship with Superman in the Williamson and Phillip Kennedy Johnson books but it will be nice to see her not be second in command and instead marching her own way. 

I do know that Campbell has been on TMNT recently and I would love to hear from anyone who read that what they thought. 

Perhaps Campbell is a fan? She talks about it on AIPT here. She says: 

I came up in the comics industry doing mostly graphic novels that I wrote and drew myself, so doing the same with Supergirl feels like I’m returning to my storytelling roots,” said Campbell. “My main touchstones to Kara Zor-El were the stories and the wild costumes from the 70’s, the 1984 Supergirl movie, and The CW show, which I was a huge fan of. In creating this version of Supergirl, I’ll be drawing on some of those influences as the series unfolds.”

The 70's, the 80's movie, and the show? Those all had a Supergirl I love, that hero who wants to help. I'd have loved it if Campbell mentioned Gates and Igle. But at least she didn't mention Woman of Tomorrow. And this pic of Kara snuggling with the pets is brilliant, giving a vibe that feels right. This all makes me cautiously optimistic. I am hoping Campbell brings that sort of heroism and optimism and fierceness I love.

Campbell's art was mesmerizing on Jem and the Holograms and she drew this moment, Kimber throwing a pie in Pizazz's face, a fave of mine. So if she brings this energy to the Supergirl book, it will be a visual feast.

Supergirl's new costume was designed by Stanley 'Artgerm' Lau. I am not the hugest fan of belly shirts, But a blue shirt with a red skirt and a cape? Lots to love about this.

I also like that the S-symbol seems to veer into the more stylized New 52 version, making this feel  recognizable as the House of El, but  uniquely her own. And you need the S-shield on the cape!

And check out the variants from such Supergirl luminaries as Lau, Middleton, and Evely.

I just want some good old super-hero stories! So I am cautiously optimistic. 

What did you all think of the news?


Martin Gray said...

I’m with you all the way, this is the biggest news of the year; and while we can’t know how well suited Sophie Campbell is, it can’t be as bad as Mariko Tamaki’s stinkers (and if they don’t click with me, we’ll, it’ll be a great new flavour of dislike!). But really, her comments have my glass more than half full, this could be great.

Plus, we’re getting the first of a five-issue Krypto mini-series on my birthday, from the superb Ryan North and Mike Norton. And classic Superboy in Action Comics, this could be a great year for Super fans.

John (somewhere in England) said...

I notice that DC have also announced the publication of new books in the DC Finest series. Here's hoping for new Supergirl and Legion books which include material not yet published in book format. It would be great to have the 1970s Supergirl stories on my shelf instead of online.

Anonymous said...

Excited about the book. Feel like the belly shirt is a step back. Though I know I’m perhaps in the minority of those that love the Supercorp look.

Anonymous said...

Gates and Igle aren't mentioned by Campbell, but the latest costume is basically the cheerleader costume from that era with a red skirt instead of a blue skirt. Not my favorite Supergirl outfit, but not her worst either. I can live with it if the stories are fun, exciting, well-told and kick the misery porn to the curb. Which may be the case. Supergirl vs. a mysterious duplicate Supergirl is a classic Silver Age story premise. I also like that Supergirl is returning Midvale . This is a golden chance to introduce her classic background to new readers.

William Ashley Vaughan said...

Forgot to put my name to the above post.

Anj said...

Thanks for the early comments!

I do wonder about the double Supergirl? One thought I have heard is that somehow it is Matrix! That would be insane!

Artgerm said he wanted 'sporty and fun' for a costume and thought that the top looked athletic.

Anonymous said...

Excited for this! The premise sounds fun. They had me at Midvale. And I think it's great that the writer is drawing from several sources of Supergirl throughout the years. I wonder if the imposter is Lesla-Lar. As for the new suit, I'm just glad she has a skirt and cape again!

Anonymous said...

Re the double, I thought of Matrix too, or Linda Danvers, though Linda would be more likely found in Leesburg, not Midvale. And Matrix has a history in Smallville, from when she was staying with the Kents.

Does the current (New 52) Supergirl have any "roots" in Midvale? During Rebirth she was placed with the Danvers, but she lived in National City. Did the Danvers themselves live in Midvale? Or have a summer house there? Maybe she visited them there for Thanksgiving... or maybe I've forgotten something!

It would be a lot of fun if the double is another hijacked Silver Age Supergirl, lost-in-time-and-space like the one who appeared in Peter David's final arc.

Anonymous said...

That last Anonymous was meant to be signed "T.N."

Anj said...

There hasn't been a Midvale connection for a long time! Which makes this all the more intriguing!

Jfeer said...

Officially, Midvale has been out of continuity since COIE #7, but in practice it was long ignored part of her backstory. I THINK she last visited Midvale in a SMF Dollar Book (drawn by Win Mortimer) which coincidentally revolved around a well meaning imposter Supergirl. But I could be wrong, frankly a definite list should be drawn up of all her imitators and imposters and evil twins, I think it would be surprisingly long. As usual I'm drawing a blank on the new creative team, but at this point the bar is pretty low after King and Tomaki working their successive necromancy. As for the costume, I like ditching the MCU Captain Marvelish Jacket, but the crop top and the skirt, are two different examples of fan service that just don't mesh together well. At this point we've had to endure so many poorly written incarnations of Kara Zor that I'd happily see her in a medieval suit of armor if only the vibe was right and the character's core was respected. JF

Anonymous said...

After King's character assassination and Tamaki's babble, I can't trust a Supergirl solo project sight unseen. BTW, did anyone else understand even one panel of that Tamaki drivel? I have no idea what happened on panel at all.

Anj said...

Didn't understand that story at all. And yes, I guess I should be perpetually 'cautiously optimistic' with the character.

SG Fan said...

Haven't posted in a bit, but I'll say I'm cautiously optimistic seeing this. The stuff she says she enjoys about Supergirl, especially loving the CW Supergirl series is encouraging. As the stuff she named is all pretty positive in the portrays of Supergirl (the badness of SG movie not withstanding LOL). The new I'm glad she's got her cape back and not just copying the Captain Marvel (Carol) look. But like seems a bit like her previous costume before that, just with a bit of mid-drift showing. I don't hate it, don't love it. Hopefully we'll get some good stuff here.

Patrick Gerard said...

World's Finest seems to be the main source of Kara's current continuity backstory along with brief references in PKJ's Action.

She's a contemporary of Dick Grayson as Robin again and is recognized as having died in Crisis, with a public statue and everything. She also met Jon when he was a baby 12 years ago? Which is some time after the adventures we'd seen when she was 17 and Jon wasn't born yet.

WoT might fit in some form as backstory (it's centered on her 21st birthday and she'd certainly be older now as she's a year older than Dick Grayson). But I don't really see how the New 52 or Rebirth era stuff fit unless stray bits are shuffled around the DCU timeline.

It involves some handwaving to pretend she isn't at least 30 and she's generally portrayed as the older and more experienced compared to Power Girl. Although the big differences seem to be that Kara's a bit more perfectionist and maybe a bit more femme. (Although Power Girl has skewed weirdly heavy that direction so Supergirl being more femme basically puts her in Disney Adult levels of femme.)

Professor Feetlebaum said...

I'm happy that DC feels that there's a place for a Supergirl title in their lineup. Hope it's good, Campbell seems to be saying the right things.

Like the idea of a return to Midvale! Something I would like to see Campbell do is establish a supporting cast that will stick around.

Overall, I like the new costume. Happy to see the cape and the red skirt back again. On Artgerm's drawing, the "S" on the front looks New 52ish, but the symbol on the cape looks more like the traditional "S". And speaking of Artgerm, he mentions on his Instagram page that he will be doing six variant covers for this book. I assume he means the first six issues.

This all should be very interesting.

Anj said...

Thanks for continued comments.
Interesting to point out World's Finest as background (she did say the 'throw in an orphanage' line. That would seem to link to Midvale.
And yes, I also think it means Artgerm is doing the first 6 issue variants.