Monday, January 14, 2019

Review: Adventures of the Super Sons #6

Adventures of the Super Sons #6 came out last week and was a decent issue in this fun series. Writer Peter Tomasi has been having a fun time throwing the boys through the dustier, Bronzier corners of the DCU. With the usual insane interplay of Jon and Damian, these loosely held together adventures have been a trip.

This issue brings us to some of the more science fiction-y parts of an older DC Universe. And I am all for it. The two DC nods we get here are two little known and underutilized properties. So count me in.

But for me, this mini-series is starting to feel a little choppy in its approach. Since Tomasi is trying to tell one story that is spanning this whole title, rather than individual episodic plots, the story holding it all together are looking a bit frayed. We really are bouncing all over the place without the connective tissue to feel cohesive.

Scott Godlewski is on art this time and brings a Barberi-like style to the proceedings. At least that part still feels smooth.

We're halfway through. I hope this tightens up a bit the back half.

Last issue the boys jumped down a hole in the House of Mystery/Secrets analog, escaping the labyrinth but heading to someplace unknown.

It seems that the hole in the floor led to someplace else on the planet, or perhaps a completely new planet (I think it is hinted to be the former).

It is fun to see how the two boys react to suddenly being in an alien environment.

Damian is extra cautious. Unsure if food is poison, unsure if anyone is watching, he is skulking. That's Damian.

Jon is eating sweet fruit and chasing the native fauna. That's Jon.

It is this difference that fuels the book.

When the simple little chimp-like animal gets chased by a burlier looking beast, Jon finds himself trapped.

Jon, at least this Jon, is a fun-loving, sort of silly kid. When told he needs to make big noises to scare this thing away, he shouts a mix of odd references. Miley Cyrus? I guess. But the names of the Beatles? An SNL skit from the Eddie Murphy days? Seem sort of dated.

Regardless, it works and the thing runs off, leaving Jon, Damian, and the critter (who incessantly says hukka hukka) to sit around the campfire.

One of the things I have noted during my reviews of these guys is how slowly they are picking up each other's habits. So hearing Damian say 'hukka' as a joke before they hit the hay shows just how much he has morphed a bit.

An earlier Damian wouldn't joke.

The 'glue' of this story is how The Gang, the young alien versions of Justice League villains, is chasing down the sons.

Alas, Rex Luthor has once again tracked them down.

And once again, after forcing the boys to place power-dampening collars on, we hear how Rex says he will head to Earth, show Lex how it is done, and then kill Lex assuming the top dog position.

I have to say I am getting a little weary of this guy.

Before Rex can load the boys up on his ship, someone comes and knocks out Rex. It is Tommy Tomorrow!

A classic late 50s science fiction hero, first seen in Showcase, Tommy was one of the Planeteers.

But this Tommy isn't in a starched military uniform. He has a Superman cape, a Hawkman/Thanagarian harness, and a Batman utility belt. Is he a scavenger? Are these obtained from the weird doppelgangers in the House?

Whatever he is, he has more swagger than the Tommy Tomorrow I know from the Silver Age.

Maybe he is a bounty hunter? Or just a Planeteer tracking criminals?

He says that it was his 'miracle machine' which was powering the House. And since the boys destroyed it, they are criminals.

Even when Jon says everything that happened, Tomorrow doesn't believe it.

He really has a sort of Starlord feel to him.

And then we see where he is carting everyone ... Takron Galtos!

Ahhh, the prison planet of the Legion of Super-Heroes! For us Legion-starved fans, this is a big deal!

I also love Tommy's call signal. Twilight was a dystopian look at the DC Silver Age Sci-fi characters by Howard Chaykin and Jose Luis Garcia Lopez. 1959 is early in his career when he appeared in Action Comics.

So some nice bits, no doubt. But this book is starting to feel a little formulaic - brought to someplace new, mini-adventure, run into the Gang, get sent to someplace new.

Still, I better enjoy this book while I have it!

Overall grade: B


  1. "Before Rex can load the boys up on his ship, someone comes and knocks out Rex. It is Tommy Tomorrow!

    A classic late 50s science fiction hero, first seen in Showcase, Tommy was one of the Planeteers."

    And who was adopted thanks to Supergirl (in AC #255)!

    I know about Tommy's strips, but I confess I haven't read a lot of them.

    I'll agree the story is dragging on and I start getting tired of Tiny Lex and his delusions of grandeur. Original Lex is also an egomaniac, but his gigantic ego is more entertaining.

    For whatever reason, the boys' situation (lost in a jungle planet) brings to memory the Maelstrom mini. Luckily they didn't bump into any Darkseid's fangirls!

  2. Tommy had actually been around awhile prior to Showcase - he debuted in Real Fact Comics #6 way back in 1947, and later moved to Action Comics.

    Did you read Atari Force in the Eighties? That's where Hukka Hukka is from.

    I don't like this Tommy Tomorrow, he feels wrong, but I do like the Giffen vibe to his features.

    This definitely felt like a treading water issue, I actually got bored... and Rex Luthor has long outstayed his welcome.

  3. Thanks for comments!
    Forgot about Supergirl helping Tommy get adopted.
    And don't know enough about Atari Force to have caught the hukka hukka!

    Hoping Rex and the Gang don't stay for the whole 12 issues!

  4. Professor FeetlebaumJanuary 14, 2019 at 5:19 PM

    Well, it was nice of Supergirl to help Tommy Tomorrow get adopted. But then she owed him SOMETHING, since she took his spot (and his artist) in Action Comics.
