Thursday, October 5, 2017

Supergirl In Justice League Action

Last Saturday, Cartoon Network aired an episode of Justice League Action titled 'Forget Me Not'. It included this shot of Firestorm perusing the mission monitor board to see which Leaguers were in the headquarters.

Check out the team, twenty-four members deep!

But look closely ....

 There in the lower right hand corner, right next to Martian Manhunter is your favorite and mine, Supergirl!

Supergirl as a League member makes me very happy!

 And there is no doubt that is her. Here is the rough look at her Justice League Action appearance.

If anyone isn't watching Justice League Action you are missing out. It is a complete romp. It is a ton of fun. And it includes some pretty deep cuts in the DCU (e.g. Klarion, Felix Faust, Space Cabbie, etc).

Now all we need is to actually see her on the show!!!

Supergirl on the CW. Supergirl in DC Superherogirls. Supergirl in Justice League Action.

Seriously, I started this blog because I thought Kara wasn't getting the love she deserved. Now she is everywhere, finally respected!


  1. It was about time! Now we need a full-fledged appearance. And hopefully a good number of appearances and scenes.

    "If anyone isn't watching Justice League Action you are missing out. It is a complete romp. It is a ton of fun. And it includes some pretty deep cuts in the DCU (e.g. Klarion, Felix Faust, Space Cabbie, etc)."

    It's a bit of harmless fun. Sorts of a current "Super Friends" series.

    "Seriously, I started this blog because I thought Kara wasn't getting the love she deserved. Now she is everywhere, finally respected!"

    I'd love believing that, but I have the feeling she's still generally regarded as an uninteresting gender-swapped Superman that never made anything notheworthy except dying.

    Maybe I'll change my mind when she's a regular Leaguer and Legionnaire. Or when she teams-up with Batgirl and Wonder Woman every so often. Or when she shows up in most of animated and live-action alternate universes. Or when people stop to assume she has not her own Rogue's Gallery.

    But I admit we're living a Golden Age in comparision with the "The One Must Be Not Named" years or even the 2004-2008 era when Kara enjoyed plenty of exposure but her own book was awful.

    I can't wait to see her in JL Action!

  2. I read somewhere...that a voice artist was apended to the character, but the name escapes me....but JL Action is a stone hoot from start to finish, proof positive that you can shoe-horn a good show into a fifteen minute time slot. I couldn't be happier if this ended up being her multimedia team affiliation, hopefully that'll inspire someone to put her on a team in the floppies.


  3. Joanne Spracklen. The tweet is more than a year old, so plans may have changed (a few dozen times).


  4. I'm really enjoying Justice League Action. I'm not too sure about Kara's design in it though. It feels like she will be shallow and snarky from her design. I hope I'm wrong.

    I saw on toonzone there were rumors of Kara appearing in the shorts before she appears in the series, so keep your eyes open on youtube.

  5. Thanks for comments.
    The young heroes on the show have all been a bit silly and very ambitious and zealous. I wouldn't mind a more serious Kara as a foil.

    Hopefully soon!
