Wednesday, October 4, 2017

DC Icons Action Figure

I recently purchased the DC Icons Supergirl figure based on the Rebirth Supergirl costume update.

This is a very fun figure with the standard multiple sites of articulation and great sculpt. But this one also has the added fun of interchangeable parts including 3 sets of hands and two heads, one sporting blasting heat vision.

The packaging is clean showcasing the figure nicely.

And the figure itself is very nice. There is a serious look on the face, consistent with the action pose and fists I chose. I like the pleats of the skirt and the look of the boots as well, high enough to almost resemble leggings.

Here is a look from the side to give a better sense of the scuplt including the overhang of the hair and to give a better view of the articulation points. I very much like how the cape attaches at the shoulders here as well.

And then the standard view from the back to let you look at the cape ruffles and the hair detail.

I also like the inclusion of the Kara-specific S-shield on the cape. The cape should (in my opinion) never be plain red.

Now the above pictures have the figure on an old stand I have from a prior figure.

But this figure came with this clear, angled stand. It gives you the impression of Kara floating. You can pose her in more of a flying position if you want.

For me, this was a true delight. I have started to realize that I need levels for my collection on my shelves and this raised stand is a perfect solution.

Given the overall resemblance to the show costume, the figure went on the shelf with those collectibles. You can see her in the middle, to the right of the main statue.

And a closer look.

This was a nice piece to add to my collection. I like the Rebirth look so I was glad to see it in figure form.


  1. A very cool-looking figure. I like the bright colors.

    Given the number of Post-Crisis SG statues I wonder if that Kara was more popular than her successors.

  2. Professor FeetlebaumOctober 4, 2017 at 4:28 PM

    It's a nice figure with that Veronica Lake hairstyle. I suspect we'll be seeing more figures in the rebirth costume.

    I don't think the post crisis Kara is necessarily more popular. Going by comics sales, the Post Crisis versions might be considered less popular, as comics in the '60s sold in six figures (if the Statement of Ownership numbers published back then were accurate). Marvel cancelled X-Men in the late '60s with a circulation of over 200,000 because of poor sales. Of course most comics were sold via newsstands , drug stores etc. in those pre-comic shop days.

    We're seeing more action figures and statues of Supergirl and other characters these days because the market for such things has really taken off in the last few years. Who would have thought that companies like Sideshow would be producing 400 dollar statues of comic book super heroes, and that adult collectors would be buying and displaying them? Back in the Post Crisis era that would have been inconceivable.

  3. Professor FeetlebaumOctober 4, 2017 at 5:25 PM

    Correction to the previous comment. I should have written "Back in the PRE-CRISIS ERA that would have been inconceivable".

  4. "I don't think the post crisis Kara is necessarily more popular. Going by comics sales, the Post Crisis versions might be considered less popular, as comics in the '60s sold in six figures (if the Statement of Ownership numbers published back then were accurate)."

    I meant the Post-Crisis Kara seems to be more popular than the Post-Flashpoint Kara. Here is my first comment:

    " I wonder if that Kara was more popular than her successors."

    Obviously, the Pre-Crisis Kara was more popular, especiall in the 60's.

    "We're seeing more action figures and statues of Supergirl and other characters these days because the market for such things has really taken off in the last few years."

    Yes, and that's good. Comic sales may be low, but as soon as DC keeps making money off of the character through other means (toys, games, cartoons, merchandising...) they will not try to get rid of her again.

  5. Professor FeetlebaumOctober 6, 2017 at 1:32 AM

    To Anonymous: I understand your comment now. I took "Post Crisis" to be a reference to ALL incarnations after the Crisis: Matrix, the Michael Turner version, New 52 and Rebirth.

    Having the comics supported by the merchandising and all is like the tail wagging the dog, but if that's the way its got to be, let it be. And you're right. Supergirl will be around. Even her own publisher couldn't finish her off.
