Friday, November 12, 2010

Poll Results: Optimism Or Pessimism?

The day after I posted my Optimism/Pessimism poll on this blog I regretted it.

Should I really be pessimistic about where Supergirl is as a character right now? Was it that I had felt so spoiled these last couple of years when the character was starring in great stories, featured on TV and in the movies, and having statues, shirts, and action figures made of her, that any change was scary? Were the dwindling sales of the main title ... did the changing of the creative team on the title ... did those things really justify me feeling so glum?

Or was this a natural feeling?  At times, I did feel like the other shoe was about to drop ... that things were suddenly going off the tracks for my favorite character right when I felt she was finally in a great place. Unfortunately, I have felt this way before.

Well, I guess other fans than me are feeling the same way. First off, let me thank the 74 people who voted in this poll, my most popular poll on this blog to date. I can't thank the folks that come here enough. It is the community here that keeps me posting.

If this poll is an accurate measurement of the Supergirl fanbase's feelings, we are clearly conflicted. The vote was nearly 50/50 as to whether there should be optimism or pessimism over Supergirl. (And I am not suggesting that 74 people voting has enough statistical power to make any sweeping statements about any group's feelings. Still, 74 people might be a decent focus group size.)

Since I posted the poll, Nick Spencer has done several interviews and has said a lot of the right things about the character that all sounded great. Blog friend Saranga talked to Bernard Chang at a recent con (here is that link: ) and he also said good things. I think the main title is going to be okay. I can remember feeling the same way after reading some of Sterling Gates first interviews about Supergirl. That the creators 'got' Supergirl. I feel more optimistic.

Anyways, the poll was too close to call I think, although optimism won by a whisker. So I think we are collectively nervous.

So I thought I would review some times when maybe I had more reason to be pessimistic as a way of putting the current time in better perspective.

1987: In the post-Crisis world, there was no Supergirl

1989: Matrix Supergirl believes she is Superman, goes crazy, flees Earth

1992: Matrix Supergirl brainwashed by Brainiac into becoming a villain

1993: Duped into falling in love with Lex Luthor, uses her shape-changing powers to become more 'pleasing forms' for him in the bedroom

2003: Linda Danvers abandons her Supergirl name and goes 'underground'; title cancelled

2004-7: Supergirl comes back as an angsty hard-edged young woman with no heroic tendencies, attacks the JLA, attacks the Titans, attacks Power Girl, attacks the Outsiders, attacks Superboy. Goes on a rebel mission in Candor with Power Girl. Gets goosed by her evil cousin. Gets mind controlled by Saturn Queen. Attacks Power Girl again. Abandons mission in Candor. Attacks Batgirl. Then it is revealed that she and her father gunned down her high school class. Oh, and she was sent to Earth to kill Superman.

See, there were tougher times than this! Sheesh, no wonder we have a pessimistic streak in us as a fanbase. And that's only the post-Crisis time. And these are off the top of my head.

One thing I can say, I think DC now understands the value of Supergirl as a character. And this really is a high point in terms of exposure and strength of character. Maybe I should run this poll again after the new year. Maybe we'll all feel better.

Thanks again to everyone who voted.


  1. As someone who voted pessimistic I also have to say that when things are changing, as they're doing now with the writing and art, pessimism is the easy response. Comics in general seem to go off-track when there's a writer change. Established direction jarringly shifts, long-term plots are simply abandoned, and character arcs go poof.

    Like or dislike Gates stories (I do, but I'm not a statistical universe) he was consistent in his characterization of Kara and was beginning to bring her back to being a hero. He put down some good foundations, established a direction, started building a supporting cast, and was leaving enough hints around about where he was taking things that I was enjoying the ride in spite of New Krypton (that's a rant for another time.) So I was pessimistic, and now I'm guardedly optimistic after reading the Sterling interview and picking up a copy of Morning Glories. He's got good writing chops and gets the character.

    And thanks for the 2004-7 paragraph. I could never state what was so wrong for so long about the writing on this title so succinctly. It has nothing to do with how's she's dressed, and everything to do with how she's written.

    (Going to get an OpenID so I can stop being Anonymous)

  2. Where it concerns the New Krypton, Year Without Superman, and related story lines in the Superman and Supergirl series and the DC Universe. In my view, it was simply messing the Superman and Supergirl myths waaaayy too much. Maybe it seemed like a great idea when they planned and plotted it out, maybe their sales were good for while. But I noticed how little is talked about it now that it's done and gone amongst the fans. When it's done right the fans will talk about it for a long, long time.

    I'm just not hearing it out there in my local comics shop nor on the blogs and forums I visit on a regular basis. It's like when you throw a stone on the water and it makes ripples for a long time. In this case several rocks were thrown into the water and no waves happened, no fan buzz.

    Supergirl and her series made a big splash and there were waves for months after New Krypton's demise that other DC titles lacked.

  3. Part of the problem for me is that most of the characters they spent time trying to get me to care about in the NK series are now dead. And you're right, they messed with the mythos way too much. One of the big differentiators between Clark and Kara was that Krypton was always a distant ideal for Clark, while it's destruction and the death of everyone she knew was a recent and horrifying event for Kara. Good writing draws contrasts between characters instead of eliminating them. Now Clark is off on a walk being angsty about what happened, when he should be thinking to himself, "Oh crap, my 17 year old cousin just saw everyone she knows, and her parents, die in front of her eyes for a second time. Maybe I should talk to her, after all she's the teenager and I'm the adult. Maybe I should act like it."

    If Sterling picks up on this, if the "cast of guest stars" he talks about includes one or more of her friends like Cassie showing up to offer a shoulder, it might draw some of the readers of those comics in on a more permanent basis than the big event stuff does.

  4. Comics in general seem to go off-track when there's a writer change. Established direction jarringly shifts, long-term plots are simply abandoned, and character arcs go poof.

    Thanks for the post.

    I think that was one of the things that Gates/Igle did right. They acknowledged everything that happened before, no matter how ugly.

    I do hope that Spencer recognizes the foundation that exists in the title now and builds on it rather than wiping the slate clean.

  5. Maybe it seemed like a great idea when they planned and plotted it out, maybe their sales were good for while. But I noticed how little is talked about it now that it's done and gone amongst the fans. When it's done right the fans will talk about it for a long, long time.

    You are right in that it seems like DC wants to put New Krypton behind them. There is no talk. And only Supergirl has a title has been dealing with the fallout of what happened.

  6. If Sterling picks up on this, if the "cast of guest stars" he talks about includes one or more of her friends like Cassie showing up to offer a shoulder, it might draw some of the readers of those comics in on a more permanent basis than the big event stuff does.

    I think you mean Spencer. And yes, I hope that these guest stars aren't there simply to be guest stars. I hope that they are natural extensions of the story and that we get to see how each relates to Kara.

  7. Anj wrote:
    "1992: Matrix Supergirl brainwashed by Brainiac into becoming a villain"

    That is a cool cover despite the story. I just realized that "Panic in the Sky" is also title of the JLU episode where Supergirl defeated Galetea up in the Watchtower.

    "2004-7: Supergirl comes back as an angsty hard-edged young woman with no heroic tendencies, attacks the JLA, attacks the Titans, attacks Power Girl, attacks the Outsiders, attacks Superboy. Goes on a rebel mission in Candor with Power Girl. Gets goosed by her evil cousin. Gets mind controlled by Saturn Queen. Attacks Power Girl again. Abandons mission in Candor. Attacks Batgirl. Then it is revealed that she and her father gunned down her high school class. Oh, and she was sent to Earth to kill Superman."

    Excellent summary Anj!
    It does highlight the need for a Supergirl/Power Girl team issue where they can mend fences and exhibit their big sister/little sister relationship I have heard of, but hardly see. Perhaps Kara can use her Science Guild expertise to earn a summer internship at Starr Ware?

  8. I voted pessemistic, but the poll itself serves a larger purpose than just assessing the numbers it is a means to serve notice on DC that we are watching and are engaged with the character's fate.
    This is in general a good thing, irrespective of what the happy-sad percentages may be.
    One of the reasons that all the NK fallout dropped into the Supergirl book is because it is the best written and most emotionally accessible of the Super titles. Have Superman deal with the emotional aftermath of the catastrophe seems a waste, giving Supergirl two cosmic disasters to survive that is pure dramatic gold.
    John Feer

  9. I just miss Linda Danvers, dammit! They need a good writer for her 'cuz they screwed her over in RIH.

  10. I just miss Linda Danvers, dammit! They need a good writer for her 'cuz they screwed her over in RIH.

    Too true. She was screwed in RiH. And I would love to see her again.

  11. Great and succinct summaries, Anj. I couldn't have said it any better myself, especially of what went wrong with the character during that 2004-2007 period. What a hot mess that was!! And you're right, Sterling and Gates, didn't just gloss over it. Oh sure, they gave it a very simplistic, almost deux ex machina, explanation (the kryptonite poisoning), but at least it was touched upon and explained so we could all then move on.

    And I said this before while New Krypton was going on, but it definitely dragged out WAY too long. That was almost a 2-3 year storyline when you add it all up.

    I have to admit I am aprehensive about the direction this book will now take. Sterling and Gates seemed to be the first ones in a long time to really "get" Kara and do her justice. I would really like to know why they're off the book. I just can't believe either one of them would willingly ask off the book, but I guess that really happened. We just have to hope for the best and at least give this new team a chance.

    I want to continue seeing Gates' story outlines lead the way, since that sounds like it seems to be the game plan...for now. I want to see the supporting cast continue to get fleshed out. I really hope the Linda Lang ID isn't done away with, especially since we really haven't seen very much of her. We'll just have to wait and see.

    And on a bit of a tangent note, Anj, I thought you would appreciate this. On last night's Smallville, it was revealed at the end that Tess Mercer is none other than Lena Luthor!! We see a flashback of Lionel dropping her off at an orphanage and then we flash forward to Tess looking at her birth certificate, which says her name is Lutessa Lena Luthor. I just wanted to mention that. I know I got a kick out of it.

  12. And I said this before while New Krypton was going on, but it definitely dragged out WAY too long. That was almost a 2-3 year storyline when you add it all up.

    I agree that I think it went on a bit long. It also seemed to be wrapped up too quickly. Can I contradict myself like that? It just felt like DC felt it needed to be ended so 'poof', it was done. I liked War of the Supermen, but it felt rushed.

    I really hope the Linda Lang ID isn't done away with, especially since we really haven't seen very much of her. We'll just have to wait and see.

    I'm with you. I want Linda to stick around.

    And on a bit of a tangent note, Anj, I thought you would appreciate this. On last night's Smallville, it was revealed at the end that Tess Mercer is none other than Lena Luthor!!

    I saw that too! Granny Goodness, the Female Furies, and Lena Luthor all in one episode. Smallville is really putting the pedal down!

  13. I voted pessemistic, but the poll itself serves a larger purpose than just assessing the numbers it is a means to serve notice on DC that we are watching and are engaged with the character's fate.
    This is in general a good thing, irrespective of what the happy-sad percentages may be.

    That's a good way to put it. I bet some people were conflicted as to which way to vote. But it does show we care.

  14. I think you mean Spencer.

    Sigh... yes, that's what I meant. Fingers faster than brain, apparently.

    Bizarro Anonymous: "Me am not going to press Preview next time!"

  15. "I voted pessemistic, but the poll itself serves a larger purpose than just assessing the numbers it is a means to serve notice on DC that we are watching and are engaged with the character's fate.
    This is in general a good thing, irrespective of what the happy-sad percentages may be.

    That's a good way to put it. I bet some people were conflicted as to which way to vote. But it does show we care."

    I hope DC takes notice! ^_^-ealperin
