Sunday, May 24, 2009

Even More August Solicits

I already reviewed the supertitles and Codename:Patriot issues coming out in August. But the truth is there are other issues that will impact Supergirl as well. Since we all are going to need to start saving up for the summer, I figure I would post these as well.

Written by James Robinson
Art and cover Mauro Cascioli
The team continues its proactive hunt for justice as the trail leads to an army of Super-Villains. But the big bad may be deadlier than all of the new team combined... Continuing the anticipated 6-part miniseries event from James Robinson (STARMAN, SUPERMAN) and rising star artist Mauro Cascioli (TRIALS OF SHAZAM)!

A proactive hunt that leads to an army of super-villains? Robinson on a team title with a character named Starman. Lush Cascioli art.

While my excitement for this has diminished over the year it has taken to come out, I still think it will be a fun ride. I think that seeing Supergirl in a team book with veterans like GL and GA should be very interesting. And my guess is, as a proactive team, we are going to see a very tough Supergirl putting the hurt on some bad guys.

WEDNESDAY COMICS, DC’s spectacular 12-issue weekly series, continues to offer a comics experience unlike any other this August. In its second month, don’t miss the action in these continuing features:
• SUPERGIRL attempts to deal with Streaky and Krypto gone bad in a story written by Jimmy Palmiotti (JONAH HEX) with art by Amanda Conner (POWER GIRL).
• SUPERMAN questions his heroic mission while on a trip to Smallville in a story written by John Arcudi (The Mask) with art by Lee Bermejo (JOKER).

All the stories and teams in Wednesday Comics are fantastic. But the super-teams in particular are very strong. I can't wait to see Bermejo's art.

And Palmiotti and Conner on a super-pet story should be an unbelievably fun ride.

I am very excited about this weekly.

Written by James Robinson
Art and cover by Eddy Barrows & Ruy Jose
Variant cover by Shane Davis & Sandra Hope

Black Lantern Superman has unearthed Pa Kent's grave! But that's only the beginning of the horrifying things he's about to unleash on an unsuspecting Smallville. Discover the demented evil of BLACKEST NIGHT in this 3-issue miniseries from writer James Robinson (SUPERMAN, STARMAN) and artist Eddy Barrows (TEEN TITANS, ACTION COMICS)!

Well, at least we know where Eddy Barrows is! I can't wait to see his art here.

But I, for one, feel bad for Kal-L. I thought it was completely appropriate that he was the final hero in Crisis on Infinite Earths. That was so fitting. So I cringed when he was brought back as a dupe in Infinite Crisis only to die all over again.

And now he is being brought back as a zombie Black Lantern.

I don't know. I am sure it will be a good story. But we already had the perfect ending in COIE.

So between Blackest Night, Wednesday Comics, Justice League, and Codename:Patriot, August is going to be crammed with Supergirl goodies.


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one disturbed by the fact that Kal-L is being brought back as a seemingly villainous Black Lantern. I completely agree with the sentiment that he walked off the stage a hero in Crisis on Infinite Earths, making the ultimate sacrifice. I too cringed at his death in Infinite Crisis, but at least he still died a hero.

    I feel Kal-L has a sacredness to him that should never ever be tarnished. If I remember correctly from reading the COIE hardcover (or Absolute Edition, I forget), that was the whole point of having Kal-L, Lois, Alex Luthor, and Superboy-Prime not die at the end of COIE - that because those characters had a certain sacredness, they were allowed to survive and simply walk off the stage as heroes.

    To this day, this fact makes me disappointed at Kal-L being brought back as a dupe, and Alex and Superboy-Prime being brought back as villains. To have a group of heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice be brought back as evil or simply stupid is unforgivable to me. This is why I hope Superboy-Prime is redeemed. This is also why I was VERY disturbed by the image of Kal-L as a Black Lantern and then even further disturbed to see the solicit for that issue to include the wording "But that's only the beginning of the horrifying things he's about to unleash on an unsuspecting Smallville." Kal-L as the original superhero and the first Superman who inspired all the rest and who made the ultimate sacrifice should NOT end up a villian. It would just be so very wrong.

  2. Is Silver Age Kara going to show up as a Black Lantern?

    I hope not.

  3. HEAR, HEAR, Jason!

    Gene I hope not too... however IF it means that she comes back through the means of the recently rumored by Geoff Johns WHITE Lanterns (who's supposedly meant to RESTORE a hero or villain back to there living, breathing selves proper) then I'm all for it. :D

    I'd more then settle for having back E-2 Superman and E-1 Supergirl at the end of the day if their to be rightfully returned to the Pre-COIE E-2 and 1 respectively where those Earths IGNORE the actual COIE mega event from ever occurring all together it'd be a honorable gesture to their longtime fans on DC's end. ;)

  4. Kal-L as the original superhero and the first Superman who inspired all the rest and who made the ultimate sacrifice should NOT end up a villian. It would just be so very wrong..

    I am glad *I* am not alone in feeling bad about Kal-L succumbing to the 'push the envelope' nature of comics now.

    I guess we can only hope that it turns out tolerable and not some cringe-worthy mess.

  5. Is Silver Age Kara going to show up as a Black Lantern?

    I hope not.

    Thanks for the post.

    In theory she still has 'never existed'. No body means no body to rise.

    So the question is will a Supergirl character rise from the dead? Zor-El?
