Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Scott Wegener Commission

The Boston Comic-con was on Sunday and, as usual, it was a fun time. The guests of honor were Bernie Wrightson (Swamp Thing fame) and Peter Laird (TMNT fame). But there were plenty of other artists there, including one of my new favorites Scott Wegener.

I was able to get this great commission of Supergirl, striking a heroic and friendly pose with Wegener's signature character, Atomic Robo. What a fun commission ... my first 2 character commission with Kara.

I briefly talked about Atomic Robo on this blog before. It is a great comic produced by Red 5 comics, written by Brian Clevinger, and primarily drawn by Wegener.

Robo is a sentient robot brought to life by Nikola Tesla in the 20's and granted citizenship by the US government during WW2. The stories in the first mini-series ranged from some World War 2 combat missions, to the Korean War, to stranger adventures involving walking pyramids and giant ants, etc.

Robo works with 'Action Scientists' and they are called in to face these crazy threats. The first mini-series was great fun and reminded me of times when comics did not need an undercurrent of grimness. The adventures are fun with outright humor. It has a feel of Indiana Jones and early sci-fi. The comic was good enough to be nominated for an Eisner Award last year for 'Best Limited Series'.

The second mini-series is titled 'Dogs of War' and takes place again in WW2, as Robo helps the army stop some experimental German walking tanks.

Clevinger's plots are great and his dialogue is right on the money. When it needs to be serious, it is serious. You can't have a beachhead invasion be all fun and games. But when it needs some humor, that's there too.

Wegener has a pretty distinct style; I get a hint of early Ted McKeever sometimes.

Robo is one of the titles I just really look forward to each month. The first mini was collected in a trade and available on-line. As for the 'Dogs of War', I highly recommend it. Definitely look for it in your local comic book store or ask for it if you don't see it. It is really a wonderful comic.

And I just love that commission. It is a really nice addition to my collection.


  1. it's a fun one:)... like the celebrity shots that fans get when a star comes by... *thumbs up*

  2. lol! Agreed now that you mention it, heath edwards! :)

    Anj, sincerely happy to hear you had a blast at this particular con in general at that among getting the truly cute commission piece bro! :D

    P.S.: anj:

    this is rather a tad wee bit off topic here but I was wondering if you might ever kindly consider adding a fan-art section to your kick-butt blog for us fans who want to showcase our art honoring/depicting all things Supergirl, Superman, basically anything Super related really? Y'see, I actually specify in the Bruce Timm JLU Animated art style (as well as a Teen Titans animated art character design Supergirl and Superman piece too) and have done character designs of Supergirl, Superman and other Super related stuff that I would love to have you your as well as others feed back on ah.

    Anyways, just thought i'd ask is all.

    Sincere thanks in advance man! :)

  3. it's a fun one:)... like the celebrity shots that fans get when a star comes by... *thumbs up*

    He does seem a bit star struck. I would probably do the same thing if I met Supergirl.

  4. this is rather a tad wee bit off topic here but I was wondering if you might ever kindly consider adding a fan-art section to your kick-butt blog for us fans who want to showcase our art honoring/depicting all things Supergirl, Superman, basically anything Super related really?

    Thanks for post.

    To be honest, I don't think I would know how to set it up. Great idea though!

  5. That's a cool commissions ! thank you for sharing. I have only read Midknight from Red5, may read Robo in the near future.

  6. anj said... To be honest, I don't think I would know how to set it up. Great idea though!

    Hmmm, how about you have us email you our pieces and then you can post them in a special Fan-Art section on this here blog itself?

    But what do you think though? :/
