Friday, September 20, 2024

Review: Superman #18

Superman #18 came out this week, another Absolute Power tie-in and a decent issue from the creative team of writer Joshua Williamson and artist Jamal Campbell.

I very much enjoyed the last issue as it had enough solid character moments from all the title's players. I am not reading Absolute Power, so that issue was in the story but also was a showing for the supporting cast. 

This issue, Williamson again has some solid character moments but not as many and not as memorable as last issue. Also, the actual story that is in this issue felt like an unnecessary detour. Did anything really happen here? Do we get a good Lois/Superman moment? We also get a Zatanna moment that didn't ring true. And the introduction of a character that seems like an afterthought or the genesis of a toy. 

Campbell continues to shine with an elaborate art style. He shines a bit on the pages where Superman and Zatanna are traveling magical pathways. And his super-hero action in the Hall of Heroes was also eye-catching.

But I feel like this was a pause in things more than an addition. I wonder if this needed to happen to keep the title in synch with Absolute Power. After all, Doomsday is back next month.

On to the book.

Last issue ended with Superman and Zatanna in a magical bar to try and find the Map of Mordru. Neron shows up and says he'll give it to the heroes for a price.

As I said above, Williamson's take on Zatanna is interesting as he leans into a darker edge to Zee. Here he has Neron taunt Zatanna that she has touched so much dark magic she is practically damned.

It was an interesting read for me, an idea I hadn't thought about. Has Zatanna been playing with fire?

Neron will give the map to Superman. But he wants Superman, the pinnacle of honesty, to tell a lie. 

I did like how Superman turns the tables. Saying that he will lie for Neron is a lie. He won't. It satisfies the deal. 

Cute moment and probably the best moment of the book. Kudos to Superman for thinking quickly and outfoxing the devil.

Meanwhile, Lex, Lena, Lois, and the gang head to the Fortress to discover it has been destroyed.

I have liked how Lois has taken it on herself to enter this battle. She has donned a Lex-o-suit.

But I really liked this small moment where she laments the loss of the Fortress. Yes, it was his place (and she is probably mourning it for him) but it was also their place. 

Even this panel set-up, from above, Lois looking small amid the wreckage, showing the devastation, is a nice touch.

And then two scenes that didn't work too well for me.

First, we see Superman and Zatanna using the Mordru Map to find the hidden paths. It turns out the map drains energy from the user to show the paths. Normally it is magic energy but since Zatanna is powerless it is her life force. It is an interesting visual choice for Campbell to have the map markings appear on Zee.

But it is this conversation that reads wrong. Zee has no friends? She is alone except for John Constantine? She only has magic in her life?

That seems wrong. Like, real wrong. At least to me. Is there something in her recent history that I don't know. 

The map leads to the Hall of Heroes, a satellite with access to the bleed, the multiverse corridor. Dr. Light is up there. And she says that they have been unable to use to bleed to get other heroes because Amanda Waller put someone there.

It is a Batman/Superman/GL fusion (a la World's Finest #4) from Earth-3 called Konfusion. At least, it looks like that amalgamation. But it uses Yellow Energy and a Sinestro Corps sigil on his shoulder. And some sort of Joker-style graffiti on the face. Even when asked, Konfusion seems to deny that it is an Ultraman/Owlman mix. 

I am not reading Absolute Power. Was this known before this? Could no one take this guy out?

Thee heroes have to get out of there. They are powerless and Konfusion is a threat.

Zatanna is almost dead so Superman has to use the map. 

I like that Superman does his best to build up Zatanna given her recent comments of being alone. And it allows Superman to face his fear of magic as well. 

But all this stuff to get to the Map of Mordru led them to Hall of Heroes then back to Earth. This trip didn't really need to be made from a story sense. So the character moments really need to be excellent without a meaningful plot to prop it up. They come close.

Superman's heart takes them to the Fortress where we get a nice moment of Superman hugging Lois. For now, he loves magic. Great splash by Campbell.

Then the heroes split up to fly off and fight Amanda Waller. 

Off to the end of Absolute Power.

I liked this issue but it seemed like none of this mini-storyline of the Mordru Map in the end seemed to matter. A still powerless Superman is on Earth to fight Amanda Waller. No complaints with the art or the character moments at all. 

Overall grade: C+

1 comment:

Martin Gray said...

Great review, even if we do disagree on the odd point. I was actually good with the Zee bit, we see so little of her private life that I could believe she’s a bit lonely. For one thing, when we see her with a female superhero she’s usually fighting them for the men (Supergirl, Vixen…).

We can likely No Prize/Baldy it all away by saying she was infected with a spot of despair by Neron.

And I do think this side story was pretty useful in that the shadow entries and exits are needed in the Absolute Power main story.

Konfusion hasn’t appeared in the main book, but it did appear on a splash page at the end of a pre-event story, unnamed. Konfusion… Kon-El fused with someone or other ?