Wednesday, September 25, 2024

DC Solicits - December 2024

The DC Comics solicits for December 2024 were released last week and I have to say, for me it feels like things are looking up for DC and I am saying that with almost no interest in the Absolute Universe. Here is a link to read everything:

DC has some stuff that I talked about last month (New Gods, an Alex Segura Question comic) that sounds very interesting. And the super-comics seem to be picking up some momentum.

This month is another month of Action Comics being weekly so there is a lot to cover. Mark Waid is doing a Phantom Zone story with Clayton Henry with Mariko Tamaki and Skylar Patridge doing a Supergirl back-up. Incredibly, the Tamaki story solicits sound like there will be action and not just moping. We will see. 

Moreover, Supergirl is all over the Action Comics covers, especially Action Comics #1078 where she is on all the variants. 

So let's dive in! 

Action Comics #1078
Variant covers by SWEENEY BOO and MIKEL JANÍN
1:25 variant cover by A.L. KAPLAN
Artist Spotlight variant cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA

Two worlds in peril; only one can be saved. Teaming with his fellow Justice Leaguer, Mr. Terrific, to defend against Aethyr’s deadly machinations, the Man of Steel is left on the defensive and out of options. Superman must choose which realm to save: Earth or the Phantom Zone!

Plus, Supergirl falls under the spell of Koncept!

I have talked about my love of Aethyr. I like that there seems to be some sort of universal threat. The family falling from the sky on the cover makes me wonder if somehow the yellow sun is impacted by the shenanigans. 

As for Supergirl, she fights someone named Koncept. We met Konfusion in Superman #18.  Now Koncept? It sounds like maybe Conner has been re-cloned and made evil? 

Action Comics #1079
1:25 variant cover by FICO OSSIO

Prison break! In a last-ditch attempt to save both the Earth and the Phantom Zone from certain annihilation, Superman has been knocked for a loop and is only just now regaining consciousness. But what’s that in the distance? The tiny silhouettes of every single Phantom Zone prisoner freed and heading straight for him? Uh oh…

Plus, the true villain behind Supergirl’s mission reveals himself!

This cover with Aethyr clutching the sun does make me think something about the yellow sun rays is going to be altered here. I can't wait to see how deep into the Phantom Zone bench Mark Waid goes. Get ready to see all the baddies. Please let us get some Shyla Kor-Onn!

And the Supergirl tease is a little interesting. Who is the true villain? I am getting ready to take my anti-nausea medicine because I am putting all my chips that Tamaki reveals Krem (from Woman of Tomorrow) as the villain putting him back in the spotlight. I am hoping I am wrong.

Action Comics #1080
Variant covers by MARK SPEARS and MARIO FOCCILLO
1:25 variant cover by FICO OSSIO

Brawl of the Super-Men!

As the Phantom Zone prisoners rain down upon our heroes, only the House of El stands in their way…and Superman will not go down without a fight! It’s the brawl to end all super-brawls in this penultimate chapter of the Action Comics weekly!

Plus, Supergirl makes a final appeal with hopes of saving the universe.

Superman Family against Phantom Zone villains! I'm ready. Hope Waid treats Kara like the field general that Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Joshua Williamson have. 

Action Comics #1081
Variant covers by MARK SPEARS and DAVID TALASKI
1:25 variant cover by FICO OSSIO

It’s all led to this! As the final battle between Aethyr’s forces and the heroes of Earth reaches its climax, the Phantom Zone is changed forever…altered from the ground up and ready for new prisoners. But who of the super family will be amongst them? It’s the shocking finale to the Action Comics weekly, and you’re going to have to read it to believe it!

Plus, Kara’s perilous journey home begins!

All right. A Super-Family member potentially heading into the Zone? Who do we think? Eradicator as a warden? Kon-El because no one knows what to do with him?

Superman #21
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art and cover by Dan Mora
Variant covers by Jessica Fong, Dave Johnson, and Chris Samnee
DC Winter Wonderland variant by Chrissie Zullo
1:25 variant cover by David Lapham

Following Doomsday’s fiery attack on Metropolis, Clark and Lois realize they have been so busy saving the world that they haven’t had time together, so they plan an epic date night! What could go wrong? Well, for starters, a massive alien armada is bearing down on Earth looking for revenge against…SUPERMAN?! What secret has Clark not told Lois about the future?

Lots to cover here.

Onre, the cover reminded me of Adventure Comics #2 in a way. There also is something very All-Star Superman about this to.

As for the solicit, if the Doomsday arc is so short that it is already done I'll be happy! I wonder if Williamson is bringing in a known alien race to attack Superman out of revenge. Trying to think of someone recent. The Synmar Utopica race? 

And what secret??
Batman/Superman World’s Finest #34
Written by MARK WAID
Cover by DAN MORA
Artist Spotlight variant cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA
1:25 variant cover by VASCO GEORGIEV

The Super-Pets have gone berserk, Metropolis and Gotham City stand on the verge of ruin, and the world’s only hope is…the Batgirl/Olsen team? It’s a comedy of terrors as—wait, is that a flying monkey in a red cape…?

It looks like we have another rest issue between arcs here. That means the Eclipso story will only be 4 issues, not 5!

Batgirl teaming up with Jimmy! I love it. We have seen how great Waid handles the Kara from this else-when. So I am looking forward to reading his Babs. And Super-pets?? Sounds like we'll see Beppo! But will we see Streaky??

Justice League Unlimited #2
Written by Mark Waid
Art and cover by Dan Mora
Variant covers by Simone Di Meo, Mike Deodato Jr., Ariel Colón, and Derrick Chew
1:25 variant cover by Dave Wilkins
1:50 variant cover by Lucas Meyer
RAISED UV foil variant cover by Fico Ossio

As the Justice League grapples with the ramifications of the Atom Project, a strange alert brings the team to the jungles of South America…and a horrific discovery. Can the elite Justice League strike force save a village from total slaughter? Plus...the mystery of the Darkseid heir deepens, and dissension in the ranks forces Batman’s hand.

I think this is a super-special variant showing basically the DCU. But anytime Supergirl is a dominant figure on a Justice League cover, I have to showcase it!

A lot of plot threads for only the second issue which makes me think Mark Waid has a lot percolating in his mind. And already dissension in the ranks? I wonder if Batman makes a sub-team to work Outside the JLU missions.

Superwoman Special #1
Art and cover by EDWIN GALMON
1:25 variant cover by MARK SPEARS
Foil variant cover by EDWIN GALMON

The amazing story of how Daily Planet Editor-in-Chief Lois Lane got superpowers and became Superwoman is finally told. What does it mean for the matriarch of the Super family to fly alongside her family and friends? And how long will these powers last? And who wants these powers for themselves?! Guest starring the Atom, Mister Terrific, Supergirl, and Silver Banshee!

Who did she get powers? 

However it happened, I hope they don't last long. Lois is a hero enough in her journalism role. I don't need her throwing haymakers as well.

Absolute Superman #2
Written by Jason Aaron
Art and cover by Rafa Sandoval
Variant covers by Mahmud Asrar and Mateus Manhanini
1:25 variant cover by Sanford Greene
1:50 variant cover by Mahmud Asrar

The Lazarus Corporation sent their most battle-hardened crew of Peacemakers to locate the mysterious fugitive interfering with their mining operations—but they weren’t expecting one motor-mouthed, iron-willed woman to be the one to finally get the cuffs onto him!

I figure I owe this book at least 6 issues to see what it is trying to do. I suppose Superman dealing with mining operations is a throwback to Action Comics #3 where that populist Superman dealt with unsafe mining conditions. Perhaps Aaron wants Absolute Superman to be looking out for the common man against the common social problems?

And a motor-mouthed, iron-willed woman? Think it is the Absolute Lois?

Anyways, I am excited for all these books.

What do you think?


Steve said...

Does anyone else think that Superwoman sounds wrong in a way that Superboy, Supergirl, and Superman don't? I think it's woman being two syllables. Since Batwoman doesn't hit wrong, I think the two parts of alter ego names like this can't have both parts be multisyllabic. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Regarding the above comment about multisyllabic names: there's Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Silver Surfer, Spider-Woman, Professor X, Captain Marvel...

I think it's simply because "Superwoman", comparatively speaking, has barely been used, so we're not used to it like those others.

On a different subject: I can't be the only one who loathes the jacket costumes worn by the Superfamily. They're now all dressed as '90s Kon-El or Rogue - and newsflash, but though iconic, it was never a good look.

William Ashley Vaughan said...

I don't mind the jackets. At least they have color and don't clash with the uniforms underneath. If you want to see really bad jacket costumes, take a look at what the Legion of Superheroes was wearing in the last year or so of Paul Levitz' second run on the title. Anj, I'm not as sure as you are that Krem will be the ultimate villain of the new Supergirl story. I bailed on Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow after the first issue, but he always struck me as more a henchman or pirate leader type, not the orchestrator of a cosmic conspiracy. On the other hand, given how badly Mariko Tamaki botched the Supergirl Special, I can't rule it out entirely. I'm looking forward to the new Justice League title and love that Supergirl is the second most prominent figure on the cover you spotlighted. Maybe Waid noticed how well she worked with the League in JLA vs. Kong vs.. Godzilla.

Anj said...

I asked Waid if Kara would be in the new JLU and he sort of hedged answering. I didn't take it as a good thing.

This Supergirl jacket look is oddly growing on me.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that somewhat bugs me about the jacket version of their costumes, is why would people who get their powers from sunlight keep covering themselves up so much? At least have short sleeves.

Anonymous said...

I had high hopes for World's Finest, but it turns out Waid has mostly ignored Supergirl. I don't know what happens in Absolute Power #4, but Waid wrote her out of the event in Absolute Power #1, so she's appeared in no tie-in nor in the main series. There seemed to be some mistake in #1- Diana says Kal said she was off-planet, but later she seems to be in the background of one panel, on the floor an apparently already knocked out. Maybe that was an art or coloring error. Maybe the dialog was added later to explain her absence and the art error was missed. Maybe it was never a mistake and she will have an impact on the event in #4, but so far she's been non-existent.

I'm looking forward to Waid's Justice League Unlimited. Note typo - you wrote Justice League United above, which was Jeff Lemire's team (featuring Supergirl!).


Anj said...

I kept my ear to the ground to see if Kara was in Absolute Power. So another reason I'm glad to stay away.

And thanks for pointing out JLU mistake. Corrected

control-a2z said...

Wowow!, I'm speechless

Jfeer said...

I'm a Notorious "No" on the Superwindbreaker, (why do any of them need it unless they feel a need to model their own merch like a bunch of C-List Celebrities), and in particular the jacket makes Kara look a lot like MCU Captain Marvel for some intangible reason. After the embarrassing botch Mariko Tomaki made of the Supergirl One Off Special all I can say is, I hope she got her desire to write a Power Girl Special, OUT of her system...but I fear it's a forlorn hope. JF

Anonymous said...

I'm going to lay down an early bet that the solicits for Waid's last issue on the Action Comics weekly are foreshadowing how the Supertwins are going to get written out of continuity. Dumping them in the Phantom Zone is a fairly easy way to dispose of them without literally killing them, which based on Philip Kennedy Johnson's comments is something DC's editorial side seems to feel a bit uncomfortable about doing due to how dark the optics of killing pre-pubescent kids would be relative to the content and tone they want for mainstream Superman related books. As to why I think the twins are the ones who will get left in the zone, it's because their departure from continuity at this point seems like it's basically a given. They've made almost no appearances anywhere since PKJ left Action Comics, and it seems like nobody at DC other than him has any inclination to include them in a story. They also don't seem to have caught on much with the fandom, nor has DC made any effort to try to up their visibility or market them since the beginning of this year. More broadly, it also seems like a lot of people feel the current Superfamily is too big and unwieldy to portray effectively as a whole, and thus needs to get slimmed down to be able to write effective stories about them.

As the most recent and least established additions to the family, the twins arguably the most expendable. Clark and Lois definitely aren't going anywhere because they're the core of the family, and at this point Kara also has a sufficiently big fanbase and prominence within the DCU that she won't get axed (for people who want to point to COIE #7 as a counter, I'll simply say that in the contemporary era it seems like DC's writers, editors, and fans have realized that she's more than "Superman with tits" and thus likely wouldn't be dismissed as casually as she was back in the 80's). Joshua Williamson's seems to have a predilection for Conner based on the way the character's been used throughout his run on Superman, and therefore probably wants to keep him in play for future stories there. Jon has been prominently featured in a lot of stories and seems to have enough interest from writers, editors, and fans to also not get axed. Between her presence in Leah Williams ongoing Power Girl series as well as the reboot of JSA it also seems like PG is set to remain part of the DCU. That really leaves the twins, Kenan, and John Henry and Natasha Irons as the most likely people to get dropped. It's definitely conceivable that those characters could get dropped in the zone in addition to or instead of the twins, and it might also be the case that the twins don't get dropped or that one of the other Superfamily members who seems to have a solid case for staying in the DCU gets dropped instead.

On balance though, while the twins getting dropped in the zone or leaving continuity in some other way isn't a given, it just seems way more likely than not at this point. I hope I'm wrong. I like the twins a lot and I believe there's a ton of storytelling potential they can bring to the table. At this point though, between DC's history of fairly quickly writing off any kids Clark and Lois have other than Jon as well as the lack of interest in them from editors, writers, and fans it just doesn't seem like they'll stick around and that sending them to the zone is a neat way of wrapping up their presence in the DCU.

Beyond that, I have no idea whether Streaky will appear in World's Finest #34, but if you do want an interesting story featuring him you should check out the latest issue of Batman: The Brave and the Bold since it features an interesting story about him teaming up with Constantine to fight against necromantic phenomena.

Anj said...

Sad but great thought about the twins.
I bet you're right.