Monday, October 5, 2015

DC Superhero Girls Now Live

A couple of months ago we saw the first visions of DC Super Hero Girls, a new website, cartoon, and toy line promoting the female superheroes in the DCU. The initial look had the flavor of Monster High or My Little Pony Canterlot Girls. But there was a nice mix of characters and personalities which made me happy.

Well producer Shea Fontana announced that the website is now more alive and it is worth peeking at:

Not only do you get to meet the characters again but there are games and pictures there now as well. One of the games is a sort of horizontal Temple Run, a way to grab coins and avoid traps. You start as Wonder Woman and can unlock BumbleBee and Supergirl later.

There is also a personality quiz. Turns out I am most like Wonder Woman.

To further promote things, there is an article on USA Today with a brief video: 

I love the discussion with Geoff Johns talking about the essence of the characters. This picture seemed to capture it for me. And I can only hope we have a great Batgirl/Supergirl friendship here.

And the introductory video, looking at SuperHero School was a blast. The student body is pretty deep in DC heroes including Killer Frost, Black Orchid, Mary Marvel, Beast Boy, and Hawk and Dove.

Thanks to blog friend Uncle Screensaver, I saw this pic of the toy run based on the show.  Something else for the shrine?

This whole thing feels like win!


  1. I'm all for any reasonably conceived "all ages" content with Supergirl in the mix....but those sneakers...ugh.


  2. Now if we can get some Zatanna in there it would be perfect!

  3. Oh John! I love the chuck taylors on Kara.

    And Tim, who is to say she won't show up. That crowd shot shows lots of people. I'd love Zatanna there as well!

  4. "A-Dork-able Newbie," huh? :) Taking cues from Melissa B's description of the
    character from the tv series? Will have to check this out more, and happy that
    this has moved forward. Let's see what DC lets them do with it.


  5. Thanks and you're welcome!

    I also didn't get Supergirl, but after Bumblebee, Wonder Woman, Bumblebee and Wonder Woman again, I finally got Supergirl. My brother took the quiz and instantly got Kara, which amused him.

    Also, going through the "Meet the girls", there's a new description of Kara, naming her "The Kind One." It also details that "she doesn't quite know how to control her powers, she has super strength and isn't afraid to use it, and that she is optimistic, full of positivity and always has words of encouragement for her friends."

    As for the shoes, I didn't like them at first, but now I like them. It's kind of an update to the kicks she had when she was in her riot grrl animated look. Furthermore, they've stated that they wanted all the costumes to look good but be easy for kids to cosplay with and be comfortable doing so. I think that's great also because if youth don't have the creative ability or just don't have the money to make something look the regular official costumes, they don't have to feel bad. They can put on t-shirt and some chucks and be good to go.

    Also, of note is the backgrounder Elastigirl whose body shape doesn't conform to the main "fashion doll" characters. Hopefully we'll see some diversity in the show as well as in the toys.

    I hope Canada gets these the same time as in the US as we can be half a year or longer getting Monster High and Ever After High. In addition, I do hope we will see male dolls. It would have been cool if they had gone with "Super Hero High" instead of DC Super Hero Girls," but oh well, I hope parents will embrace this and that it can be marketed to any gender. Certainly girls need female role models, but boys should be allowed to have those same heroes as their role models also. And, with female and male characters, it would really be a great toy line and cartoon that isn't afraid to have girls and boys play with the same things. To this day I will get grief that as a male I should like SuperMAN but NOT SuperGIRL, which is just ridiculous.

  6. Dc super friends and batman unlimited are the boys version of dc super hero girls. Teen titans go are for both gender.
    so they got 2 for boys, 1 for girls and 1 for both.

    I got tons of little girl cousins under 10, if a product not targeting them and they think something is for boys they wont even bother. Plus if its just "super hero high" it will automatically end up in the boys section. Toys merch in the store are gender segregated.

    Its nice that the girls got s superhero line for them selves.
