Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Supergirl Shrine Revamped

It has been too long since I last showcased my Supergirl collection here on the site.

There are a few reasons for this. The old shelves I had for the collection were too small to accommodate the collection so it seemed overly cluttered and unappealing. I also moved a bit ago and with the lack of adequate shelf space, I left some things unpacked.

Just before the holidays, I was lucky enough to obtain some new bookshelves. This one big enough to showcase the whole thing!

Turns out I have a lot of Supergirl stuff, the efforts of decades of collecting. This is a 'first go' at the arrangement and I think it works out well but let me know your thoughts. 

But I am very happy with these new shelves!

The top shelf is an interesting mix of over-sized figure and mini-figures. 

Some of these statues are so big that they could only go on this shelf. In particular, the middle statue of Bronze Age Kara is enormous. I liked interspersing the smaller figurines around the large statues.

I wanted the drinking glasses to all be on the same shelf and there was room so I added them last.

The movie card collection finishes off the shelf.

The second shelf didn't have a lot of height which dictated what was going to go on it more than anything else.

It is a fun, if random, set of figures, including some mini-figures which couldn't fit on the top shelf.

A few of my faves are here including the mini-statue based on Gary Frank's work on the PAD series over on the far right.

A bit more height and depth here so I was able to put in some taller figures including the ArtGerm Supergirl statue. With that anchoring this shelf, I thought I could bundle all the DCAU white shirt collecton here. The left side is a bit of a hodge podge but love that Adam Hughes flying statue.

The next to bottom shelf became the 'action figure' shelf. 

I didn't realize how many figures I have.

Love the 'Welcome to Midvale' sign. I have an odd fondness for the 'Flamebird' figure from that 3 issue arc decades ago. 

Fun shelf.

The bottom shelf has the most depth which meant the Action Comics #252 statue had to go here. A bit of a shame as I'd love for that to be more celebrated. Same story for the Crisis #7 statue. 

Given the height and depth on this shelf I was able to place a bunch of statues with wide bases together.

Again, there isn't really a unifying theme to the shelf but it seems to flow well. 

So that is the collection.

I must say that on these shelves with this much space to breathe, it is pretty impressive. Even the 'normies' in my life have thought it pretty cool.


  1. Oh well done, what a great collection. If I could have just one it would be the Bronze Age Kara in pic one.

  2. Professor FeetlebaumJanuary 15, 2025 at 4:55 PM

    I agree with Martin, it's a great collection. Or as Tony the Tiger would say, a "Grrrrrrrrrrrreat collection!

    You might have to do some rearranging. There's a new DC Covergirls statue designed by J. Scott Campbell coming out from McFarlane Toys later this year, and a Supergirl and Streaky statue from Iron Studios, also due out in 2025. Big Bad Toy Store has these up on their site, if you're interested.

    I see that Adam Hughes Cover Girls statue is leaning severely to the left. I read on Statue Forum that that's a common problem with that figure, because the rod that attaches her to the base only extends as far up as her ankle. A rod extending all the way up her leg would have made the figure more stable.

    I wish there were more figures in the Bronze Age costume.

  3. Yes, that Hughes one just keeps becoming more and more horizontal. Pity.

    Dont think I;ll get the Campbell one but that Streaky one is delightful! Too cute!

  4. I regret to this day not buying that Supergirl Tweeterhead statue with the Donna Troy piece I purchased, when it was offered. It's so expensive now. What a great collection!

  5. One white-shirt action figure on the fourth shelf would look better moved up one, I think. I don't see anything obvious to move back down, though. In general, you have put a lot of thought into this new arrangement.

  6. That Hughes model should be an easy fix for any competent minis hobbyist, whether they just convert and paint or actually play games. You must know somebody who could yank the original rod, drill a deeper socket, and run a length of brass rod or steel wire into its place for better support and reinforcement. Touching up the paint around the replacement afterward would be trivial.

    Anyone who built one of those big old metal dragon kits from the 80s knows how to do this kind of reinforcement, and working with what, resin? PVC? is way easier than the ambiguously-named white metal of the old days, much less the lead-free stuff that came in during the 90s. Just find yourself a minis modeler/gamer and ask if they can help - unless you're fussed about messing with the value as a collectable. As an old minis surgeon I never let anything like that stop me, but to each their own. :)
