Friday, July 19, 2024

Review: Superman #16

Superman #16
came out this week, an Absolute Power tie-in and the first issue post-'House of Brainiac'. It re-unites writer Joshua Williamson with the original artist on the title Jamal Campbell. Not surprising, it is a fun read with beautiful art.

I am not collecting Absolute Power. The concept of Amanda Waller somehow depowering all the heroes and taking control of the planet was completely uninteresting to me. It seems these days I collect every other 'DC Event'. Lazarus Planet yes. Beast World no. Absolute Power no. All In ... probably.

This issue actually is just what a tie-in/crossover should be. It is clearly an issue of Superman, telling its own story. But it is clearly taking place in the Absolute Power big story. As such, Williamson gives me enough info to get me up to speed as a non-reader of the event. Even more impressive, he hints at something that happened in Absolute Power that made me want check out that book. As I said ... impressive. If only there was one of those little editor boxes that might have led me to which of the books I should look. Without that info, the yearning dissipated.

The plot is simple. The heroes are in disarray and trying to get coordinated. Superman is in critical condition. Zatanna has an idea that can help everyone. Meanwhile, the Metropolis gang try to stay alive. It all works well. But there are smaller moments from the supporting characters that really are the high points here, showing how Williamson is working with a full cast and keeping me interested in all of them.

As for Campbell, his art is as polished as ever. I love his take on Zatanna. We get a Smallville flashback that is wonderful. He even makes amnestic Lex seem fresh, like a new character ... which in some ways he is.

Solid issue. Solid crossover. No complaints. On to the particulars.

We start with a flashback to young Clark putting on a magic show for the Kents. Given that Zatanna is a guest star, it is a nice little bit.

For me, I love Ma's comment on the cape. Perhaps this is the first time he has put on a cape? Or her compliment stuck with him and made him want to wear one when he became a hero? 

I love Campbell's art here, from young Clark's pride and showmanship. I love Ma's giddiness and Pa's 'when will this be done' patience. 

These scenes build a character's history and deepen things. I like it when we see stuff like this.

Turns out these are being played out in Clark's mind while he is under anesthesia being operated on. 

Superman was shot (I saw this in the Absolute Power previews) and Dr. Mid-Nite and Mr. Terrific are trying to save his life.

It's a small moment but rang very true to me. Mr. Terrific has to stay calm despite the pressure. If you lose your cool in these moments, bad stuff happens. 

Martial law is in place. There is a curfew and vigilantes and metahumans are being rounded up.

Powerless, Zatanna is confronted by Waller's military squad. Usually we flash back and see Zatara teaching Bruce things. Here we see Bruce did the same with Z. She actually uses some fighting techniques to hold her own.

I don't need Zatanna to be a street level brawler. But I like that she learned a thing or two from Bruce when they were young. 

And Campbell's Zatanna is as beautiful as you'd expect. 

Before Zatanna can be overwhelmed by numbers, Mercy Graves shows up and scoops her, bringing her to the safety of the Fortress.

She has been rescuing as many people as she can. We see those she has been able to get to. It's not many and there aren't many powerhouses here (even if everyone is powerless). 

There is an odd page of Blue Beetle accusing Red Tornado of being a mole. It does not ring true to Ted. It isn't even funny. That was the low point.

Turns out Superman survived surgery and is well enough in his restoration black suit (shades of Reign!) to be up and about. 

One of the themes of this title has been Lex turning over a new leaf. What I liked best in this issue is seeing how Superman has been an inspiration for Mercy. She tirelessly has been out there trying to grab as many heroes as she can. And here she breaks down for not being able to save Jon. 

This is the power of Superman, making someone like Mercy turn to the light. This is the power of Superman, hugging her and telling her he knows she did her best.

But here is where I perked up. We haven't seen Jon in forever. Did we see him in Absolute Power? If there was an editor's box that said 'To see what happened to Jon, check out Absolute Power #X', I might have bought it! With so many titles and one-shots for this story and without knowing were to see Jon's story, the feeling faded.

So close to getting my money DC! So close ...

Zatanna hopes that she can find the Map of Mordru which shows 'dark way' paths that the heroes can use to travel the globe safely, rescuing heroes and fighting Waller.

Since Superman has died and was nearly just dead, he can help her find the darker magic of the map.

We just saw the Legion in Justice Society. Now a Mordru mention. Hope this means we get an LSH book soon.

As for this maguffin, why hasn't she found it before this. Wouldn't it be helpful all the time? I suppose I can roll with it. Should be fun to see Zatanna and Superman team-up on a side adventure.

In Metropolis, the other members of the book are heading to SuperCorp to try and find some tech they could use. They also hope the sights will trigger memories in mind-wiped Lex.

I like that Jimmy, Lena, Siobhan, and Lex remain active members in the book. Even hearing Jimmy and Siobhan talk about how much they care for each other reminded me they are a couple.

But the big news here for me was bearded Lex! He still has no memories. So giving him this ginger beard feels right. He isn't the Lex we knew. And the Lex we knew would never have a beard. It is a subtle little addition that speaks volumes.

The Peacemaker and Lady Peacemaker and Waller goons show up to round up our heroes. In particular, Waller wants Lex.

So who swoops in to save the day? An armored Lois!

We have seen these suits in SuperCorp since the book started. Lois wouldn't be one to just sit back and watch the world be destroyed. This makes sense. And it is a solid cliffhanger.

So overall, not a bad issue for what it was, an event crossover. But this is what crossovers should be ... solid enough to stand on their own but enmeshed enough to bolster the event they are in.

Overall grade: B


  1. Great review, what a terrific issue. I live when the supporting cast is used properly, and am surprised at how much I’m enjoying Mercy. I do hope her good side is going to stick (whatever happened to Luthor’s other female sidekick?).

    I know you know now what’s happened to Jon, with luck it’ll loop into this book… please God don’t let him be shifted to another universe after this event as Absolute Superman. Just de-age him, already!

    And yes to some ongoing Legion action. I see the full DC solicits for October are out today, off for a read!

  2. So the solicits tell us that the Time Trapper will be making an appearance this fall. HAS to mean Legion soon, right?

  3. Nice review. Personally, I think you should give the opening of Absolute Power a try, and if you like what you get continue following it. Like you, I wasn't into the idea of Amanda Waller one upping all the heroes on the planet and depowering most of them, but I have to say that the execution of the concept has actually been pretty good so far in spite of that. To be clear, I'm referring to the core books in the event, not the tie ins. So far Absolute Power #1 had the typical high quality I would expect from a Waid/Mora collaboration, while Ground Zero did a solid job of explaining how Waller assembled her forces. From the latter, I found the way she coopted the Brainiac Queen to be particularly striking as it gave a lot of depth to that character and Waller while doing a very solid job of bridging the gap between House of Brainiac and Absolute Power. Task Force VII might also be worth picking up, because it does flesh out a lot of the ramifications of Waller's behavior that helps to set up her eventual downfall, while providing a nice tour of how various parts of the DCU are responding to her regime. If nothing else, so far it pulled off the striking feat of getting Leah Williams to write a legitimately decent story for Billy and Mary Marvel, so it might also be worth following as a way of seeing how different writers and artists handle characters they aren't necessarily associated with.

    Aside from that, this issue was fine but mostly felt like it was just a bridge to get to the next step of the event. What I'm really interested in regarding all of this is how the rest of the Superfamily will react to Waller using Jon, what the fate of the other family members are, and how they eventually get to Lois being able to take on the role the October solicits and previews have indicated she'll have after this. The second point is probably the one I'm most interested, because I wouldn't be surprised if the event is used as an excuse to slim down the family, which would make sense given that it seems like a lot of writers and fans have a feeling that the family's size has made it unwieldy. It would be a shame if that happened since I think the Kenan and the twins would probably be first on the chopping block due to their newness and low profile in recent stories, and all of those characters - particularly the twins - do add a lot to the family dynamic. Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't shake the feeling that at least one of them will end up being shuffled off stage during this, particularly since that would help bolster solicits' and previews' promises of a radical change for the Superfamily's makeup.

    Finally, two unconnected notes on all this. One, I think it's interesting that Jon's apparent fate as a cybernetically brainwashed superpowered drone for a megalomaniacal tyrant seems very similar to what's been done with Kara in My Adventures with Superman. It reenforces my belief that there was definitely some creative cross pollination between the show and the set up for this event, possibly at the behest of people higher up on DC's editorial and managerial side or possibly as a coincidental case of the writers just happening to influence each other. I'll be curious to see if Waller ends up using Jon for mass murder the way Kara has been on My Adventures with Superman.

    Second, it's been indicated that aside from going weekly, starting in October Action Comics will also feature a Supergirl story by Mariko Tamaki and Skyler Patridge - the team behind last year's Supergirl Special. Despite thinking the special was mediocre, I'm cautiously optimistic that it could work since Tamaki has a solid track record and did a good job with Supergirl: Being Super. I would be curious though to learn if you have any thoughts on that development given your own views and experience. Thanks again for the review, and I'll be interested to see further thoughts from you on where Superfamily related stuff goes during Absolute Power.

  4. Thanks for comments!

    I'll be commenting on the latest DC initiative on Monday.

    I have seen what is up with Jon. Interesting development. I'll probably be following Absolute Power from a distance.
