Wednesday, June 5, 2024

My Adventures With Superman S2, Episodes 1-2

Imagine my surprise to turn on Max the other day and find three episodes of My Adventures of Superman lined up to watch. 

I didn't really cover the first season of the show, a sort of anime-fueled, update to the Superman legend. I definitely found the relationship between Lois and Clark to be the core of the show. The addition of Supergirl to this season made me particularly interested.

How would Supergirl be portrayed? What will her story be? Show runner Josie Campbell has treated Kara and Mary Marvel pretty well in both animated features and comics. So I have faith even if early images show an angry Supergirl.

Regardless, any time Kara crosses over into other media, I am thrilled. 

But there is always a little worry. 

So let's see what has happened in these first two episodes from a Supergirl-centric look.

It starts with an expansionist Krypton, an empire that stretched out over the stars until an enemy came to the planet and the Kryptonian force was defeated.

Based on what I see, I have to believe it is Brainiac.

With defeat and world destruction about to happen, desperate scientists rocketed their boy off world. One-eyed action scientist Jor-El is a new look. But no doubt fans have seen this view before.

They never intended for Kal to be alone. 

They wanted to send Kal away with his cousin.

Now it was Jeph Loeb and Michael Turner who first had Kara be alive at the time when Kal was rocketed off. So I assumed we were headed that way - the teen Kara sent to babysit and protect.

I had to suppress a giggle when I heard the words Zor-El and Kara said. 

I still don't believe I live in a world where we have seen Supergirl all over the place in media but it still feels magical.

But then ... my mind was blown.

This is a baby Kara. She looks about the same age as Kal!

In the Silver Age, she was born years after Kal on Argo City.

In the current DC, she was a teenager when Krypton exploded, rocketed with Kal to act as a babysitter and protector. Her rocket was thrown off course and she remained in suspended animation.

So this take on Supergirl, one similar in age to Kal, is brand new. Wonder how this will play out.

A.I. Jor-El tells Kal that the communication beacon that could find Kara's ship has been destroyed but another exists. 

Superman breaks into and Amanda Waller stronghold to rescue Lois' father who has been kidnapped by her. 

As luck would have it, given her penchant for utilizing Kryptonian tech, she has a Kryptonian ship in her possession, one with another communication beacon. He can find Kara.

But first a decent brawl with a solid take on the Atomic Skull.

And a young Lex Luthor, complete with a luscious mop of hair, joins the bad guys. 

This season kicked off to a solid start with a ton of action and intrigue.

But baby Kara?? That's icing on the cake. A new origin for Supergirl! A new take!

I'll be watching and reporting here!


  1. So it's actually heavily implied that the Kryptonians made the brilliant decision to invade Apokolips. There's a cut away just before this I think that shows a planet that looks a great deal like it, and another scene that suggests Omega beams. Braniac in this show was/is a Kryptonian AI.

  2. Well that's a dumb idea!

    Thanks for the info!

  3. I'm liking this cartoon, I like that you're reviewing the episodes.

    By the way, have you seen this cover?

    I admit I'm curious about your opinion on this image. And I admit that I found it interesting how she doesn't have all of her clothes, which is interesting that she doesn't have the look from the reboot

  4. I wonder if they are gonna do a whole "Symbioship" style origin for Supergirl (raised in a virtual reality environment a'la Power Girl's Bronze Age Origin? I will have to wait for my answer here, since I don't subscribe to the captioned VOD platform :)

