Monday, January 1, 2024

Review: Justice League Vs Godzilla Vs Kong #3

Happy New Year! Hard to believe it's 2024!

And what better way to ring in a new year than with a fun comic which prominently features Supergirl!

Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong #3 came out a couple of weeks ago, the third chapter in what has been an extremely fun series. Writer Brian Buccellato and artist Christian Duce have really been bringing high action and high fun to the series. This is set in some alternate DCU with Lois not married to Clark which means anything can happen, everything is possible. It also means that Buccellato can amp up the kaijus' powers to impact our heroes. Heck, the fact the kaijus are around because a magic stone means their powers are easily malleable. 

In this issue, the unheard of seems to happen. Superman dies. As we have seen in this series already, Supergirl is ready to pick up the gauntlet and become *THE* hero of this DCU. Kara is everywhere in this book, taking out monsters and rallying the troops. And I have to wonder if there is a Crisis on Infinite Earths reference going on here as well. If you like Supergirl (and if you are here you probably do) you need to buy this book.

The overall plot moves forward as our heroes split up to protect the world from the monsters. We also get some progression with some unknown presence trying to unite the kaijus into some force. Seeing a number of heroes struggling against the monsters upped the ante. 

Duce brings a very slick art style to the proceedings. In particular, his take on the giant creatures is dead on perfect. His Supergirl is strong and confident. The action sequences are great. No complaints there.

On to the particulars. Pop the popcorn.

A giant spider/octopus/Lovecraftian is in Central City, attacking Iron Heights and, at the same time, destroying the jail letting the prisoners escape. 

On comes The Flash and Green Lantern to fight this thing. 

Last issue, we saw that Superman was vulnerable to Godzilla's atomic breath. That adds suspense. That adds risk.

Here we see that this kaiju (and sorry if I don't know this thing's name if it has one) has some type of noxious emission, toxic to Flash and slowing him down.

The Flash versus a giant spider? Should be a quick fight. Flash versus a monster that can affect his powers, slowing him down? More interesting.

I'll allow it. This is Elseworlds.

Who shows up to take out the villains and help the Flash?

Supergirl, who blasts them with super-breath and helps the Scarlet Speedster mop up while she takes on the kaiju with GL. 

But then this moment. In the middle of the fight, Supergirl no longer hears Superman's heartbeat.

She leaves the fight to the others. She has to help her cousin.

I find this little fact ... that Supergirl always has an ear out for Kal's heartbeat ... is pretty interesting. She has lost a lot. She probably would do anything to keep her cousin, one of the last remnants of her planet, alive. 

Now I know that I always look at things through a Supergirl lens.

But Supergirl hearing Superman in trouble and rushing to his aid reminded me very much of the legendary Crisis on Infinite Earths #7. In that, she hears Superman in pain and takes off to help her cousin fight the Anti-Monitor.

Why not ask the writer if I am overthinking things.

Apparently I'm not overthinking things!

This time I was right!

In Metropolis, Atom Smasher has no luck in stopping the giant lizard.

The Supergirl arrives, Billy turns into Captain Marvelagain, and the two punch out Godzilla. 

So fantastic.

It is subtle but I love the sound effect balloons. The Captain's is a smooth KRAK. Kara's is much more jagged, perhaps implying hers was a bit more vicious. 

Great page! 

Supergirl punching out Godzilla! Who thought we'd ever see it!!

With Godzilla temporarily taken out, Supergirl is able to attend to her currently pulseless cousin. 

She tells Kendra to take him to the Fortress and she'll take it from there.

Love the steely look in her eyes in that last panel. 

But shouldn't she try to revive her cousin here? Or has she already decided he is dead for good?

We head the Themyscira where a truly fun scene plays out. I really like Wonder Woman. But I LOVE Donna Troy.

The two unite, using their lassos to sort of ride this mammoth, using the lassos like reins. The tow are able to turn this thing away. I love it when Donna and Diana work together. And Duce draws them so wonderfully.

But then, a new plotline. This mammoth monster turns itself around and walks off. It is being called away by something.

With Kal off for care (or burial?), Supergirl heads back to Central City. There, using heat vision and strength and the help of The Flash and Green Lantern, she turns it into the sea.

But the news is out. Superman is dead.

Nice pull back panel at the end. With Superman dead, these heroes feel small.

I told you that Supergirl was everywhere in this book.

Green Arrow is trying to stay alive on Skull Island when who should arrive? Supergirl!

Last time a Supergirl seemed to be in multiple places at once, one of them was a White Martian in Dark Knights of Steel. I don't think we have that sort of chicanery here. But still .. Metropolis to Central City to Skull Island! She is blipping about.

My favorite panel in the book is that second one. Supergirl is a beautiful blonde. Of course, Kong is going to be smitten, hoping to hold her. Look at the deep look on his face. It makes sense given his history!

Her response? She punches him in the face!

Supergirl punching Kong in the face! Who thought we'd ever see it!!

It is very clear after reading three issues, Supergirl is going to be a huge part of this book if not the star.

In Gotham, a sonic cry bat-creature has been subdued. 

But now we know that it isn't just the mammoth being drawn away. All the kaijus are being drawn to someone.

Who is it? Luthor? Grodd? Toyman??

This is such a fun book giving me a crossover of properties I love and one that I never thought I'd see.  So how could I not love it! Add to that an in charge leader Supergirl laying the smack down and what isn't to love.

One thing that I have complained about in comics recently is that they aren't many that are fun. This comic is tons of fun. 

Overall grade: B+


  1. My only complaint in this book is that DC apparently only licensed Kong and Godzilla (granted they ARE A-List Apex Predator Kaiju)...I'd a loved to see Supergirl communing with Mothra or tying Ghidorah's three heads in a knot.
    Small quibble though.
    My only other observation is that Supergirl seems to take her cousin's seeming death very much in stride...maybe its something she'd had to emotionally prepare for, maybe she has a plan to revive him. Which would be hella ironic given that when SHE died in 1985, all Kousin Kal did was weep, wail and bury her in the sun.
    Like I said Ironic...nonetheless this is a great read, so far Supergirl is being used to advantage and for once, is written as Superman's only logical successor...I've been waiting to see that play out since 1968!

  2. William Ashley VaughanJanuary 1, 2024 at 3:25 PM

    I think that we don't see Supergirl mourning Kal for two reasons. First, based on what she tells Hawkgirl to do with the body, I think she has a plan for reviving him, possibly by the same method that was used after his first battle with Doomsday. Second, this emergency has her zipping all over the planet coordinating the JLA and fighting Kaiju-three in one issue. She doesn't have time to be emotional. I am loving this series, especially Kara teaming with Captain Marvel to take down Godzilla.

  3. John (somewhere in England)January 1, 2024 at 3:59 PM

    This may be an alternate DCU, but Supergirl uses the same phrase - "I've got this" - as she uses in World's Finest 8 when talking to Superman about Boy Thunder. A nice little bit of consistency in a very good issue.


  4. WOW! What a cliffhanger! Even better than the last issue.

    I vote for Kal and Kara rehearsing this exact scenario beforehand.
    Being super, maybe they did it for real, trusting the other to
    bring them out of it. Kara seemed a little too "matter-of-fact" with
    Hawkgirl about it.

    Is Kandor available yet? Perhaps there's a scientific solution.

    There's the Dreamstone. Magic started this, perhaps magic will end it?

    How about time travel, like in the first Superman movie, in spite
    of the Butterfly Effect, making this probably the most dangerous answer?

    In any case, I think this was designed to keep us in suspense. It's
    certainly accomplished that objective. I haven't felt this way about
    a character since Spock died in the Star Trek 2 movie so long ago.

    I look forward to a wild resolution, whenever that may be.

  5. Never thought my Godzilla Fandom would cross with my Supergirl love, and I can bring that nerd knowledge to use :)

    If you're curious, the spider monster is Scylla and the mammoth guy Behemoth. Both our Legendary monsters created for Godzilla King of the Monsters 2019, as another commentor pointed out, Legendary only has licenses for so many Toho Kaiju so they created a bunch of original monsters to expand their 'Titans' roster. Though based on what Lex finds at the end of the issue we'll likely see another Toho staple.

    Onto Supergirl thoughts, really love Kara being a leader and central part of this series :) Love her look, confidence, and way she interacts with the other League members. I'd say her seeming lack of grief for Clark is due to her having a plan plus we of course know Supes isn't down for the count for this series. But her concern for him and flying to go see what happened was on point. Also, dug how Batman was like 'no, he's not dead!' But yeah, Kara not having any time for Kong's crushing, was great :)

    Overall as a Godzilla and Supergirl fan, enjoying this so far.
