Monday, May 8, 2023

Supergirl Hype Reel

The Flash movie is coming out in under two months from now. The second trailer hit a while ago, really showcasing the two multiverse co-stars of Batman (played by Michael Keaton) and Supergirl (played by Sasha Calle). 

Now I have to admit, I have grabbed me. This movie looks great. And Calle looks awesome in the suit. She says her name is Kara, so that puts her in as Supergirl. The short dark hair makes her the Clark analogue in this Flashpoint universe. She looks all the hero, wading right into battle and reminding people that the symbol she wears means hope.

I mean it sincerely ... I want this movie to succeed. I need this movie to be great.

I think because the guest stars have sort of dominated the trailer and the fan zeitgeist (well, mostly Keaton as Batman saying some very Keaton Batman lines), DC has decided to recognize and celebrate our favorite Supergirl.

So last week a Supergirl hype reel was put together and released by DC. Here is the link:

And some comments.

The reel is just under a minute, perfect snack viewing during a busy day. And I like that it truly plays up the multimedia aspect of the character as we see all the live action versions, the Injustice video game, and a few of the animated projects she is in. I was sort of surprised we didn't see any of the Timm-verse Kara (although I may have blinked and missed it).

I wish they could have snuck in some comic covers just to remind folks that she exists in that medium too. 

Is there a chance that the movie will bring Supergirl back into the public conscience in a way that DC decides she merits her own stories again? I mean the Action Comics anthology is right there. While I hope the movie is successful, please don't mess with the blond nature of Kara. That is comics history there.

But I won't begrudge the minor quibbles. This is a hype reel for my favorite character. People should be hyped about her. And the tweet about the reel linked to the 'learn about Supergirl' page on the comic app so maybe folks will explore there too.

Here is that link:

What did you all think?


  1. Interesting. I wonder why DC made it so fixedly phone-shaped.

  2. It is definitely a blink-and-miss moment, but DCAU Supergirl shows up around the 0:45 mark. She is wearing her Justice League United costume.

  3. I'll admit, if it wasn't for Supergirl in this movie, I'd not see it on my own. But I'm hoping Sasha does well in the role and yeah can sort of make more people excited about Supergirl again. Nice of DC to tweet that vid of Kara in her many forms. It was a bit of a thrill to see Melissa in there, sort of like how I feel when some of my favorite Doctors from Doctor Who getting put into a montage like that. Melissa was a great Supergirl, and now hopefully we'll get another one in Sasha-SG.

  4. I can’t see being hyped about this and angry about Woman of Tomorrow. I doubt Supergirl will be portrayed any differently here.

  5. Well, one is an alternate timeline Supergirl in the violent Snyder movie universe.

    The other is an 'in continuity' story ignoring that character's history.

    Now if that is the tone of the solo movie ... ?

  6. I wish Ms. Calle well, I will certainly see the movie, but I strongly suspect she will become a one-off outlier whether The Flash succeeds or fails...DC seems determined to make sure that her next movie incarnation amounts to being a cosmic if common thug. But at least Ms. Calle's movie is being released, thats more than Lesley Grace got...


  7. "I wish they could have snuck in some comic covers just to remind folks that she exists in that medium too."

    TBH, that's the medium that this hype video is actively looking to IGNORE.

    Seems hastily packaged together in order to illuminate SG's curiosity factor in THE FLASH movie...because there really isn't any comparative curiosity to draw attention to in regards to two Batmans and Ezra Miller appearing in this flick. Supergirl is still mostly the unknown element.

    "Is there a chance that the movie will bring Supergirl back into the public conscience in a way that DC decides she merits her own stories again?"

    Depends on the box office receipts, and where DC Studios wants to position the Supergirl IP moving forward from public reception to THE FLASH. Considering that Warner Discover/CNN pretty much botched their 'town hall' stunt this week, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high until then.

