Friday, January 6, 2023

2022 In Review: Best Of Supergirl Comic Moments #5-#1

We have finally reached it! The best comic moments of Supergirl in 2022.

For the last 3 days I have been reviewing how 2022 has treated Kara Zor-El. It was a good year for Supergirl in comics. While she didn't have a solo title on the shelves, she was shown to be a hero, intelligent and competent and passionate, in several books. In particular, she truly shone in Batman/Superman World's Finest and Action Comics.

Day 1, I looked at the non-comic moments and Honorable Mentions.
Day 2, I reviewed top ten moments #10-6.
Today we look at the cream of the crop. 

It was pretty easy to find 'best of' moments this year. Trust me, that isn't always true. As always, it comes down to creators who understand the character and respect her. So when you look at the list of best moments, note the creators. No surprise to see Mark Waid there. He is confirmed fan. But I am glad to creators like Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Robert Venditti are there. Johnson is leading Action Comics which is going to a sort of anthology model now. Hopefully we'll get some solo adventures for Supergirl there. And Venditti wrote the Superman '78 book and is slated for the sequel. We know an earth is out there for that universe that includes Supergirl so fingers crossed.

Let's dive right in!

#5 - "Left Hook! Down Goes Nezha!" - Batman/Superman World's Finest #4 - Mark Waid and Dan Mora

For four issues, The Devil Nezha looked unbeatable. He was shrugging off the attacks of our heroes. Even a Superman/Batman Green Lantern powered fusion couldn't take him down.

And then, out of the blue, come Supergirl, laying into him with a ferocious attack. Where everyone else failed, she succeeded, knocking him out cold for several pages so the heroes could regroup and plan.

How do you show respect for Supergirl? Like this. She dives right into a battle that seems hopeless and is victorious. 

Great art by Dan Mora. You feel that punch!

#4 - "Curious Kara" - World of Krypton #3 - Robert Venditti and Michale Avon Oeming

The World of Krypton mini-series looked at the political climate on the planet in the years before its destruction. One interesting side plot was how obsessed Zor-El became in his efforts to save his daughter Kara.

I truly loved the portrayal of young Kara in the book. A bit precocious. A bit sassy. Definitely intelligence. And of all her moments, this was my favorite. Her she talks about learning things in school, things that now are in her mind, things she can share.

If any moment was going to cement the idea that Kara is the best historian of Krypton's culture, it is this moment. She is going to keep those ideas and share them.

#3 - "Surviving Trauma" - Batman/Superman World's Finest #8 - Mark Waid and Dan Mora

I am trying to celebrate the best moments of the year. And this moment, from World's Finest #8 is just incredible and easily could have been #1. The heroes are trying to help David, sole survivor of a destroyed Earth. They understand that his history is weighing on him.

In a perfect moment, Supergirl tell Superman that she needs a second to talk to David alone. Here she talks to him frankly about her own history of surviving Argo City when everyone else died. She talks about burying her feelings, doing her best to be like Superman. She talk about rushing into battle thinking it was courage but knowing it was self-destructive guilt.

But then she talks about how it okay to have those feelings. How she overcame them. How if David needs her, she is there for him.

All this is so perfectly depicted in the art. That flat, joyless look in the top panel. That caring look in the bottom.


In a year where we saw another comic show us a destructive look at survivor's guilt, Waid gives us this constructive one, blasting that other take to dust. 

This is Supergirl. 

#2 - "Kal-El Returns" - Action Comics #1047 - Phillip Kennedy Johnson and David Lapham

It's a small moment but I love this hug Supergirl gave Superman she sees him for the first time post Warworld.

No one knew if Kal was going to make it back alive. Supergirl was doing her part. 

There is something wonderful about this unbridled joy when she sees her cousin back. Even her words .. 'oh my god' ... are perfect, showing that surprise. 

The art by David Lapham sells it to, Kal thrown back a bit by the full on hug. Almost more of a tackle.

I always think the super-cousins should be very close. Seeing moments of affection like this are always a huge for me.

And now ... the TOP SUPERGIRL MOMENT OF 2022!

#1 - "Silver Age Burn" - Batman/Superman World's Finest #8 - Mark Waid and Dan Mora

Boy Thunder has survived his Earth's annihilation and ended up in the care of Batman and Superman. The heroes are trying to figure out how they can best care for him. 

Superman innocently asks Supergirl if she has any suggestions.

Eyebrows knit, arms crossed defiantly, she tell him he could put David in an orphanage.

It is the perfect burn for longtime Supergirl fans. We have all asked how, back in 1959, Superman could have thrown Kara, the only other survivor of Krypton and family to boot, into an orphanage. It makes little sense. 

Here Supergirl finally throws it back into his face. The art by Mora is pitch perfect, showing her annoyance. How wonderful for Mark Waid to show it.

For me, far and away, this was the best Supergirl moment of 2022. 

How did I do?

Do you agree with the rankings? Are there moments I forgot? 

And Happy New Year everyone!


  1. John (somewhere in England)January 6, 2023 at 8:55 AM

    Happy New Year ANJ!

    One of the reasons I became a Supergirl fan was because I was enthralled by the dramatic saga of Argo City, so I was delighted to learn that Argo exists in the current Supergirl stories.

    Nothing however, can beat Silver Age Burn, which is a worthy no. 1.

  2. Yeah mega dittoes for the silver age burn as well, finally “Supergirl ‘59” has her revenge…it was also succinct and hilarious. Insofar as Mark Waid is concerned I hope there is more where that came from…


  3. Nice choices there, and glad I was able to guess a pair :) Hopefully we'll get some new Supergirl moments and awesomeness with 2023 with the new animated movie, and what's coming down the line. I'm looking forward to that World's Finest that apparently will reveal what happened on the disastrous SG-Robin date lol

  4. You nailed it!

    Let’s hope that by the end of 2023 we’ll have seen some great Kara moments in her own book.

  5. Thanks for comments.

    Not holding my breath for a SG solo title.
    Am holding my breath for an SG solo story in the Action anthology.

  6. William Ashley VaughanJanuary 8, 2023 at 3:16 AM

    Not surprised to see so many Mark Waid scripted moments on your list. I can hardly wait for Batman/Superman World's Finest #12 to see him tell the full story of her disastrous date with Robin.
