Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Rest In Peace Eric Jones

On September 10, I found out that Cosmic Adventures of Supergirl and Danger Club artist Eric Jones had passed away. The news came from longtime collaborator Landry Walker. 

I cannot tell you how saddened I am by this. I loved Jones' art on Cosmic and in Brave and the Bold. I loved how he changed his style to fit the universe/time in the different issues of Danger Club.

But most importantly, he just seemed to love the job. I got to interview him a couple of times and got to read articles about him and you could just feel the passion oozing out of him. 

While I never got to meet him in person, a buddy ran into him at the NYCC in 2009 and got me this commission sketch. It is cherished by me. 

I look at one of my favorite pages from Cosmic Adventures every day in my office. I got the original art from Jones back in the day. He was even nice enough to fill in the blacks on the paper so it all popped.

I so hoped I would be able to meet him in person to just thank him for the joy he brought to this comic reader. I hope he is doodling in heaven right now.

My deepest condolences to friends and family.

Here is link to his obituary.

God speed.


  1. Oh how sad. His Cosmic Adventure stylings were so much fun. I hope that version of Supergirl pops up from time to time in the Multiverse. If everything happens, why not this too?


  2. Rest in Peace Mr. Jones. Your artwork on Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade was some of the greatest displays of ink on paper. It is a shame that your talent was not utilized for Kara in the 9th Grade and beyond. Damn you DC.

  3. RIP definitely- Cosmic Adventures was great and I enjoyed his B:TBATB art as well. He and Landry also did a series called Little Gloomy that appeared in Disney Adventures that I enjoyed as well.

  4. Oh man that’s terrible news 😞 RIP and my thoughts and wishes to his family. I’m sorry for your loss.

  5. William Ashley VaughanSeptember 15, 2022 at 1:39 AM

    My sympathies to his loved ones. He was a unique talent who died too young.

  6. Landry Walker’s tweets were entirely heartfelt and transparent with regards to this sad sad news. I’ve lost some loved ones and treasured collaborators this year myself, I know how raw it all feels. Peace to Mr. Jones’ Ashes, Succor to His Loved Ones.


    1. Terrible news.

      Rest in peace, Mr. Jones. My prayers go to you and your family.
