Action Comics #1047 came out this week, the first part of the 'Kal-El Returns' arc. It was fantastic.
Phillip Kennedy Johnson has just come off the Warworld epic, a barbarian rebellion story where Superman leads and overcomes. Throughout that action filled tale, we had wonderful character moments showing us just who Superman is and just how he inspires.
I feel this issue serves two purposes, both epilogue to Warworld and prologue to the upcoming arc. So there isn't much action. But boy is there characterization. Superman continues to inspire. Luthor is chilling. Lois is supportive and loving. Metallo is forlorn and withdrawn. And the Super-family proper is ready for battle and thrilled to see their mentor returned home. They act like a family!
The whole book just sings. It is almost a primer for what Superman and his supporting cast should be. In particular, I haven't been this afraid of Luthor in a long time. There is something about this vindictive, deluded Lex that is more frightening than any 'merged with J'onn' Apex Lex ever was. Lex is evil but pictures himself as a humanist. Brrrr ...
Add to all these powerful moments, the fantastic art of Riccardo Federici sizzles here. It is emotive and lush and flowing. I love it. David Lapham continues to shine in the back-up feature showcasing the entire Super-family. I really like his take on Kara. Add the 'movie poster' cover by Steve Beach and you have a winner all around.
On to the book.