Thursday, April 29, 2021

Supergirl Comic Box Commentary Is 13 Years Old!

Hard to believe but I celebrate 13 years of blogging today!

The blog has been a safe haven for me, a place to talk about comics and hear what the Supergirl fandom thinks about things that are happening with the character.

Throughout the 13 years, Supergirl's presence in the DCU has shrunk and grown and shrunk again. 

The last year has been a bit tough for Supergirl. Her character was dragged through the mud in Death Metal. Her book was shelved, the last two issues going out only digitally. The show went on a long hiatus. And then the Future State Kara Zor-El book was a non-Supergirl Supergirl book. 

It's okay. She'll be back.

Right now we are waiting for the Tom King mini-series, hopeful it will once again make Kara the hero she should be. The show is back on for a final season. And Sasha Calle has been named as the big screen Supergirl. 

So I don't think this blog will be going anywhere. 

The last year has also been one where the DC universe was soft rebooted. Brian Michael Bendis left the Superman books, ending a 2 plus year run of excellence. The Legion came back and finished its first two arcs. And I did a fun side mission exploring Mark Shaw in anticipation of his return as Leviathan in Checkmate.

Let's not forget that this last year was impacted greatly by the pandemic. So there were no 2020 conventions for me to comment on. There were no commissions to share. Hopefully all that will change.

Anyways, the best thing about this site is all of you who visit and chime in! I have made so many friends here and I appreciate all the comments I get. 

So here is to a baker's dozen of years of Supergirl Comic Box Commentary! Thanks for joining me on this ride!


  1. Congratulations! And, thank you.

    This year has certainly been the strangest in our lifetimes, and went by very quickly, and also very slowly. For different reasons, time was distorted for most people. So it's hard to believe it's been another year here.

    I look forward to ever more of your continuing excellence in blogging.


  2. Hello from a french fan of supergirl,

    Happy birthday and thanks your for all.

    I hope i can see the Movie Flash with Supergirl in a cinema.In the meantime, i read your summaries of the episodes of the tv series. I d'on't think i can see them on tv at home a day.

  3. Congrats on another year with the blog Anj, and as usual have enjoyed your thoughts and it's always been great to find a place for Supergirl fans to gather. I really hope that things can improve for Kara in the comics. It's bittersweet to see the show ending, but never did I think I'd get six seasons of a major TV show with my favorite character. Hopefully the movie will treat her well too.

    I'll keep visiting and enjoying your thoughts on the Girl of Steel, and hope you can keep going for another 13-years :)

  4. A very happy birthday to you, where would we be without your passion and knowledge?

    In the absence of much going on with Supergirl, the Manhunter posts have been great! And you know how much I love the Back Issue Box posts, I can’t get enough of Silver and Bronze Age Kara talk.

    Here’s to a great Year 14.

  5. Professor FeetlebaumApril 30, 2021 at 12:49 AM

    Congratulations on 13 years! And thanks for sticking with it through all the ups and downs of Supergirl's "career". Like a yo yo on a rollercoaster.

    Here's hoping things will be getting better for Kara in the coming year.

    By the way, Supergirl (that is, Melissa Benoist) is on the cover of this weeks TV Guide. There are 2 covers, one with Benoist as Supergirl, and another with the Danvers sisters.

  6. This Blog is officially a Teenager! Congrats!! This is my "Supergirl Home" where I get to rant repetitively sans sanction, truly I am grateful for our eloquent, wise and able host. As usual, "it is the best of times, it is the worst of times" for Supergirl, but here at least passionate and informed advocacy reigns. I hope this blog survives and thrives long enough so we can all debate who should play Supergirl when Isabella Vidovic decides to give up the role on her 30th birthday :)


  7. Thanks for all the kind comments!

    Hard to believe it's been this long!

    Love the idea of rebooting Supergirl with Isabella Vidovic!
