Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Supergirl Pin

2020 impacted just about everything in the comic world and my Supergirl Shrine collection wasn't immune. I have paid off a Supergirl statue at my comic store that hasn't been delivered or re-solicited. A Frank Cho statue was solicited by DC Direct. But then DC Direct closed up shop with the AT&T merger.

The only addition to the collection was a DC Superhero large mug which I stumbled upon at HomeGoods. Supergirl is just a teeny part of it and it is in my cupboard, not in the Shrine. Heck, I use if for cereal.

Would 2020 be a year when I wouldn't add anything?

The answer is no! 

I get by with a little help from my friends.

Russell Burbage, founder and caretaker of the Legion of Super-Bloggers , friend, and all around good guy sent me this Supergirl pin just before the new year came around.

It's just the best little thing. I like that it is the Rebirth costume!

I can't thank him enough. 

But the big question in my mind was what do I do with it? Pin it to my white coat at the hospital?

I decided I needed something new for the Shrine.

So instead of wearing it, it found a little corner on the top shelf of the collection. Given the size, I thought being near the Lego figures made the most sense.

That top shelf is pretty full.

Thanks again Russell!!


  1. Nice. I have some of these pins too. This was an excuse to pay a visit to the bookshelf where some of them are hanging out.

    I had spotted these on eBay a couple of years ago, and tracked them down to fansets.com, where I bought 4 of them.

    Now I see they make 8 Supergirl pins. I had not previously seen or noticed the Bombshell and TV show pins. I'm going to have to buy at least 1 or 2 more!


    Well that's inflation for you. I paid $5.95 and they are now mostly $6.95.

    Also - they sell very handy stands for $1 each that many of the pins can rest in. The pin you have fits the stand nicely. The flying "DC Superhero Girl" (which I think is the very best one!) needs to be supported (I used some putty) to get it to stay vertical in the stand, and the flying Bombshell would need that too.



  2. Professor FeetlebaumJanuary 6, 2021 at 4:43 AM

    That's a nice pin! Kudos to Russell for saving 2020.

    I'm curious what the paid off statue was that hasn't been delivered or re-solicited. As for that Frank Cho statue, as far as I know it's still coming out. There are review videos on Youtube, so it does exist. Beyond that, it gets a mite confusing:

    Entertainment Earth has it for pre-order with a January 2021 release date. Things From Another World also has it up for pre-order but with an on sale date of December 31, 2021! Sideshow is selling it with a "ships today" notation (although that "today" might be yesterday now). Meanwhile back at the ranch, UCS Comic Distributers (linked from DC's website) shows a release date of March 2, 2021.

    I ordered one from Discount Comic Book Service. It hasn't come in yet, but so far it hasn't been cancelled.
