Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving - Supergirl Trades

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here in the states and those that celebrate.

It has been a while since I have had Supergirl content on this here Supergirl blog so I am thrilled to give you this news (and hat tip to excellent friend Mart Gray for sending it my way!).

There are two new Supergirl trades coming out in the near future! 

Here is a link to Bleeding Cool's coverage:

Now the trades themselves are great, showcasing most of the Supergirl stories in the DCAU comics, those based on the Bruce Timm animated shows. 

But for me, and maybe I am grasping at hope or maybe I am looking to give thanks for something, but I have to wonder the timing. Why release two Supergirl specific trades in the near future?

And the only thing I can think of is that there is a new monthly on the horizon. 

How better to promote a new Supergirl book than to put out Supergirl trades showcasing her.

I can dream, can't I?

Even if there isn't a new monthly, I will definitely grab these books. I have covered some but not all of them here over the years.

Justice League Unlimited: Girl Power published on the 6th of July, 2021 will feature "Mary Marvel, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and all the amazing women of DC " that collects Adventures in the DC Universe #3, #4, #5, #6 and #9, Justice League Adventures #4, Justice League Unlimited #20, #21, #22, #35-#42.

Follow Mary Marvel, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, and all the amazing women of DC as they go on adventures and show off that girls really do run the world! And why do Wonder Woman's Amazon sister have turned against the world…starting with the men. Can the Justice League stop the Amazon warriors before they've conquered the planet?

While not necessarily branded a Supergirl book, she is the biggest character on the cover and she is named prominently in the solicit.

As a big fan of this take on Supergirl (and the animated shows) I look forward to reading this as I don't have all these issues in my collection. 

Very cool!

And the other trade ...

Supergirl Adventures: Girl of Steel published on 3rd of August, 2021 will collect Supergirl stories from Evan Dorkin Sarah Dyer and Brett Blevins' Superman Adventures #21, Superman Adventures #39, Superman Adventures #52, and Justice League Unlimited #7.

Supergirl takes the spotlight in this collection of adventures that prove she is much more than a sidekick! Discover the events that prepare Supergirl to face her past fears and embrace her future. Throughout the collection witness Supergirl team up with Superman and the Justice League to confront treacherous encounters with some of DC's most notorious opponents like General Zod, Lex Luthor and Darkseid. Join the adventure as Kara gets accustomed to life on Earth and fulfills her desire to help the world.

This one makes me really happy as I loved those Superman Adventure stories so I am glad others will be able to read them! 

It is interesting that both of these trades showcase the DCAU version, If my idea that a new monthly is happening, does the release of these trades mean it will be an All Ages book?

Anyways, I'm saving my pennies already! I want these!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I’ve not read any of the DCAU Supergirl stuff, so these are definitely getting ordered!

  2. Two Supergirl-focused trades? This is very surprising. And nice.

  3. They've been doing this for some of the later Batman DCAU titles as well. I suppose the last couple chronological collections weren't doing well enough to continue with those. They're nice though- about digest sized, good quality, reasonable price.

  4. John (somewhere in England)November 26, 2020 at 2:11 PM

    There is actually a third Supergirl book to look forward to: Supergirl and the Man of Metal by Laurie S Sutton and Greg Schigiel is published on January 6th. And on the 3rd of February we can look forward to a Legion of Super Heroes hardback featuring stories from the early '80s. As far as reading material is concerned, next year is looking good.

  5. I'll buy both trades, its Bruce Timm et al who dragged Cousin Kara out of her exile in DC's Post Crisis Phantom, we owe that crew a lot.
    "Supergirl and the Man of Metal" is DCU Kid's Chapterbook...but undoubtedly a good one, Laurie S. Sutton knows her stuff.


  6. William Ashley VaughanNovember 27, 2020 at 7:48 AM

    Two new comic books with Supergirl in them plus a new Supergirl book from the company that brought us the terrific Supergirl: an Origin Story. I'm looking forward to January.
