Friday, August 21, 2020

Jim Lee Fandome Poster


 The DC Fandome event is around the corner. Of course, it is happening on a day I am working. So I will be scouring the internet the day after for any news of  Supergirl which has been spilled ... if any.

The timing of the event given the recent DC purge is interesting. 

But I do like the energy that we are seeing around the event and hope it might rekindle some hope about the company.

One thing that did catch my eye was this poster by Jim Lee looking at DC properties which have crossed over into other media. Here is a link to some coverage:

Now I can understand some of the buzz around the new Batwoman being there. That show is getting a bit of an upheaval. 

But you can guess where my eyes went.

  Pretty cool to see Jim Lee's take on the Melissa Benoist Supergirl. And I am glad she has such a place of prominence on the print.

I also have to say how much I like Lee trying to capture the Teen Titans Go! look for those characters. 


On Instagram, he posted the corner of another print. Again, I feel this represents DC characters as seen in shows and movies. No mistaking the DC Superhero Girls feel to that Kara! And Hawk and Dove!


No Kara here. But fun stuff!

Don't know how you get hold of these, but I love them.

If you guys spy news from the Fandome that you think I would be interested in, please let me know!


  1. Well, one item of interest that just popped up is that DCFandome is offering an exclusive Supergirl Lego figure giveaway for this weekend. This is a NEW figure, based on the TV show look that Melissa Benoist sported for Season Five: Super-pantsuit, and she has bangs! :)

  2. One nice thing about that TV Supergirl is that the winds of space or whatever blow back the bangs!

  3. Not a fan of the new CW Supergirl suit, but Jim Lee does make it better here.

    Loving that Kara got a fig and places on the poster. No comic, no panel and postponed show, but I will take the crumbs we are getting here and love them until DCSHG returns.

  4. "One nice thing about that TV Supergirl is that the winds of space or whatever blow back the bangs!"

    Well...when it's really Melissa 'flying'...knowing that it's a Lego figure, it's probably helmet hair. :)

    Oh, and BTW, there's also a "Secret DC Comics Panel" scheduled in the Hall of Heroes for tomorrow, so that could be anyone's guess what that might be about...


  5. Oh no, what if the surprise panel announces ‘Bangs for all!’?

  6. At least 'Bangs For All' wouldn't be a return to the mullet look. :)


  7. Wow nice of the All Powerful Autocrats at DC to permit Kara Zor El's appearance on a poster...I'm really grateful.


  8. Really enjoyed DC fandome, I think it was just what fans needed atm
    Nice to see a lot of enthusiasm & optimism & some fantastic trailers!
    The SHAZAM panel was hilarious!
