Thursday, August 29, 2019

Terrificon 2019 Review Part 2 - Colleen Doran & More

Terrificon continues to impress me as a convention.

This year in particular seemed crazy as the guest list continued to grow right up to days before the event. It seems crazy to think that a current superstar like Liam Sharp was in the middle of one row because there were so many other mega-stars in the mix.

Truly, this was the biggest con for me for guests. And I felt lucky that I had met so many of the guests at prior cons. There were some guests who I felt okay not meeting because I had met them before. If I had to try and meet everyone on the guest list, I would have gone mad.

Once more, I will say that this is *the* con in the Northeast to head to.

Now last week, I showcased my Dan Jurgens commission.

Today, take a gander at my Colleen Doran.

I missed out on the opportunity to get a Doran commission in Boston several years ago. So this time I was determined to grab one. This is where pre-con legwork helps out. I contacted Doran through social media and set up my dropping off my sketch book on Friday for a full color commission. She preferred the classic Silver Age blue skirt costume which worked for me. And it helped that I was going to be at the con for all three days as it gave her time to do such a great piece.

I love this piece. This is the bright, optimistic, shining Kara of the Silver Age. And the color and depth of color really makes this pop. I was floored when I picked up my book on Sunday and I am still floored looking at it now. Just gorgeous.

Doran was so nice to chat with as well. She signed my JLA 3001 issues, an old Amethyst, and even a couple of issues for buddies who couldn't make it.

As for more Supergirl specific stuff, read on!

I forgot to post Supergirl #25 last week. Dan Jurgens had a story in this 'anniversary' issue so I was glad to grab his signature.

I ran into Steve Orlando again and had him sign some more issues of his run.

I had a brief chat with him about his run. He said she is a tough character to write because she has pockets of fans who like different incarnations. I guess it is hard to unite the fandom.

I grabbed a signature on Electric Warriors, a recent book of his.

And it is always great to run into Paul Kupperberg and get him to sign some Supergirl issues.

I was surprised I hadn't had the Doom Patrol issues signed before!

I also had Kupperberg and Joe Staton sign the Showcase Doom Patrol issues they did together.

One more  Terrificon post next week! One final commission!


  1. William Ashley VaughanAugust 29, 2019 at 8:39 PM

    The Colleen Doran commission is breathtaking. Pure joy. Congratulations.

  2. Doran’s silver age Kara is wonderful. Nice acquisition!

  3. Professor FeetlebaumAugust 29, 2019 at 11:40 PM

    That's an amazing commission! Kind of makes me wonder what a monthly Supergirl comic written and drawn by Colleen Doran would be like. If not a monthly, maybe a short series, something in the "Supergirl Being Super" format.

  4. Colleen's drawing is great. Some of it, like the outlining of the hair, has an Adam Hughes quality to it. I don't know her regular style, but it's a really bold drawing and kind of looks like a watercolor, though these days it's probably done with colored marking pens.

    There are so many great artists on Supergirl #25, hope you can get some of their signatures. If Emanuela Lupacchino ever comes to town - well, there's probably no end to what you'd want her to sign, including Supergirl #7 now that you also have Steve Orlando's signature on it.

    How could you narrow it down? Or anything else?

    I don't collect signatures or commissions, cause I don't go to cons, but I might choose something from her Crucible run from the 2011 series. I don't think she's ever done that many Supergirl issues in a row. Looking back at them, wow what great choices there would be. #37, or the dynamic special costume design on #38, or maybe most significant because it's also the finale, #40.

    Not to mention getting a commission from her!

    I don't know why I'm carrying on about Lupacchino, except that she's amazing.

    And Robson Rocha for #16. He did so many good issues.

    Some signatures to aspire to someday.

    Who pays for Europeans to come stateside? How does that work? Signatures are barely going to cover airfare and hotels, and I guess they have to also pay the con for their tables. But commissions might make it a profitable journey.

    I do see some of them go to European cons.

    Maybe you know how it works.

