Wednesday, June 19, 2019

DC Comics September Solicitations

The DC solicits for September have come out and it is a little bit heavy with new books and exciting news all happening. I won't comment on all the Harley love that is coming out but there is plenty. So head over to Newsarama to take a peek at everything:

In the meantime, I'll do my usual review of the super-books that are coming out.

written by MARC ANDREYKO
card stock variant cover by DERRICK CHEW

After months on the outer edges of the universe, Supergirl is back on Earth! But things are not as she left them—her adoptive parents have disappeared without a trace, Leviathan’s plans are in motion and a Brainiac lurks in the shadows with its sights set on Kara! Oh, and what about that grave? The truth of who is in it will shake Supergirl to her very core!

I am thrilled that Supergirl is back on Earth again. And a mystery of finding her parents is a good hook. I wonder if, based on Leviathan Rising, if Eliza has been recruited to Leviathan's ranks. As for the Brainiac on the loose, we have already seen Kara fight Indigo in the Fatal Five arc. But news coming out this month makes me wonder if there is another Dox Kara will be meeting.

With all these arcs mentioned in the solicit, too bad the cover is (of course) gritty angry Kara immolating a Leviathan crony.

 What else is coming out?

card stock variant cover by GABRIELE DELL’0TT0

Breakout Wonder Comics hero Naomi makes her Metropolis debut as the teen hero looks to Superman to help her navigate her unexpected new role as a hero in the DC Universe. Hoping to answer the remain questions about her origin, lineage and greater purpose on Earth, Naomi not only gets the attention of the Man of Steel but also Gotham City’s Dark Knight Detective, as Batman takes an interest in her quick rise to prominence.

Naomi has been a surprise hit for DC. Given that Superman's tussle with Mongul is what started her whole story, I like that we see her seeking out Superman for help. He is, after all, the inspiration.

I like the Naomi book a ton so I look forward to this meeting.

art and cover by IVAN REIS and JOE PRADO
variant cover by ADAM HUGHES

At last, it’s the return of the Legion of Super-Heroes! The greatest super heroes of the 32nd century have traveled back in time not just to meet the heroes who inspired them, but to make an offer…but to which hero? And why will that choice tear Superman’s life apart? Plus, the fallout from Lex Luthor’s conversation with Lois Lane escalates! What dark secret did Lex tell Lois?


The big news is that the Legion of Super-Heroes is back in the DCU! And, as expected given a blurry image from earlier in the House of Unity run, they first appear in Superman!

I haven't quite fallen in love with the costumes or haircuts. I don't know who the brute in the back is. But Wildfire is there! And the Legion is back! So I am tickled pink!

Of course, this could lead to a Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes book. I suppose with Conner back, you really only need one Superboy in the present.

I don't care. I am on board.

The Legion!

art and cover by ALEX MALEEV
card stock variant cover by KAARE ANDREWS

Batman versus Superman! Witness the interrogation of the decade as Bruce Wayne tears into Superman to find the missing piece of the Leviathan puzzle they both need. It’s a battle of wits and wills as the greatest detectives in the universe get together to figure out the why and how of Leviathan before it’s too late. And when that doesn’t work…in comes Lois Lane! From the creative team of Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev, it’s another fully painted noir thriller that will tear a bloody trail through the DC Universe.

Not much here to go digging into. Superman and Batman in a contest of wills is interesting. Why does Batman need to interrogate his friend. Wouldn't they freely exchange information? And what does Clark know that is so crucial?

You know me, I am on board with this book!

cover by RYAN SOOK
variant cover by TBA

Brought to you by some of comics’ greatest talents, this epic story spans the course of 1,000 years and, for the very first time, connects all of DC’s future timelines! Starring the unlikeliest of DC heroes as she learns to cope with newfound immortality and roams through the disparate societies of Batman Beyond, Kamandi and Tommy Tomorrow, wrestling with her own inner demons and desperately trying to find her purpose in an ever-changing world. Do not miss this truly unique take on tomorrow’s DC Universe, all leading up to a special launch on the millennium!

What's this?? More Legion!!

An embarrassment of riches as we get a look into the disparate futures of the DCU and learn more about the new Legion. I absolutely love this cover art. Brilliant design.

Although ... I thought the Crisis was supposed to solve this problem. Hee hee.

written by GREG RUCKA
art and cover by MIKE PERKINS
variant cover by NICOLA SCOTT

Jon Kent surprises his mother with a visit to her hideout in Chicago with big news that ties directly into the events of SUPERMAN #15, also on sale this month. While Lois must deal with her now-17-year-old son making life-changing decisions, the two Questions—Renee Montoya and Vic Sage—try to understand their own confusing continuity.

This solicit makes me think Jon is headed to the future. Hard to think that Clark and Lois will easily get over this. It is a bit of a retro-retcon to remove Jon from the timeline. I'll miss those carefree family stories from state fairs and family vacations.

But this is Lois' crime book. As a fan of the Question, I can't wait to see how this all turns out. Didn't Renee become the Question when Vic died?

Another great cover.

written by MATT FRACTION
art and cover by STEVE LIEBER
variant cover by BEN OLIVER

Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today in this catalog to remember our friend, Superman’s pal, the late Jimmy Olsen...’s assassination decoy!

Wait, somebody killed Jimmy’s decoy body? But whodunit? And, like, whydunit? And…wait, when did Jimmy get a decoy of himself? What we do know is it’s not safe for Jimmy in the City of Tomorrow anymore, and with Superman busy and all (you read that SUPERMAN #15 solicit yet?), Jimmy’s best bet is to solve his own murder within the safe borders of Gotham City! (Seriously, “safe”?)

I don't think this is a humor book. But it sure sounds like a humorous book. This seems pure Silver Age bananas and I am going to eat it up with a spoon.

art and cover by DAVID MARQUEZ
variant cover by JEROME OPENA

The Batman Who Laughs’ plot is bigger than either the Caped Crusader or the Man of Steel realized. Following a showdown with the devious killer’s first sentinel, a jacked-up, Dark Multiverse-infected Shazam!, the pair has to figure out who else has been targeted for similar transformations. Their first two guesses: someone very close to Batman and the one hero that would make failure nearly impossible—Superman himself!

I feel obliged to get this book. But the plot here is so outside of what is happening in the main Superman books. And I find the Batman Who Laughs such a bore that I don't know if I am long for this title.

Still, good stories always win. I trust the creative team to give me something worthwhile!

written by JASON LATOUR

Apex Lex has made his offer to the villains of the DC Universe…but has the super-powered evil genius gotten what he truly desires? The most deadly predator in the Multiverse has set out to answer that question by seeking out his counterparts on other Earths. But will this meeting of the Luthors be the greatest team-up in all of creation…or end in a bloodbath?

Lastly, a Lex Luthor special?

This is the Lex who has been altered in the current Justice League book. I do like the idea of meeting all the other Lex's in all the other continuities. But it looks like it will be a killing spree not a family reunion.


So that is a busy month!

And did I mention? The Legion is back!


  1. So, in Superman #15 the legion comes and offers to pick young Jon out of the volcano prison and restore him to grow up with his family (like everyone always wanted), the catch being that old Jon has to die.

    In Supergirl #34 she comes home and sees old Jon's grave and goes wut?


    I think I need to get better at interpreting solicitations.

  2. Is that a coloured Cosmic Boy or just the colouring? 🤔

  3. Have you been mentioning "Superman: Up in the Sky"? I'm morbidly curious to see how Tom King handles Superman. (Well, ask no more: the solicitation for #3 says Superman is tormented by visions of Lois dying and then ends up on a battlefield. Tom needs a rest.)

    I could have sworn DC was planning to reduce the number of titles they were publishing. They have cut a few books quietly, and are cutting others down gradually to monthly, but they are also adding so many new ongoings and new mini- and maxi-series and Black Label titles, it feels like they are publishing more interesting stuff than ever.

    I'd like to draw the line somewhere and skip Batman/Superman, since I'm no fan of the Batman who Laughs, but I have a feeling I'll be giving it a try despite myself.

    Will you be reviewing Legion material here, or over on that other Legion-related site?


  4. I’m assuming Cos has been racebent.

    Maybe Bats needs to quiz Supes in EL because Superman doesn’t know what he doesn’t know?

    If the LSH is revealed to indeed have been the blurry bunch in the Zod visions in Superman, my bragging rights go through the roof!

    An unlikely timewalker in the LSH mini? Well, Red Cloud would be pretty darn unlikely, so maybe - who else is new whom Bendis controls, Naomi is surely too obvious?

    I don’t plan on buying that new Batman/Superman book because of the Batman Who Laughs. They’re taking the B/S bit too literally.

  5. On the plus side, Supergirl is still being published, on the negative side one of more of her many parents is likely going rogue again...the poor kid can't win for losing. This might be a good hook to keeping her Earthbound and "centered" for awhile but count on it being repetitive, obscure and needlessly dark.


  6. I absolutely hate hate hate the Batman who laughs, so going to have to rely on you to let me know if anything important happens that I need to know.
    Really looking forward to the Lois and (especially) Jimmy Olsen books!
    Also...Long Live the Legion!!!

  7. William Ashley VaughanJune 19, 2019 at 9:04 PM

    Am looking forward to the return of the Legion. According to the IGN comics article on Legion of Superheroes: Millennium, the first story in the first issue will be a Supergirl story. I agree that the haircuts aren't great. Cos and Lightning Lad in particular look like they just had a close encounter with the Persuader's ax. I do like the costumes though. See Francis Manapul's designs for his run on Legion of Superheroes for really bad costumes, especially Colossal Boy's. Manapul is a terrific artist today, but he was still finding his feet on his Legion run and hadn't yet gotten the message that the nineties were over.

    Can't wait for the Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane books. The Lois Lane book looks like a modern version of what we might have gotten if Cary Bates' interesting Lois Lane as secret agent direction in her first two Superman Family appearances hadn't been cut short in favor of weak pseudo silver age fare.

  8. Funny that The Batman Who Laughs is selling more than 100k books monthly, but not many fans here. Well, maybe that would be expected of Supergirl fans, or maybe the only people piping up about it are those who don't like it. Blog comments aren't the same as a scientific poll.

    Between this and Last Knight on Earth, I am wondering, is Scott Snyder generally known as a writer of horror?


  9. He made a splash early on with American Vampire and his Wytches series with Jock is really creepy. You might like sci-fi drama The Wake, too.

  10. Definitely getting the Derrick Chew variant cover of Supergirl holding up a schoolbus with kitties. I'll pay the extra $$$ to skip the angst/angry cover.
