Tuesday, May 14, 2019

DC Superhero Girls #HardRock

While long episodes on Cartoon Network remain surprisingly sparse, the DC Superhero Girls minisodes on YouTube continue to flourish and remain a brief 3 minute respite from the doldrums of every day life. (Although a recent full episode on CN did have a 'Legion of Doom' style nemesis group! Sure to cover at some point!)

The latest minisode, called #HardRock is now up here:

It is clear that each of the main characters has a dominant personality trait that drives their characterization. This episode again focuses on how Diana is a stranger in a strange land, getting used to metaphors, idioms, and what consists of normal behavior here in the States.

That sort of trope can be endlessly mined for humor. And here it is no difference.

Supergirl's personality is to be rebellious. Here we again see that she is a hard rocker. And so bringing Diana into a punk concert is a recipe for hilarious disaster.

So get ready for a wild ride as we venture into the Lazarus Pit, a hard rock cafe.

(And how great is it that the club is called the Lazarus Pit, a nice Easter Egg for folks who get it.)

Outside the club, hard rocking Kara asks Diana if she is ready to get her face melted, a very 'Jack Black in School of Rock' thing to say.

What I love about this show is how expressive the characters are. Kara definitely shows her enthusiasm and joy throughout the show. And Diana's semi-reluctant and sort of questioning look speaks volumes.

But if face-melting is part of the normal life experience, she is in.

This is a heavy metal concert so the guitar rips are loud and rough. And the crowd is loud and rough as well. Diana can't help but think that these are either Hades' demons or people in the thrall of Hades.

When Kara begins to rock out herself, Diana thinks this is a mission and a strategy. It is time to 'masquearde as demons themselves' to join the fray and figure out what is going on.

I love how Diana does this graceful sort of dance to mingle, awkward appearing in how it stands out.
masquerade as demons themselves

Kara heads right to the stage screaming 'this is what I live for'.

We have seen quite a bit of this Supergirl in these shorts, the quick tempered, 'act first', rebel.

Now I need to see more of the Danvers house as they try to get her to Zen out.

Diana is caught in the center of the dance floor where people are moshing.

And I mean ... people are MOSHING, throwing themselves into her.

Again, I love Diana's poise in all this.

She says that while she understands that these people might be caught up in Hades' sway, the violence is uncalled for.

I mean, does anything say 'stranger in a strange land' than someone asking for decorum in a heavy metal rock club?

But when more people mosh into her, Diana loses her cool.

She screams for Hades to release the dancers, unleashing the power of Zeus.

We see her tossing people aside and unleasing some sort of force bubble, launching people from her.

Too funny! It's not a cult Diana!

Kara makes her way through the crowd and asks what Diana is doing. Wonder Woman says 'liberating these people from Hades' grip!'

Then she realizes that these were simple kids dancing and looks mortified.

That is, until Kara says that Diana's dancing was awesome! Even the people battered by her agree it was excellent moshing.

Look at the wild eyed joy on Supergirl's face. It is like she has witnessed something incredible. Moreover, she has shared something of she loves with her friend.

Now understanding this is a mosh pit and not a demon pit, Diana and Kara begin to do some super-moshing.

Again, I love the look on their faces as they smack into each other. I love seeing super-heroes doing normal human stuff and having fun with it. They clearly are having a blast.

Seriously, I have loved everything about this new version of the DCSHG. I can only hope that it catches the same Lauren Faust lightning in a bottle that her first season of MLP did.


  1. "It's not a cult Diana!"

    Debatable. Heh.

    I think every time the girls want to take Diana to ANYWHERE, they should have a "Let's make sure your understand this thing" talk. It'd save a lot of trouble...

    Then again, Kara doesn't appear to think there's some trouble.

    Funny short, and I always like seeing Diana and Kara interacting. I need more!

  2. White Knee Socks at a punk concert...I'm still processing that.


