Monday, April 29, 2019

Comic Box Commentary Is 11 Years Old!

Hard to believe it but I started this site 11 years ago.

It is crazy to look back at things in 2008 when the impetus was to trumpet a character I felt wasn't in the spotlight enough. Now she seems everywhere.

No big changes in mind for the upcoming year other than maybe taking a day off now and then. But as always, if people have ideas for me, please fire them my way!

Thanks to everyone who comes here and shares the passion.

Thanks to everyone who reads my over-long reviews and comments!

Thanks to all the friends I have made on this site! You all are the best!


  1. Happy birthday, and thanks for all the Kara Kontent.

    As for suggestions, there is that Action Comics issue I recommended awhile back...

  2. First of all, Happy Anniversary! Thank you for your site!

    Secondly, Supergirl Vol 2 11 is missing in that picture. Poor, poor Pre-Crisis Kara. Even her fans have forgotten about her.

    It's fun comparing the different stages of the evolution of the character looking to those issues: In SG Vol 2 11, an adult and self-made Kara Zor-El is majoring Psychology in Chicago and fighting an army of clones sent after her by a nebulous criminal organization. In SG Vol 4 11, Matrix is dealing with Silver Banshee and her own conflicting nature. In SG Vol 5 11, a bratty teenager Kara Zor-El is attempting to stop metahuman pirates and teaming up with the Outsiders as wearing an horrendous skirt (notice those issues were edited by Eddie Berganza. It explains a lot, isn't it?). In SG Vol 6 11, another teenager Kara Zor-El is -poorly- attempting to adapt to Earth when is attacked by artificial soldiers. IN SG Vol 7 11, that same Kara isn't angst-ridden anymore, and she and her bestie Batgirl have survived an adventure in the Zone.

    "Now she seems everywhere."

    I wish I was able to believe that. She isn't talked about enough. Not even among comic-book fans.

    "But as always, if people have ideas for me, please fire them my way!"

    Ideas? Well, Supergirl has just reached her sixtieth birthday. What about an AC #252 review before this year is over?

    What about a "The Unknown Supergirl" review? That was her first major arc with long-lasting repercusions (Interestingly, it came out at the same time than Fantastic Four #1).

    Or a detailed "Elseworld's Finest" review?

    Since you've just gone over Matrix's origins maybe it's time to remember the origins of other Supergirl. "The Supergirl from Krypton" was recently edited in the Walmart Giant-Sized issues, albeit censored. Maybe it'd be a good time for a retrospective review? I'd like hearing what were your thoughts on it back then? When did you learn that Kara was returning after eighteen years? What did you think when you read those issues?

    Of lately, online fantalk regarding Clark and Lois having a daughter has reminded me of Cir-El. I'm not overly interested in her or her silly name or that era of Superman comics, but she bore the crest and the title and did her best before retconning herself out in order to save the timeline. Still, short-lived and sandwiched between Linda and Kara, poor Cir-El hardly gets any love. Maybe a short retrospective would be in order.

  3. Can't believe I forgot Daring.

    This has been a killer week at work. Now fixed!

  4. Dear Anon. Your disbelief at Anj's everywhere comment has me puzzled.
    She has a popular live action TV show, is a main character in animation and a very popular recent game and tie-in comic and talks of a cinema appearance. There are also many toys from kinder to high-end. What will it take for you to be happy?

  5. Happy anniversary! Thank you, Anj. I enjoy reading your reviews. Although I don't watch the TV show Supergirl anymore, I still always read your comics news/reviews.
    It's nice to have a platform where I can give some opinions and share some views in a friendly environment.
    Congratulations again!

  6. Happy Anniversary to my fave Supergirl site on the for Kara, the Character, "It was The Best of Times, It was The Worst of Times" :)

    And as for suggestions...maybe you could review some of the Supergirl Homages out there? Notably Alan Moore's brief but FUN run on Image Comics' "Supreme", Kara shows up more or less as "Suprema, The Sister of Supreme" in faux silver age adventures, two of which were penciled by the late Jim Mooney!


  7. Congratulations! I love visiting and commenting on your blog (hopefully but not always with something at least minimally useful to contribute), and while I can't believe how much effort you put into it while engaging in a busy family and professional life, I sure am grateful.

    You cover so much stuff that I am interested in, and there's a much appreciated depth and breadth to your command of comic book history. And your years of posted archives here are an invaluable resource.

    On top of that, you also have a cool action figure collection that's given me some good ideas.

    For all this and more, thank you, thank you!


  8. Congrats on 11 years, and thank you for the entertainment. My affection for the character has definitely been increased by seeing your enthusiasm.

  9. Professor FeetlebaumApril 30, 2019 at 2:23 AM

    Thank you for 11 years of dedication to Supergirl in all her incarnations! And happy 11th birthday to SGCBC (doesn't look a day over nine and a half)!

    I will second the request for a review of Action Comics 252, and "The Unknown Supergirl" serial that ran in Action Comics 278 to 285. Or how about a review of Superman 149 (1961)? Supergirl's part is brief but important. You could also take a look at "Lois Lane's Super Daughter" in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #20.

    It might be interesting, on a slow news day, to spotlight an older piece of Supergirl merchandise, like the Action 252 statue (I don't believe its ever been featured). Superman has always looked more frightened than surprised on that to me.

    As for "Supergirl is everywhere"...well, she turned up in a crossword puzzle the other day, so she does get around.

  10. "She has a popular live action TV show, is a main character in animation and a very popular recent game and tie-in comic and talks of a cinema appearance. There are also many toys from kinder to high-end. What will it take for you to be happy?"

    Her solo's sales are below cancellation level, and they only go up when Artgem draws a cover. She has no team affiliation. She seldom shows up in other books or hangs around with anybody. Go to general comic fansites like CBR or Bleeding Cool or places like Reddit and you'll find nobody is talking about her current storyline, and her name is hardly brought up.

    Out of comic-book sites? Go to video-game, sci-fi sites... and you'll find nobody talks about Supergirl.

    And in social media? Reddit? Twitter? There's some talk, but most of it is about her show being terrible or the screenwriters being homophobes and queer-baiting jerks because Kara and Lena aren't a couple.

    Arrowverse shows are low-rated and not really popular between the general audience.

    Yes, she has made some appearances in some few video games and animation... and she is missing in most of them. Cosmic Clash was her last appearance in an animated movie. Yes, she is a main character in DCSHG... and yet she's nowhere to be seen in the highly-popular and critically-praised Young Justice (apparently Jessie Quick is more important than her). She wasn't even mentioned in the DCAU Justice League vs the Fatal Five movie.

    When the latest Batman animated movie was announced, you could see Batgirl among the featured characters. Because of course Barbara Gordon will be a main character in a Batman movie. Batgirl fans never wonder whether she will or will not show up in Batman stuff. Supergirl fans have no assurance that Supergirl will show up in Superman stuff.

    There has been talks of a live-action movie, yes. We don't know if it will be ever made, or if it'll be successful or at least will deliver a profit.

    What will it take for me to be happy? When she has a comercially successful and critically acclaimed book, isn't being constantly snubbed by other media, and she isn't ignored by most of comic-reading public and ninety percent of general audience I'll be happy.

  11. "Or how about a review of Superman 149 (1961)?"

    I second this. Way better "Death of Superman" story than the 1992 storyline. And Supergirl is really great.

    (I have chills every time I see Kara's absolutely cold and determined expression when she rips her costume off)

  12. I so don’t care if people who play video games aren’t talking about Supergirl, Anonymous.

    And if Supergirl being used more in animation means her being presented like Batgirl in The Killing Joke, forget it?

    You present all these ways in which Kara is supposedly snubbed, but there are at least as many ways in which she’s present. I can’t see you being happy even if Kara does have a hit book and the rest; it’ll never be enough for you.

    Sorry Anj, I got pulled in - this is supposed to be a positive post.

    Supergirl is 60. She’s had her highs and lows. But she’s here and she’s going to be around for a long time, in many flavours. That’s worth celebrating and this blog constantly does that. Thank you.

  13. "Arrowverse shows are low-rated and not really popular between the general audience."

    ...which is why they all got an early renewal by the network this year.

    Sorry, but butt-hurt gamers don't seem to have any idea of how The CW remains enormously successful. Insular and sequestered gamer culture isn't even close to a "general audience" share. And don't even get started on the dying number of comic book shops in recent years.

    Supergirl has more general audience awareness as a character than she's ever had RIGHT NOW. Thanks Anj, for keeping her light shining, even during some fallow times of the past.


  14. Thanks for interesting conversation and the well wishes.

    I think it is easy to say that, in comparison to 11 years ago, Supergirl is a much better known property. Now more than ever.

    I don't know if I would feel the impetus to start this site today as I did that day in 2008 when I felt no one really knew or appreciated Supergirl outside of her tiny corner of fandom.

    Thanks again everyone!

  15. I will take any day of the week, the Challenges Posed by Kara Zor El-Supergirl in 2019 over the challenges posed to said character in 1987....



  16. Happy 11th to this site, and happy 60th to Kousin Kara! I agree, she's had her ups and downs, but she's still
    alive and kicking! Especially after DC's very public attempt to kill her off and forget her. And maybe she
    doesn't have the automatic recognition like any of the DC or Marvel heavyweights, but again... the fact that
    she's around I'll take.

    Thanks for being a great place to keep the light for Kara / Supergirl going, Anj! And just to share my own love
    for Kara -- Laura Vandervoort and Tyler Hoechlin were in my area this weekend, and I got my Supergirl S1 and S2
    sets signed by them. SO HAPPY!

    Also ran into Jamie Tyndall who does some REALLY nice Supergirl stuff. Was torn between getting either


    Best to Supergirl Fans everywhere!


  17. Happy Anniversary Anj.

    Like any labor of love, I'm sure it felt like the eleven years went by in the blink of an eye! Keep up the good work!

  18. "I so don’t care if people who play video games aren’t talking about Supergirl, Anonymous."

    If I may be blunt, that is irrelevant and misses the point.

    The point being Supergirl is NOT really known or talked about between the general audience, let alone pop culture geeks. If she was more popular, she would be more present in the pop culture.

    "And if Supergirl being used more in animation means her being presented like Batgirl in The Killing Joke, forget it?"

    TKJ has NOT been Batgirl's only other media appearance. She has made many other media appearances since the 60's, and even though not all of them have been good, most of them were. And Babs has gained a lot of fans thanks to them.

    Supergirl, though, keeps missing chances to make other media appearances and grow her fandom, which leads me to think DC/WB doesn't care for the character.

    "You present all these ways in which Kara is supposedly snubbed"

    Not "supposedly". She is being snubbed out.

    "but there are at least as many ways in which she’s present."

    No, there is not. How many animated movies DC has made, and how many of them feature Supergirl in some way? Now replace "animated movies" with shows, movies or games.

    Just to be clear, I don't expect her to show up in a Doom Patrol show. But in a Superman show or a movie featuring the DCverse at large? I'll be ticked off if her existence isn't at the very least acknowledged.

    "I can’t see you being happy even if Kara does have a hit book and the rest; it’ll never be enough for you."

    You are completely wrong, and your assumptions aren't only false and absurd but also more than a bit offensive. You don't know me at all; so, what do you know about my character? How are you so SURE about that makes me happy or unhappy?

    For the record, YES, I would be happy if Kara does have a hit book and the rest.

    I'm not happy, though, with you making baseless assumptions about me only because I don't share your views. I don't appreciate it a bit, so please, stop it.

    I only want better treatment for Supergirl. Better than what I perceive she is getting.
