Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Supergirl Shrine: DC Mystery Mini

Last week, I thanked Russell Burbage for sending me the Supergirl figure from the Imaginext Series 5 figure run ( ). I also mentioned how I never get unopened mystery figures because I can't tolerate the chance.

So imagine my delight when in the same package that had the Imaginext figure, Russell included the Supergirl figure from the DC Super Heroes Mystery Mini series.

Now of all these things, this series is the one that vexed me the most. There was a Supergirl figure. There was a Streaky figure! A Streaky! There was Superman and Krypto! I'd be happy with any of those. That meant that I had a 7/24 chance of getting something that I would want. Heck, even the Joker fish one was sort of cool!

But still, I could only imagine getting 7 Catwoman black cats and none of the ones I wanted. So as many times that I picked the box up, I also put it down.

So in rides Russell to the rescue. He got the Supergirl figure and immediately thought of me and sent it my way! Another Christmas miracle!

There is something wonderful about the simplicity of this figure.

This defines cute.

The big eyes, the smile, the arms wide. It all works.

Of course, it is also the red skirt, point belt, and even 'yellow accented' boots!

This is amazing.

While there isn't much detailing to the back of the figure, there is enough to make it a great figure 360 degrees around.


I felt like this figure needs a space to shine. So even though it doesn't necessarily fit into the Silver/Bronze age costume section, the sheer cuteness of it made me feel like this was the right spot for it in my shrine.

Thanks again Russell for two great Christmas gifts and two great additions to the Shrine.

And thanks again to the comic community and their generosity!


  1. "So even though it doesn't necessarily fit into the Silver/Bronze age costume section, the sheer cuteness of it made me feel like this was the right spot for it in my shrine."

    You can always pretend it's Earth-One Kara who has forgotten her headband. I won't tell anybody.

    Anyway, that figure is cute. Real cute. Congratulations and kudos to Russell. I'd love owning the set but I don't want to get a figure I don't want either.

    It's nice to see DC keeps pushing SG merchandising and including her in their toy sets. I mean, they could have chosen any other character and made up some mascot, but they chose Supergirl and Streaky.

    But why is Diana's mascot a Pegasus instead of Jumpa? I don't get it.

    How ironic. The Legion of Super-Pets was created in the early 60's due to Mort Weisinger's "Ask kids around your neighborhood what they would like reading about in Superman comics, and if popular double down on it" methods. Then it was quietly phased out in 1971 and finally retconned out/banned in 1986 because back then everyone hated Silver Age's so-called "kiddiness". Flash-forward fifteen years, and Krypto and Streaky become canon again, cartoons and youtube shorts feature the Super-Pets, and DC announces a Super Pets movie.

    Comics are cyclical.

  2. Those are cute, but I'd rather buy them as normal sets. Blind box sets are just frustrating.

  3. Aw, yeah!

    (Couldn't resist.)

    T. N.

  4. Professor FeetlebaumFebruary 7, 2019 at 12:34 AM

    "...I could only imagine getting 7 Catwoman black cats and none of the ones I wanted."

    I couldn't help but think of that Peanuts comic strip in which Charlie Brown bought 200 packs of Baseball cards hoping to get just ONE Joe Shlabotnik.

    The Streaky mini has the yellow "S" on the back of the cape, but the Supergirl figure does not. It's the same with Superman and Krypto.

    I don't think Wonder Woman's pet is a Pegasus, just a horse (of course). It's the horse Diana is riding on the cover of Wonder Woman number 1 (1942). At least that's what I heard. According to Funko, the horse's name is...COMET!!! Did Funko get that name from Wonder Woman 1, or did they borrow it from Kara's Super Horse?
