Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Supergirl Best of 2018: Non-Comic Stuff

Welcome to my standard look back at the last year in all things Supergirl.

As this site is *mostly* around the comic history of Supergirl, I will cover the top ten moments in comics over the next two days in separate posts.

But Supergirl seems to be everywhere these days so I like to take a look back at the other non-comic Supergirl stuff that happened in 2018.

We'll start with my personal stuff.

2018 was a very good year for my commissions collection as I was able to grab the 4 that I was aiming for. I also got one from a surprising source. And two more came my way through the generosity of friends.

At the Boston Fan Expo, I was aiming for Tyler Kirkham and Bob McLeod. It took a little bit of luck, but I landed both. The Kirkham one in particular is quite striking.

At Terrificon, my main convention in the con season, I was hoping to grab Kevin Nowlan and Ron Frenz. Again, it took some luck and a definite plan to hit Kevin Nowlan's table first but I was able to get both. I love the fact that I got to finally see the Kara from Superman Vs. Aliens in a Supergirl costume, even if it is only in my collection. Love that piece.

Finally at Rhode Island Comicon, I landed the unique Kevin Eastman Supergirl commission. That is just bananas.

But that wasn't all. I also got a wonderful Ron Randall piece thanks to the best couple on the internet the Sutherlands. I love that fresh-faced Supergirl piece. And The Irredeemable Shag sent me the Thom Zahler Brainiac 5/Supergirl pic above as well.

In 2018, my commission collection hit the century mark. Unreal.

At conventions and other venues, I also met a ton of creators and celebrities. This year's big fan moments included meeting Steve Orlando, John Byrne, Nowlan, Joe Giella, and Laura Vandervoort.

Supergirl also was a popular character for other merchandise as well.

In particular, the Melissa Benoist Supergirl is definitely a version that seems to sell well. I got three statues of her - an ArtFX one, a DC Gallery one, and a DC Icon one. I am amazed at how much the show has thrust Kara into the mainstream.

I also got the Joelle Jones statue, a real majestic piece with a billowing cape and a graceful look.

Finally, I got the DC Nanometal tiny diecast figure.

Nice year for the shrine.

Supergirl appeared as a character in two different animated vehicles.

She starred in a several JL Action shorts. I was really wowed with how she was treated, a pro-active young woman who exuded confidence. She and Superman had a great relationship. She was just a lot of fun. And her JLAction action meant we got to see her in a Happy Meal toy as well.

Meanwhile, the goliath of DC Superhero Girls continued to churn out material. She remained a big part of the animated shorts. And with Lauren Faust coming on, it looks like we'll get yet another version of Kara under the DCSHG banner.

Of course the biggest non-comic news has the be the continued success of the CW show. I review the show weekly so no need to go into too many specifics. I think the current season four seems stronger overall than last years. But overall I have loved the show.

But I have especially loved all the nods to comics and other stuff that gets put into the show.

Super-intuition? Streaky the Super Cat? Argo City? All there.

Kara acting a little dorky? Check.

Kara playing Clark, using her powers in plain sight while in her secret identity to save people? There.

And how about a turn as Iron Man? Yep.

The Elseworlds crossover was absolutely amazing as well, showing her catch a bullet like Clark in the Donner movie, creating a new World's Finest, and totally riffing on her destiny like we saw in the comics in the late 80s. Those are some deep cuts!

And then the big news that next year's crossover is going to be Crisis on Infinite Earths!

I suppose it means the unification of the CW universes is happening and I'm not against that.

But boy, Elseworlds really leaned into her being destined to die in a Crisis. And frankly, that nerve is still a little raw!

No denying this will be a big deal in 2019!

Tomorrow, the Supergirl top ten best comic moments of 2018 coverage begins!

1 comment:

  1. "But Supergirl seems to be everywhere these days"

    I wish I could believe that, Anj, but I'm pretty pessimistic regarding her impact in pop culture.

    Since Kon and Krypto are about to make an appearance in the Titans show, I hope she is at least mentioned. I don't expect a full appearance, but at least a mention since Batman and Wonder Woman got one...

    "Supergirl appeared as a character in two different animated vehicles."

    Three vehicles. You forgot about the Teen Titans Go movie.

    I agree that the show's current season is stronger than last ones. And the fact that they are making another crossover the next year implies the show has been already renewed.

    Let's hope for another good year for Supergirl. 2018 wasn't as good as 2010-2011 but it was definitely better than 2012-2013. 2019 is her sixty anniversary.
