Friday, December 21, 2018

Review: CW Elseworlds Crossover Part 3

I conclude my in depth review of the CW three part Elseworlds crossover today, looking deep into this last episode which seems filled with hints of the future as well as some more incredible comic book homages.

To start off, I have to say that this was, by far, my favorite of the crossovers. I liked Invasion. I loved Crisis on Earth X. But Elseworlds seemed like a love letter to comic book fans who watch the show. There is no reason to put in some of the sequences or shots in this story except to make the seasoned comic reader nod their head in happiness. During these shows if something happens that is very comic related, I usually pause to fill in my kids. This time, I hit the pause button so many times they asked me to reassess what I thought was important enough to tell them.

I will also add that Crisis On Infinite Earths is the foundation of this crossover. I have already mentioned the red skies, the Monitor, the upcoming threat the Monitor is trying to prepare for, and the E-90 Flash appearances. But this episode really mines that material. And I was shocked to see how much that original material is ingrained in me. When we got into destinies and anticipated deaths in this episode, I got goose bumps. Supergirl's death in the Crisis still effects me, this wizened comic reader, 30+ years later.

All this to say kudos to Marc Guggenheim and the show producers and the stars for putting together something I thought would never happen. And I get the sense this was just the appetizer.

On to the show.

This is an episode of Supergirl. But the opening credits, that opening monologue, isn't done by Kara. Instead it is done by John Deegan, our villain, who tells us that he has used the Book Of Destiny to completely rewrite the world. He is now Superman.

But you can see that he is into being Superman for all the wrong reasons, for the glory and the hero worship. He talks about how this was his destiny. And this new world is completely different to the prior.

Barry and Oliver, now gun-toting outlaws called the Trigger Twins, have a bit of a philosophical debate with him. It isn't luck or circumstance that makes someone become a hero. They are already heroic. People become heroes in spite of circumstance.

Knowing Deegan wants to be the hero, Oliver forces this 'Superman' to rescue some kids giving them the time to escape.

Can I just point out that this evil Superman's costume is different from the real Superman's. Yes, this one is black and silver. But that is a New 52 collar. I wonder if Guggenheim was poking at that incarnation and reality.

On this Earth, STAR Labs is now Superman Central. We see that Diggle and Killer Frost and Alex Danvers are all in Superman's employ and are all sycophants, cheering him for his works. That isn't Superman. And heroes don't want applause.

It turns out that Kara remains on this Earth and is in the pipeline, her powers dampened. When Deegan looked into the Book of Destiny, he didn't see Kara there at all. She doesn't belong in this universe. But he used her as a template to become his hero.

I love how Kara calls him out on aping her powers and costume but not her gender. Excellent.

But here is where we really see Alex. She is an agent for Deegan much like she is an agent at the DEO. Deegan sees that Kara knows Alex and says should Kara try to escape he'll kill Alex.
Star Labs now Superman fortress. Diggle, Caitlyn,Alex all sycophants.

Now here is the rub. That means the Danvers as a family exist on Earth 1. Somewhere out there is Eliza and Jeremiah and Alex! It is simply that in this universe, no Kryptonian rockets made it to Earth.

Barry and Oliver know they need to get to Earth 38 to bring the real Superman over for help. They know they need to find this new world's Cisco to do that.

But before the can get there, they are teleported onto a platform in space to talk to the Monitor. This is pure Crisis on Infinite Earths, the platform being seen predominantly in Crisis #7 but even earlier.

Here the Monitor talks about only by knowing one's true self can one survive. Oliver says he is willing to die to save everyone.

I almost started ringing a bell every time something seemed to foreshadow Ollie's death. We'll say this is the first ding.

One of the things I love about this episode is how we get to see funny other-worldly versions of characters we know.

Here Cisco is a wise-cracking, very confident, salty-mouthed mobster. Of all the new versions, this Cisco is the best. He curses. He drops references like Pet Shop Boys, Clockwork Orange, and Robert Frost poems. He all around chews the scenery.
Gary from the DCLOT show is a nerdy bartender.
And James Olsen is Cisco's muscle, calling himself Jimmy Olsen, Superman's Worst Pal (a laugh-out-loud riff on the 'Superman's Best Pal' nickname).

After a quick talk, the Trigger Twins convince this Cisco that they have a plan to get rid of the Deegan Superman.

Meanwhile at Pipeline, we see Kara trying to figure out a way to escape, essentially using her superbreath to freeze the glass and make it brittle.

But before she can get to far, she witnesses Alex talking to Caitlyn. She overhears how Alex is looking for a boyfriend but can't find one. (Her last date now goes out with Pam from HR ... hahaha.)

Much like in the Flash episode we had a Barry/Iris moment and how in the Arrow episode we had an Ollie/Felicity moment, in this episode we have a Kara/Alex moment. In all these scenes, the hero is trying to convince someone about what their lives should be.

Kara talks of her Alex, the one who runs the DEO. The one who doesn't hide who she is and wants a wife. The one who knows that she will have it all, not if but when. Her Alex has a big heart, stands up when someone in power is doing something wrong, and gives them Hell.

The super-sisters are the straw that stirs the drink for me. So seeing this scene, seeing Kara get through to this Alex, was just perfect.

The new Vibe finally brings Ollie and Alex to Earth 1. Again, Cisco is all too cool for school.

But when Superman learns that Deegan has completely rewritten reality and that Kara is missing, he knows he has to spring into action.

God it is great to have a Lois and Clark on the small screen again.

Suddenly everyone is free and back on Earth 1.
The Superman vs Superman fight we knew would happen occurs. Deegan holds his own. They barrel through buildings like in a Snyder film. The real Superman is called Bizarro by a startled worker. Not bad.

Alex thinks Barry is a threat and initially attacks him. I love how Barry says she is a badass in any reality.

Ollie rushes to hold Diggle and Caitlyn off so Kara and Barry can find the book. But when she gets the book, Kara can't read it.

She rushes into battle and gives the book to Clark. He said earlier that this book uses the reader's will to rewrite reality but usually at a price. While Kara fights Deegan, Clark starts to set things right.

Barry becomes the Flash again. Buildings become normal. Ollie is the Arrow again.

And suddenly Ollie has a Kryptonite arrow! (I know ... roll with it.)

Before he can perforate Deegan, Ollie is talked down by the Flash. Maybe this was the Monitor's test. Maybe he wants to find people who are better, who can overcome darkness.

In the midst of this, Deegan super-speed claps, knocking everyone down and grabs the book.

Here we go again.

Whatever Deegan is doing, it is erratic as we see reality changing and warping in front of our eyes. Explosions and disasters are erupting around him.

Barry and Kara come up with a rather Donner-esque solution. Perhaps if they run around the globe in opposite directions, they can slow time enough that Superman can grab the book from Deegan.

Before they rush off, Superman tells them they both die if they do that. He saw it in the book.

Whoa .... goose bumps. Honestly. Goose bumps. Goose bumps even now as I type this.

After all, Kara and Barry both died in the Crisis.

But even on the show they are heroes. What else can they do? They have to stop Deegan. They rush off.

And then the crux of the story.

Ollie goes and confronts the Monitor again.

He says he is not afraid of or impressed with the Monitor. He wonders if any of the other universes the Monitor has tested confronted him like this.

And then more Ollie-death foreshadowing. Could the Monitor's test not be about strength but about goodness. And if it is goodness, Kara and Barry are the epitome of that, inspiring people and bringing hope. They are the best chance to survive what is coming. They need to survive.

The Monitor says things need to be balanced. If they don't die ... who will?

Ding. Ding. Ding.

Deegan brings Amazo back to fight Superman.

A breech opens and Lois, J'onn, and Brainy arrive to join the fight.

Had to show this. Brainy fighting Amazo? Lois wielding the cosmic hammer from All Star Superman? Too cool.

And Supergirl and the Flash do their race, slowing down the Earth and freezing time even if it looks like they are about to explode with energy doing so.

Just when it seems they might die, Arrow reappears, now with a blue-tipped arrow, most likely given to him by the Monitor. He shoots it into the Book Of Destiny, burning it out. Deegan becomes skeletal in the backlash (just like Doctor Destiny should look).

The threat is over.

Nothing left but the wrap up.

Kara is all smiles about how these adventures are becoming an annual thing.
Both Cisco and Brainy call her their favorite Kryptonian.

Melissa Benoist can do no wrong. Her little salute and her 'peace out' as she heads home is so charming.

Back on Earth 1, we learn that Lois is pregnant.
Lois and Clark are going to move to Argo for a while, not only during the pregnancy but beyond. The world is safe with Supergirl.
And then, to make it official, Superman proposes.

I don't know if Superman would abandon Earth. But, often for Supergirl's stories to make better sense, he can't be around. So I get it.

And Lois in a purple sweater? Lois in a flowy blue dress in the Fortress? Perfect.
Let's get a TV movie of these two! Please CW?

And then the big ending.

Barry and Arrow share a drink. Ollie realizes he has to appreciate what he has while he has it. DING DING DING.

And at Arkham, the Psycho Pirate, Medusa Mask in hand, talks about worlds living and dying.

We learn that next year, we'll actually get Crisis on Infinite Earths!


Okay, it makes sense.
This will unify the CW shows so that Supergirl isn't on a different world. We already know that a Danvers family exists on Earth 1.
Arrow will be the sacrifice. I already see Supergirl holding his body in a pose off of Crisis #7.
The Arrow show will change. Steven Amell will leave. A new Arrow ... maybe Connor Hawke? ... will take over.


I was floored by this whole thing. And I remain floored.

What a perfect early Christmas gift!!!


  1. Good episode, and it gave us an evil "Superman" who actually makes sense. I was afraid that the "Injustice" nonsense showed its ugly mug on television. But no, it's a guy who yearns for Kryptonian power but lacks the cousins' goodness and compassion, hence he becomes nothing but an overpowered bully. Perfect. Incidentally it also shows why Lena's "Let's give everyone powers" plan is a bad idea.

    I don't get why some "fans" complained about Superman being ruined or crapped on. He had a good showing, but because he struggled against one enemy and he praised another hero again, he is a loser. Ridiculous.

    Admittedly, the Monitor saying Supergirl and Flash are destined to die, and Olliver making a deal to save them were already giving me chills before we were blatantly said COIE is next.

    Can you believe it? Who could imagine several years ago that COIE would be adapted to live-action? And it feels... earned by the Arrowverse the way Infinite War felt earned by the MCU. The characters and their relationship have been developed to the point we CARE for what happens to them. Kara and Barry will die as per canon? Oliver will live so what they can live on? We CARE.

    Will we see more live-action DC universes like Smallville's?

    My guess is Earth-1 and Earth-38 will be merged and their story will be somehow combined. Several heroes will die but maybe they'll be reborn when the universe reboots, and the Justice League will be born afterwards.

    I'm uncertain on Oliver's fate. Maybe he'll live. Maybe he'll die but be reborn afterwards. Maybe he will die, and be replaced by another character. Or maybe Arrow's eight season will be short, and the show will be replaced by Batwoman's.

  2. Amazing review as always Anj, I too got gossebumps when Clark said that Kara and Barry die. I tell you, I am not ready for next year. Now I have some points to make in here:

    As many have mentioned by now, Kara really didn't have any form of storyline in the crossover. It was Oliver and Barry ft Kara and while this is kind of how it goes every crossover, she still had a better arc in the Crisis on Earth X crossover than this one. I am still iffy on it. Not just that, characters from Supergirl's earth just made glorified cameos. It's like Guggenheim thought brainiac5, Martian manhunter and superman, all in one room! But couldn't think beyond that to actually give them something to do.

    I may be the only on, but I rolled my eyes at the Oliver sacrificing himself for Barry and Kara. Really? Him? I get it thematically. But like do people really think Oliver is that interesting a character or do they think he has improved that much? He really hasn't, especially when you compare him with Sara Lance. Both of them were on that island together and yet she truly became a hero. But it's Guggenheim so Arrow it is I guess.

    I hope that anti monitor isn't defeated by the green arrow, you can't show him that amount of disrespect. They have to show us the fight between Supergirl and anti monitor.

    Here are my predictions:

    If I was sitting in the flash writers room and the network was doing a huge crossover one in which the leads die and the one which we have been building up from season 1, would I really allow my lead to die and that too in a crossover where it's a fight like wolves for screentime. Same goes for Supergirl, the show is just in its 4th season. What do they get from killing off Kara? When they have to bring her back. Won't it better to do it in the penultimate season rather than in season 4? I do think so.

    So either Barry and Kara will die, but it will be a fakeout, kind of like a vision of the future without them.

    Oliver will die, but I am guessing will be bought back. I don't really care about him, even after so many seasons of watching the show and such scant development.

    From what I can remember, I did read a interview with Grant gustin where he said that this crisis isn't the real one. From what I am guessing, it will just buy them some time.

    Another thing is that I think Superman will die. It's like how Kara was sent to the future in smallville because she was becoming a problem on this show. Superman has now officially passed the mantle to Kara and killing him in the crisis will be kind of a callback to how Kara was killed and fridge just so that Clark would remain the only Kryptonian. Here we just flip the tables. It would really give me perverse pleasure to see that happen.

    As for the earth's merging. I don't want that to happen per se. Supergirl being the only hero on her earth is a concept I like and it gives the writers a world just to them to write. That will be curtailed if the earths merge.

    That's it from me. I just hope that much more of Supergirl's cast participates in the show next year.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Another thing is that I think Superman will die."

    There'll most likely be a surprise twist to that notion, considering that Kara has been monologuing that she was "originally sent to protect my cousin" since the Supergirl series' inception.

    However, she just didn't know when this moment would occur. :)


  5. I get more impressed with Tyler Hoechlin. I already liked his self-efacing Superman who causes all the hard-core agents at the DEO to stop and stare in admiration. He conveys that well. To really see what an actor can do, though, I have to see him in two roles. Here, his black-suited SuperDeegan is convincingly dangerous, and he plays off against himself well, one actor twice in the same scene. (The Arrowverse shows do this a lot.)

    Real Superman mistaken for Bizarro: Excellent attention to detail.

    Of course, this is a Supergirl episode, so the central drama has to be Kara vs. Alex. I wasn't convinced by Alex's turnabout, but I expect most viewers were. Killer Frost is who I thought would spring the Trigger Twins. She is borderline evil on The Flash, so maybe she is borderline good in the switcheroo timeline. But, that would only have happened on an episode of The Flash.

    Clearly, Kara would have gotten herself out of the Pipeline with freeze breath, in time. This feels like a call-back to two episodes ago where she escaped from restraints and almost escaped the monument on her own.

    > Now here is the rub. That means the Danvers as a family exist on Earth 1. Somewhere out there is Eliza and Jeremiah and Alex! It is simply that in this universe, no Kryptonian rockets made it to Earth.

    Each of these alternate Earths has an identifiable distinctive feature. Earth-2 has a pulp science feel with some Crime Syndicate morality swapping. I think Earth-1 is the Earth without aliens. No J'onn, no Durlans, at least as visitors. The Dominator invasion was an extreme anomaly.

    > And suddenly Ollie has a Kryptonite arrow! (I know ... roll with it.)
    Ollie had one in Crisis on Earth-X.

    > Lois wielding the cosmic hammer from All Star Superman?
    So, that's what it was. Thanks, Anj. Just an excellent bit (and apparently an actually heavy prop).

    >Barry and Kara come up with a rather Donner-esque solution. Perhaps if they run around the globe in opposite directions, they can slow time enough that Superman can grab the book from Deegan.

    Flash's technobabble that leads to him and Kara racing around the globe in agony was about as tooth-achingly bad a bit of technobabble as I have ever heard on TV. I could easily write better, though it would lead to the same dramatic scene. (A great scene.) And Mach 7? More like 0.5c as the speed they were going. Maybe the writers don't trust us with big numbers.

    I talk to other Supergirl viewers, and some of them are quite bothered about how Superman's absence is often left unmentioned when Supergirl faces major threats. (The Reign storyline is probably the biggest here.) I'm not personally bothered; it's not his show. But, moving Lois to Argo City for an extended period is a great way to get Clark out of the picture without it being forced.

    The Flash has been from its pilot episode building up to finish its 5-year arc with a Crisis and red skies. It's obvious that we'll find that Oliver traded his life for those of Barry and Kara (a 2-for-1 deal). Oliver keeping secrets? Say it ain't so!

    > I already see Supergirl holding his body in a pose off of Crisis #7.
    Wicked sense of humor, Anj.

  6. Good review. It has really annoyed me of how many took offence saying SM was treated bad in this ep. Especially that jerk John Campea etc. I didn’t think it was hurtful at all.

  7. I could have done with some decisive "Kara-tharsis" in this one, but over all chemistry between the three leads more than made up for it. I've lived long enough to see a version of Superman completely overshadowed by his cousin Kara, the last echo from "COIE #7" have truly died away. Of the crossovers so far this one was the best with some interesting potential plot lines down the line, the CW's commitment to the Berlantiverse is so extensive that an entire "Black Lightning/Legends of Tomorrow" team up could go down with Superman and Batwoman for marque strength sans any recourse to the Arrowverse.


  8. Hi Anj

    Any chance you will do a review of the latest DCSHG, Fortress of Solidarity?

    I thought it was one of the best Supergirl-featuring arcs of the year, so I am curious to your thoughts.

    Merry Christmas to all Supergirl fans.


  9. Thanks for all the comments!

    Is Fortress of Solidarity an animated short or a book?

  10. An animated short:


  11. Like the previous episodes in this Crossover event, the development of the characters, and their interactions, were by far the most interesting, and entertaining parts of the show, many of which Anj already touched on in his review. Unfortunately, the actual story, itself suffered from a general lack of logical coherency, or even plausibility, creating plot holes so big, you could drive a Multiverse through them! For instance...

    SuperDeegan is the primary villain in the Supergirl episode of this trilogy, continuing the “Freaky Friday” theme from pt 1, with the notable difference that Deegan has acquired Superman's body – or a reasonable facsimile thereof – as well as his powers. The problem is that nothing he does makes any sense. Why did he let Barry and Oliver live and go free, when he could've easily locked them up in prison, just like he did Kara? Why did he let Kara retain her powers after modeling his “new” super-self after her? If he can use the Book to alter reality at will, why didn't he just wish all the heroes away, or make them follow him blindly, like Alex, Diggle, and the rest of the unsuspecting world? If there are limitations on what the Book can or can't do, we should've been told about it.

    In the first showdown, the inexperienced SuperDeegan somehow got the upper hand on Superman, when at the VERY best, he should've only been able to manage a standoff, and yet inexplicably, Oliver was able to get the drop on him with a freakin' ARROW – a Kryptonite tipped arrow for sure, but still, JUST an arrow. Even if Barry hadn't talked Ollie down (Why?), that would've NEVER worked! Before Deegan recovered the Book, he should've vaporized Oliver with his Heat Vision, snapped Barry's neck, and THEN superclapped the other heroes, before grabbing the Book, and taking off, but once again, for no discernible reason, he let them live. Rather than clarifying anything, this confrontation just led to even MORE questions, like...

    In a world where Superman and Supergirl didn't exist, why did someone think that the REAL Superman was Bizarro?

    Why can only Superman “operate” the Book. If Deegan can handle it, why couldn't Supergirl?

    If they used Power Dampeners in Kara's cell, why couldn't they use them on SuperDeegan? They could've lured him into one of Brainy's force field domes (like the one they used against the Parasite), and then used portable dampeners to reduce his power. Once they opened the Pandora's Box that says that some off-the-shelf technology exists (something other than Kryptonite) that can weaken a Kryptonian's super-powers, they can't pretend it's not out there, or ONLY use it when it's dramatically convenient.

    I can dismiss some of these inconsistencies as the writers' over indulgence in the use of “dramatic license,” but I can't overlook the massively misguided bastardization of Barry's “Faster than he’d ever run before” sacrifice in “Crisis on Infinite Earths #8” that they co-opted for the conclusion of this crossover. It was also very similar to how Wally West's Flash defeated a Braniac/Lex Luthor hybrid in the animated Justic League Unlimited story “Divided We Fall,” where he ran so fast, he was almost permanently trapped in the Speed Force, something that the TV Flash dealt with a couple of seasons ago. I'll address those issues in my next post.

  12. Ever since the end of last season, when Kara ordered Brainy to open a Time Portal, so that she could go back in time in order to stop Sam from killing Reign, which would've resulted in multiple casualties among the good guys, I've been afraid that they might resort to that kind of “timey-wimey” solution to tricky problems too often, but I never dreamed that instead of going back to that plot device from just last season, they would dust off the old “Donner Do-Over” from “Superman: The Movie” (1978). At least this gives me the opportunity to clear up what has been be a HUGE misinterpretation of that classic scene for the last 40 years.

    Practically everyone mistakenly thought that, by traveling at super-speed counter to the Earth's rotation, Superman PHYSICALLY STOPPED THE EARTH, then REVERSED its spin, in order to go back in time to save Lois. That is simply WRONG! Even if Superman COULD reverse the Earth's spin, it wouldn't reverse time, it would only destroy the planet. What Donner was TRYING to convey was the idea that, as Superman broke the Time Barrier by flying faster than time, itself, from HIS perspective the Earth only APPEARED to be moving backwards.

    Ahhhhh.... It feels GREAT to be able to finally get that rant off of my chest!

    That's one of those pesky relativity puzzles that Einstein was so fond of, a concept that was MUCH more elegantly portrayed by “the mannequin in the shop window” scene in the classic sci-fi movie “The Time Machine” (1960), whose rapidly rising hemlines reflected the changes in fashion, and society as H.G. Wells' namesake protagonist, George experienced the passage of decades in mere seconds. Obviously, Wells' Time Machine wasn't speeding up time in the outside world, it only LOOKED that way to George while he sat unchanged inside the bubble created by his invention, as it skimmed through the centuries.

    Back to THIS show, the Flash's desperate plan was to slow time, to keep Deegan from being able to change everything, but even if Kara and Barry were able to break the Time Barrier, only THEY would go back in time, not the entire Earth. What we saw, or were told happened in this episode is not consistent with what Superman did in the Donner movie, and in any case, it shouldn't have worked. For one thing, Mach 7 (5370 mph) isn't all that fast. Some of our interplanetary space probes attain speeds MUCH faster than that, but they don't travel in time. NASA's Parker Solar Probe is expected to set speed records by traveling at 430,000 miles per hour on it's closest orbit, 4 million miles from the Sun, and that's STILL not fast enough to crack the Time Barrier. At least, we don't THINK it will be.

    Time travel stories are inherently problematic, with all the paradoxes and conundrums that either have to be dealt with, or ignored. Either way, it shouldn't be used as a plot device so casually, especially to get the good guys out of a bad situation that had many other potential solutions.

  13. I found this episode rather frustrating because the Heroes kept making things harder on themselves than they should've been. For instance, when Superman had the Book, and was restoring everything to its rightful place, why didn't he change Deegan back to Dr. Destiny FIRST? Of course, that would've left about half the show to fill.

    And why did Barry and Oliver continue to wear those RIDICULOUS Trigger Twin get-ups? If they were on the run, avoiding BOTH SuperDeegan and the cops, the first thing they should've done was ditch the leather jackets and the dog bandanas. I admit, I did laugh at the fact that acting “bad” made Barry nauseous, and that he was constantly out of breath from all that running. Good stuff!

    As for the mercifully brief appearance of James Olsen – who has NEVER been my idea of Jimmy Olsen, in ANY version of reality – he delivered the most ridiculous line I've heard on this show.

    James (trying to sound threatening): “That why they call me Superman's Worst Pal.”

    I can only ask this one, simple question. Who, on this Earth, or any OTHER Earth in the entire Multiverse would EVER call ANYONE that??!! “Superman's Worst nightmare” would've been better, if a bit self-aggrandizing. “Mr Cisco's Best Pal?” Ummm.... NO! That was some head shakingly bad dialogue that should've NEVER made it past the cutting room floor.

    I also thought there were some missed opportunities in the subplot surrounding Bad Wig Alex's character. I thought it would've been more compelling, and definitely more disturbing if Alex had been compelled to be SuperDeegan's reluctant girlfriend, especially since Lois Lane doesn't appear to exist on that world. That would've made it MUCH more likely that Kara's super power of persuasion would've convinced Alex that she was telling the truth about how Deegan had altered her reality. As it was, I didn't think the idea of being in charge of a place like STAR Labs, or the prospect of “having it ALL, Baby,” based on the word of a total stranger was enough to convince a career soldier like Alex to turn traitor. The truth is, we have no idea WHAT Earth 1's Alex real life is like.

    Anj pointed out all the giant-sized hints about Oliver's impending doom, but even so, Ollie seemed downright suicidal in his encounters with the Monitor. He acts as if has has nothing to live for. WTF?? If I was married to a super smart, hot babe like Felicity, I'd be in no hurry to shuffle off this mortal coil. If you ask me, I think the Green Arrow has taken one too many shots to the head!

    I WAS glad to see that the Batwoman has his number. The Psycho Pirate is DEFINITELY going to cause some problems in Gotham, and I hope we're there to see her in action again.

    Finally, I thought Clark's announcement that he's taking “Super-Maternity Leave” and his awkward proposal to Lois was a good way to address his absence over the rest of this season, and on into next year, but ANY attempt at putting “Crisis On Infinite Earths” on the small screen WITHOUT Superman being front and center will be completely unacceptable. I just can't imagine Kal-El playing “this little piggy” with Jon on Argo, while the Universe burns. We'll just have to wait, to see what happens.

    In spite of all the problems with the story, I enjoyed the Elseworlds crossover, mostly because of all the laughs, self-depricating jokes, and Easter Eggs sprinkled throughout the three episodes. The introduction of Batwoman was the highlight of the event, as was Lois Lane's debut, even though I would've preferred a different actress in that iconic role. Overall, I'd give it a strong B- grade... “A” for characterization, and “C-” for plot.

  14. Kara holding Ollie’s body? Eh. Kara holding Clark’s body in a full gender swap shot from CoIE 7? Money, Every single geek website will run that as their lead. I mean Ollie is still very, very dead but that feels somewhat fitting for a show that swims in a sea of misery most of the time.

    Only really complaint with this was, yet again, the crossover has to shut down Kara so as to come up with convincing drama for the rest. I’m hoping this means we get to see her cut loose next time round. Oh, and I have a different theory as to why Deegan didn’t see any reference to Supergirl in the Book of Destiny. The book knows that no matter the reality, universe or media pissing off Kara Zor-El is a horrible idea that ends really badly for all concerned, Hell even when she IS involved her powers are only dampened, not removed. It’s like Destiny (book of, not Dr) is going out of its way to mildly inconvenience her. It even puts Alex right by her to let her do some good, what’s next a Ben and Jerry’s franchise in her cell and a note saying ‘sorry about this, it’s his dumb idea please don’t burn me’?
