Tuesday, October 16, 2018

DC Universe App

The DC Universe app came out a while back and I will admit it took me a bit of time to sign up. I wanted to wait for the first Titans episode to drop before downloading it. With the show pilot dropped, I decided the time was right.

I'll only give a bullet review of the Titans show. In three words, it's Snyder-level dark.

Maybe that is the point. Maybe this is a Titans show in *that* universe.

Dick Grayson is a police officer in Detroit involved with cases involving children. At night he becomes an ultra-violent Robin, bashing, stabbing, and maiming criminals. Yes, he utters the famous 'F Batman' line and we learn he felt he was becoming too much like his mentor. But this is a brooding Dick, willing to pulverize a fallen foe.

Starfire seems to have memory issues, lives as a mistress/courtesan to a Russian mob boss, and also has no problems killing people. Her powers erupt unexpectedly (maybe she forgot she has powers) and she incinerates some hitmen. But she also snaps the neck of a fallen foe.

We only see Beast Boy briefly. A green tiger in live action is awesome. A Gar who is a petty thief using his powers to lift video games from a department store is not.

At the very least Raven, effectively portrayed by Teagan Croft, is a fascinating character. Trying to bury something evil within her, barely hanging on, and  trying to find Grayson for help, she is fascinating.

The acting is good. The effects are good. And if I place this as a dark 'Elseworlds', I suppose the tone is fine. I can always rinse the ashes from my mouth by switching over to Teen Titans Go! I suppose I'll be watching. After all, Hawk and Dove show up next week. Hear me talk about them over here.

What about the rest of the app?

I am impressed by the movie selection available.

That includes the 1984 Supergirl movie. Looks like I can finally rewatch and do a review here!

And the comic section has been labeled as a 'curated' list. My guess is the company will put comics on the site which help cross-promote other stuff that is out there. For example, the Superman stuff seems to concentrate on the 'Death of' and 'Reign of the Supermen' time period, probably because of the recent/upcoming animated films. Other comics seem to tie into recent films or televisions shows - so lots of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Suicide Squad.

As for Supergirl, she is represented with a smattering of issues. They have almost all of her 1972 solo series (just missing the Prez issue). There is also a handful of New 52 and Rebirth issues. My guess is the existing television show prompted the inclusion of these books and the Slater film. I also think the Legion tales there are probably because of Brainiac 5's presence on her show.

As a lifelong DC fan, I have to say I love what I see. But since I don't have similar apps - Marvel, Hulu, etc - I wonder how this compares.

I'll probably drop a Hawk and Dove mini-review after that episode. I love Hawk and Dove.


  1. I can't opine about shows I haven't watched, but that Titans series sound downright terrible (the -in my opinion- cheap costumes and make-up don't help). Some people complains about Teen Titans Go! childishness, but it's way, way better than this.

    "That includes the 1984 Supergirl movie. Looks like I can finally rewatch and do a review here!"

    I'm looking forward to it.

    I'm intrigued about the comic selection. At least there's some Supergirl stuff, but... the 1972 volume? Seriously? If you're going to upload Bronze Age SG stories it should be the Superman Family or 1982 volume issues, IMO. And only four issues of her modern solos? It looks somewhat random, and not a good selection. Maybe it'll improve over time?

  2. Of all Supergirl's Bronze Age Platforms and Appearances, her 1972 solo book is the least worthwhile, lifeless scripts stilted dialogue....good art though. If I was archiving bronze age Supergirl comics I'd do something offbeat like her guest appearances in other features and books, there are some very good team ups there that don't generally get reprinted.


  3. > That includes the 1984 Supergirl movie. Looks like I can finally rewatch and do a review here!

    Have been waiting for that as well, Anj. When you have time, of course :) Looking forward to it!

    Titans I may watch, depending. Least that explains the clothes Starfire is wearing, which for the longest time was
    bugging me. I'll try a couple more episodes at least, to see how it goes.

    Oh, has anyone else gotten and watched DCSHG Legends of Atlantis? I opened and watched my copy... SWEET! It'll be
    interesting to see if the DCEU Mera measures up to the DCSHG version, but I liked it! Oh, and for those that do
    not yet own a legitimate copy of DHSHG Super Hero High, the disc INCLUDES THE WHOLE THING ON IT!! FINALLY!!


  4. Thanks for comments!
    Titans is grim but I’ll keep watching.

    I don’t understand the SG comics ‘curated’ here either. But better than none?

  5. Way too few Supergirl comics in the app. I read through them all the first week. Generally there's a lot of content though. Crazy that Streaky and Comet made the knowledge base and not Kara.

    In regards to something else. Do you have any speculations in regards to the crossover after the latest news Anj?

    We have no photos of Kara from the crossover, but we have multiple photos of Grant and Stephen. We also have a photo of Superman in his black death-costume. We know that there is going to be some kind of Monitor. We also know Supergirl's episode is the first.

    Are we looking at a CoIE interpretation? Kara's Elseworld character dies in the first episode? Could Kal be wearing the Black as a sign of mourning instead of a ressurection suit? Or are we looking at an Injustice interpretation where a loss drives Superman dark, leaving a Batwoman led resistance?

    1. I am sure you saw the bts pic posted by Melissa and Tyler. So she is in it,that's a relief because that poster release raised some questions. But I don't think they are doing CoIE, it's way too soon to do such an important storyline like this, esp when The Flash is clearly building upto this. I also don't think this could be injustice Clark who lost his Lois, it's probably just Clark from another earth or so. But I am just guessing. What I do know is that this crossover is just solely focused on launching Batwoman so for better or for worse, the three shows aren't going to be affected by it at all. After it ends, everyone is going to go back to their storylines as if the crossover didn't even happen.

  6. Oh sorry, the story of Kara in the crossover will be an what if- Clark had adopted Kara instead of leaving her with the Danvers. So it's going to be Kara Kent in the crossover.

  7. The recent Blu-ray of "Supergirl" '84 is a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Surprised you didn't snap that up on Day One like I did. Still, will be interested in hearing your thoughts on the movie, whatever your source.
