Tuesday, October 9, 2018

DC Nation #5

DC Nation, the company produced news and propaganda magazine came out last week. As usual, it was a great mix of puff pieces, interviews, process pieces, and solicits.

I have loved every issue. Yes, I love the stuff written about the things that I do read. But I also love the more in-depth looks at books I don't read. I don't often drop $4 on a whim for a title these days. So for all I know I am missing a ton of good material. So reading articles about titles I don't get might lure me into a impulse purchase. And you have to love the price point ... free.

Nothing particularly Supergirl in this issue outside of the solicit listing. But still, there are some nice bits for Super-family fans. And there is all the usual stuff too.

First off, there is an article listing the top ten villains in the current DC.

Coming in at number 9, Talia Al Ghul! What is interesting is that she is listed as appearing in Action Comics!

We know that the Invisible Mafia in the book is headed by an as yet unseen female leader. Perhaps that means that Talia is the head of the organized crime movement in Metropolis!

I'll also remind you that Talia led the group Leviathan, a word dropped in one of the pages on Perry White's desk. All the more reason for me to believe she is heading up the mob.

Lastly, we did just see her in the Super Sons before that title ended. Maybe Damian will show up? Or Batman?

What else?

Coming in at number 5 is Rogol Zaar.

There isn't much more added to his story here. So nothing to add to the usual commentary.

No surprise that Heroes In Crisis gets another article.

One thing that stood out was that the 'Greeters' of Sanctuary are robot versions of the Kents and Lana Lang.

Yes, I suppose they are middle America steadfast folks, opening their 'home' with a hug and cookies. But maybe Superman shouldn't craft workers in the mold of his parents and girlfriend.  The good thing about the Clark Kent identity is that it is secret. In  world where heroes become villains and vice-versa, this seems short-sighted.

It makes little sense.

Lastly, there is a great biography of Jorge Jimenez.

I have loved Jimenez's work since his Smallville arc with Diana. It is great to read about his influences, his travels through the DCU, and what other creators think of his process.

So, I guess the Talia reveal is the biggest news here. But definitely pick up the book. Too much other good stuff in there.


  1. Interesting bits regarding Talia. Is she becoming a more important player? Is she linked to the Invisible Mafia? Hmm... I was wondering what she has to do with Superman, but If I remember correctly, Talia helped Bruce take LexCorp away from Lex in "Public Enemies" -right before Kara's reappearance!- and she sent Blackrock after Superman in Superman (Volume 2) #223 during the lead to Infinite Crisis, so there is precedent.

    They are trying hard to build Rogol's villain cred up, but I'm not sure what it is working. Still, the article mentions Supergirl took part in the earlier battle. So, yay?

    Ugh. Heroes in Crisis.

    Superman building human-like robots again? Interesting and nostalgia-inducing. Pa, Ma and Lana robots? Weird. First of all, Kal your parents and middle-school girlfriend are good people but NOT therapists. Yes, I know they are supposed to be caregivers, but still... Second, your Clark identity is supposed to be a secret. Third, poor Pete Ross. Not even his former best friend remembers him. Fourth, we have been treated to one panel of Pa, Ma and Lana lookalikes brutally murdered. Ugh.

    Oh, and I'm not American but I find the "the whole façade of Sanctuary..." bit somewhat offensive. So you have brutally murdered fictional characters to make a -at best, questionable- point regarding the real world's workings.

    "Heroes in Crisis" is pretentious shock value without substance. Zack Snyder would be proud.

  2. Seems to be more hedging than usual in Rogol Zaar's villain profile:

    - "Claiming to have destroyed"
    - "Fueling the belief that he may have had a hand in its demise"

    But Brian Cunningham sticks to the story Bendis has been selling: "Even though he's destroyed Krypton and plenty of other planets...."

    I don't take it as a given that Zaar really did what he claims. But, we'll find out.

    Meanwhile, Marvel released a free "Marvel Universe" magazine this month that seems to be their answer to DC Nation - with some creator bios and process pages/sketches etc. Do they do this often? It isn't remotely as illuminating as DC Nation has been.
