Monday, May 21, 2018

Supergirl On Sundays

 The CW Upfronts were held last week and there was some shakeup to the lineup of the shows worth mentioning here.

The biggest change for the network as a whole is the CW now expanding to Sunday nights.

And this has an impact on the Supergirl show as she will now be the 8p show on Sundays. Here is a link to the whole schedule:

I am glad that the CW feels Supergirl can still be the tentpole on a night, especially a new night for the network. Having the reboot of Charmed follow the show also is evidence that the network has faith in the series bringing in and holding viewers.

Of course, much like Mondays, it does mean that Supergirl will be up against prime time professional football. Hopefully that doesn't crush the numbers.

The Supergirl 'poster' for season 4 looks a little odd to me, like a photoshop job. Does Melissa Benoist's head look just a smidge too large?

And they announced that once again there will be a crossover.

The big news here is that Batwoman and Gotham City will be part of the action! I'm a fan of Batwoman so this makes me happy. Love the Batwoman specific bat-signal in the promo art.

And, as usual, this looks like some conflagration, a threat big enough to bring all these heroes together.

I'm pretty happy with this news.

My question is which world will Batwoman be on?

I know Gotham and Bruce Wayne have been name dropped on Arrow. And remember that on Supergirl Winn mentioned 'Superman's friend' on an episode while putting on a dour face and pantomiming cowl ears. Maybe he was talking about Kate?

Or maybe she exists on all Earths??

Anyways, good news all around!


  1. Yeah, it looks odd, as if they're wanting to make her seem like an ethereal Olympian goddess and haven't quite managed it.

  2. I don't know how I feel about the move. I hope the ratings don't take a hit.

    The news about Batwoman are... interesting. I'm not against Kate showing up although I'd preffer Barbara. I wonder what her interaction with Supergirl will be like.

    I also believe Batwoman should reside in Earth-38.

    Off-topic, but have you heard about Snyder's plans for Superman in the DCEU?

    I can't even... Thousands of JL and Superman storylines and he chooses "Red Son"? He can't imagine a Superman who isn't evil, brainwashed or ineffectual? A Superman who mustn't be treated as a potential or actual threat?

    Sigh. Thank God for Whedon's cut. JL was a bad movie, but at least he let Superman be Superman, and the character wasn't desecrated again.

  3. Supergirl moving to Sunday shows that the network believe that the show can headline a all new night and provide the lead in to a show which they believe could be a hit eventhough I have been hearing mixed views regarding the charmed reboot.

    I believe Stephen amell already hinted that batwoman would originate on arrow and that arrow would be the key to this year's crossover. If arrow is leading the crossover then I am not holding my breathe for a good crossover overall.

    As for Snyder, he also had plans to introduce Supergirl and I am just glad that it never happened.

  4. "I believe Stephen amell already hinted that batwoman would originate on arrow and that arrow would be the key to this year's crossover."


    Talking about the show, the S4 will introduce a new character called Nia Nal. Her surname is... interesting. Possible Naltorian?

    "As for Snyder, he also had plans to introduce Supergirl and I am just glad that it never happened."

    He paid a visit to the Supergirl cast prior to the JL movie. Anyway, if the only Superman storyline he can think of is "Superman 'might' go evil"... No, I don't trust him with Supergirl.

    Henry Cavil wanted to introduce Kara in the DCEU. I hope it's a good sign.

    Regardless, I'm sure everyone have heard the great news.

  5. In comic news, Supergirl is uncancelled. Returning for issue 21 in August:

  6. "I am glad that the CW feels Supergirl can still be the tentpole on a night, especially a new night for the network. Having the reboot of Charmed follow the show also is evidence that the network has faith in the series bringing in and holding viewers."

    Indeed. Supergirl kicked off The CW's entire fall line-up this season...and now with an expanded schedule, Supergirl leads it all off again on the new night. The network has already announced that the casts of both Supergirl and Charmed will be cutting promos very soon to spread the word about "CW Sundays" well ahead of the fall season.

    "Of course, much like Mondays, it does mean that Supergirl will be up against prime time professional football."

    Not a big deal. Any scripted show would have to contend with sports and live competition shows cutting into some audience share in the same time slot. However, both Supergirl and Charmed do offer good counterprogramming to football, which has been waning in the ratings on Sundays lately anyway. Basically, The CW just set up a "Ladies Night" on Sunday. :)

    "The Supergirl 'poster' for season 4 looks a little odd to me, like a photoshop job..."

    Probably is, to some extent. It's an alternate take, close-up shot of the same pose as the Season Three "Miss Me?" return poster.

    "I believe Stephen Amell already hinted that batwoman would originate on arrow and that arrow would be the key to this year's crossover."

    Well, since Supergirl is again the first superhero series heading off the week next fall, I would suspect that Batwoman will probably originate from Earth-38, since Gotham has already been referenced on Supergirl, while Star City and Central City do not exist there. Seems only fair.

    "In comic news, Supergirl is uncancelled...."

    Or to be more specific, click-bait sites are walking back their previously false headlines of cancellation, as the Supergirl solo comics series was merely on hiatus all along. Publisher never solicited #20 as a final issue.

    However, Kara is sporting four different costumes when she returns? It's reminding me of the early 70s...


  7. I'm not even sure Supergirl is reaching her full audience potential on MONDAY nights, let alone being moved to Sunday. The change in competition is likely a wash, she was in a constant autumn slugfest with Monday Night Football as its Sunday Football & the Simpsons (a show that was once competing with "Lois and Clark" a generation ago)...
    As for the announcement today, I'll wait on Our Host's Thoughts...


  8. "...she was in a constant autumn slugfest with Monday Night Football as well..."

    ...which really didn't affect the show's cumulative impact at all, since delayed viewing is where The CW cleans up anyway. Live stats are so overrated now.

    Supergirl is still doing fine as an established TV series brand.

