Monday, April 9, 2018

Supergirl Poster Post-Hiatus

It is hard to believe ... and it seems inexcusable ... but the last new episode of Supergirl dropped on  February 5th. That's two months ago!

This season of Supergirl has been very strong, mixing action with DC Easter Eggs and overarching themes of humanity and caring and being 'alien'. I have been impressed with the writing and have been eagerly awaiting each new episode.

So it seemed a little bit strange for the CW to shove this 8 week hiatus on us.

There was never a clear explanation.

Was it because Black Lightning was on the air and CW had some rule about only having 5 super-hero shows on the air at one time? If yes, why shelve Supergirl? Why not DCLOT?

Was it because the casting out of Andrew Kreisberg set the show back a bit?

Was it simply that the episodes weren't done?

Who knows.

What it did do is slow down the momentum the show had going on. Everything was clicking. Two months later will people still care?

So I was very very happy to see this new 'poster' make it on to social media this last weekend. Caring the appropriate line 'Miss me?', it has Melissa Benoist striking a very iconic pose, standing amid ash and smoke.

Yes Melissa ... yes CW ... yes Kara ... we have!!!

One more week!

If they made this into an actual poster and someone has access to an extra, please send it my way!!


  1. "If yes, why shelve Supergirl? Why not DCLOT?"

    I think a number of "Arrow" fans would be happy to get Ollie's show shelved instead.

    "What it did do is slow down the momentum the show had going on. Everything was clicking. Two months later will people still care?"

    I'm wondering about it and fearing the answer. Why is ALWAYS Supergirl the one character who must pay for DC/WB's messes?

    Fortunately, the fourth season has been greenlighted, so the show will go on, regardless.

    "So I was very very happy to see this new 'poster' make it on to social media this last weekend. Caring the appropriate line 'Miss me?', it has Melissa Benoist striking a very iconic pose, standing amid ash and smoke."

    I like. I like a lot. There's something about that pose... that look... that attitude... which is very Bronze Age. I can't put my finger on it, but makes me think of Pre-Crisis adult Kara.

  2. I don't know if it is the pose, or if they messed with the proportions of the picture, or if it is just me - but this poster to me looks more like Super"girl" than any other thing I have seen from the CW show. It looks to me like they shaved 10 years of her age in this poster. It looks to me like a young cocky Supergirl ready to take on the world more than the "Superwomanish" interpretation we are used to due to TV shows using adult actors. I love it. Nothing wrong at all with Melissa's usual interpretation but this was a really fun poster.

  3. Great poster, didn't DC use the same idea back in the Eighties when the Wonder Woman book took a couple of months off after Perez left?

  4. Yes Mart!

    As pointed out by Diabolu Frank on Twitter. It was WW #63

  5. "Miss me?"


  6. > If yes, why shelve Supergirl? Why not DCLOT?

    I'd heard anecdotally the Supergirl hiatus was to determine whether DCLOT would continue for another season or be cancelled.
    With the news of the renewal of DCLOT, here's hoping we'll get back to Supergirl! Can't wait! It's been too long!

    And yes, LOVE that poster!


  7. John (somewhere in England)April 10, 2018 at 11:41 AM

    Forget posters! Any chance of a Supergirl statue in this pose!?

  8. "There was never a clear explanation.

    Was it because Black Lightning was on the air and CW had some rule about only having 5 super-hero shows on the air at one time? If yes, why shelve Supergirl? Why not DCLOT?"

    Networks don't have to explain everything. However, The CW had stated their "only FOUR superhero shows at one time" policy at last year's TCA presentations, so the rotation schedule seems anticipated. Next season will likely be different, as the net is looking more seriously at airing original programming year-round, and will be adding new shows on Sunday nights again.

    "Was it simply that the episodes weren't done?"

    Yes, that's pretty much the reason; Supergirl episode production simply fell behind schedule, and the net gave the show extra time, so as to maintain its usual expected quality. Simple as that.

    Production has got about three more weeks to complete filming for the season, according to a recent social media post by David Harewood.

    "What it did do is slow down the momentum the show had going on."

    Not really. All the hiatus really did was build up anticipation for the rest of this season. Supergirl usually performs well whenever it returns from a schedule break; this time out won't be any different. Consider also that Black Lightning finishes its first run next week, and Legends already done for the season.


  9. I hate to disagree but all the momentum I felt in the last episodes has waned over the last two months.

    Things were clicking. Mysteries were deepening. And we had just met the second World Killer.

    For me, and I can only speak for me, it slowed down.

  10. It'll pick back up right where it left off. Sounds to me like some ennui has set in for you from the lack of a familiar routine. That's not the show's fault.

    Disruptions in scheduling seems to have returned the series towards 'special event status' around the Internet, which actually proves that irregularity is a good omen for TV in this modern age of multiple delayed viewing options. There's a bonafide Oscar nominee guesting next week, and a real comics-based event being generated with the debut of Mon-El's new red suit in two weeks. Lots of buzz now going around about that latter bit at the moment.

    Co-writer Derek Simon is claiming next week's will be a "bonkers" episode. It's also directed by the usually-reliable Glen Winter (who already helmed the action-packed "Reign" Christmas episode this season).

    Hang in there, and look out for the Wizard of Oz references.


  11. Ket, we have a difference of opinion here. For Anj, the delays bring a lack of momentum. You can’t argue a person away from their feelings with all kinds of stuff that don’t pertain to how one person receives a long production delay. Just accept that Anj has an option, that doesn’t make him wrong.
