Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Supergirl Valentine's

Happy Valentine's Day to all who celebrate!

I was pretty thrilled to see Supergirl appearing on a Valentine's Card when I was shopping the other day. This is in a pack of Valentine's meant to be handed out in schools, one of 4 stickers included in the pack.

This is a bit of a giddy find for me. We live in a time when Supergirl is popular enough to be one of four characters highlighted in the pack. Amazing. This seems to be some standard merchandise image because it looks very similar to the Supergirl on the Chef Boyardee pasta can.

Amazing. Supergirl on Valentine's cards and pre-fab pasta cans.

Hope you have a high-flying day!

As I said, Supergirl is one of four characters highlighted, with Superman, Batman, and Batgirl.

It would have been easy and maybe sensible to replace Supergirl or Batgirl with Wonder Woman. But instead they stuck with the families. This also makes me happy.

Because it could have been Wonder Woman. Some ad genius somewhere thought Supergirl could sell.


The back is generic, wishing the recipient a Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope everyone has a loving day!


  1. Always nice seeing Supergirl (and Batgirl) merchandising and DC making money off her.

    That Supergirl's pic is lovely. Although it's the New 52 Kara I'd swear it's Jose Luis Garcia Lopez art.

  2. Great stuff, mind, I could do with less starburst and more Kara.

  3. This put a grin on my face, though I agree with Martin Grey about "more Supergirl, less starburst." Wonder if this is available north of the 49th parallel as well?


  4. Supergirl on a can of pasta! Please take a photo!
