Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Supergirl Episode 313: Both Sides Now

Supergirl episode 313, titled Both Sides Now, aired this week and continued to do a fine job of both propelling the Reign storyline as well as building up the internal theme of humanity, that is being humane, as being a strength required in these days.

This time the focus of the story is on Purity, the second of the World Killers, and how more in tune she is with her human side. Throughout the story we see a struggle between those halves, about who is in control.

And we also see how anger and fear and feeling worthless can lead someone down a path to being a monster. This time the magnifying glass is on Alex. In a sort of turnaround, it is Kara who is espousing the importance of reaching out and being human now. And it is Alex who is acting the cold, calculating, cruel agent. That is not what we saw in the early episodes of the season. Of course, Kara is healing now. And Alex is was with Maggie then. I suppose this is a way the writers can show that we are complex creatures with complex feelings. And it is only through love and support that we will remain compassionate, lifting each other up as we all stumble through life.

Not that this episode was all just a philosophical exercise in love and hate. There was a ton of action in this episode that kept things brisk.

Lastly, I must sound like a broken record by now but Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh continue to crush it week in and week out. In this episode in particular Chyler Leigh shows us the hardened soldier who is denying her feelings as she metes out what she thinks is justice. Just powerful.

On to the show.

The episode starts right up into the action as we see that the DEO has discovered where Julia (Purity) Freeman lives, in a nice quiet suburb.

The squad shows up and breaks down the door to try and find her, only to find Julia sitting down, listening to music with her earphones in, singing 'Stay' by Lisa Loeb.

When she sees the DEO crew, she is initially scared and Supergirl tells the agents to stand down. But Alex isn't taking any chances. She points her gun at Julia and demands she freezes.

We learn a little about why Alex is so quick to action from an emotional standpoint later in the episode. But I suppose seeing her sister nearly slaughtered by the last World Killer might put her on edge and quick to act.

I did love this mobilization of the team. I mean Supergirl, J'onn J'onzz, and Mon-El? That's a tough team even without Alex and the agents. But there is something sort of cool about this entrance! 

Alex's sudden threat kicks the Purity part of Julia to take control.

As Purity, she has a mix of sonic powers. When she concentrates, almost like when Saiyans power-up in Dragon Ball, waves of force seem to emanate from her, tossing people and things around. And she also can actual scream, like Silver Banshee, to more discreetly pick people off one at a time.

In a nice use of teamwork and powers, Kara uses her breath to create an ice wall as shield. And then J'onn phases through the wall to slap power-dampening cuffs on her. We actually get to see J'onn use intangibility twice this episode! Hurray for us! But that was good teamwork.

Back at the DEO, Alex is crowing about how easy it was to take down Purity. But Kara is concerned. After all, in her human persona, Julia was asking for help. And that is what Kara wants to do ... help people. But Alex thinks it is all a ruse. She's a world killer, after all a Kryptonian cache crystal was found in Julia's home.

In what I think are the best scenes in the episode, we see Kara and Alex basically play good cop/bad cop as they interrogate her in the DEO, vying for Julia/Purity's trust or information.

Kara calls the prisoner 'Julia, humanizing her. She says she wants to help her. She knows there is good inside her. She reads all they know about Julia ... hoping to reach her. How she is allergic to milk, majored in music, had a roommate, saved her friend. It all shows that she isn't a world killer. She isn't a murderer.

But dispersed, even when Kara seems to be reaching something on the inside, Alex steps in and is just brutal. She calls Purity a bug under glass, meat and bones that people are eager to dissect. She says how the imprisonment will slowly wear down Purity's bravado until Purity feels like she'll be ready to peel off her own skin. It is about as over the top as you can get. But it is said with such cutting venom that it doesn't sound camp. Chyler Leigh really sells it.

In the end, Kara and Alex confront each other on their respective interrogation techniques. Kara continues to state that she has hope, that she thinks she can reach Julia. But, in something which sounds extremely cold ... even from Agent Danvers, Alex says she is cynical because cynicism is what keeps humans alive. This sounds harsh from the woman who earlier this season was telling Kara to grasp her humanity and open herself up to feelings. So this is a switch.

We get a peek behind the curtain of this change in attitude when they confront Purity again. This time Purity says she can see into Alex's soul and see how damaged she is since leaving Maggie. There is a 'hole' in her. Alex feels weak. She feels rage which is based on loneliness. Alex let her chance at happiness walk away and now she is angry.

It shakes Alex. We know it's true. Even Winn can sense that Alex needs some support and runs up and hugs her. I love how all these characters are there to support each other and truly love each other. This was a quick moment but so powerful for me.

There is a B plot. Lena has returned to LCorp and basically forces Sam to take a leave of absence. She reminds Sam that she knows Sam is a hard and brilliant worker. But the ongoing situation requires Sam to take care of herself and Ruby.

Look, you can't have someone with day long blackouts running a billion dollar organization. From a business perspective, this has to happen. But from a personal perspective it has to as well.

Sam picks up Ruby for a day of fun. But while off ice skating, Reign kicks in and Sam abandons Ruby. Not knowing who else to call, Ruby calls Lena who picks her up from the rink. Here we learn that Ruby has recognized what is happening to her mother. She knows about the blackouts. It has to be scary for her. 

In the end, Supergirl's faith in tuning into Julia's humanity is shaken. The two speak Kryptonian to each other, talking about defying each other. The language sounds very rough and guttural, almost Klingon-like. I always thought Kryptonese would be mellifluous and musical.

At that time, Julia's Kryptonian crystal (which the DEO has been trying to decode) explodes, sending out an EMP. Suddenly Purity is free from her power-dampening cell. With a sort of cat-like, determined, scarily assured manner, she strolls through the DEO. She blasts Kara and all sort of agents before flying off.

Serious kudos to Krys Marshall, who plays Julia/Purity, for so effortlessly and wonderfully slipping in and out of the two personas. Purity is outright scary.

There is another subplot which I found a little annoying to be honest.

The Legion ship needs an energy boost from the battery J'onn has in his car. Mon-El doesn't know how to link it all up. When Imra asks him to help he is very cold to her.

Ummm ... isn't there a 12th level intelligence roaming around somewhere who could probably do this in his sleep? Where is Brainiac.

Later, J'onn decides to have a little father/son chat with Mon-El. While sipping Martian moonshine, Mon-El reveals that his marriage to Imra was a political one to bring Titan into the United Planets. But after years, the two learned to love and respect each other.

But now, around Kara, all the wild, passionate love he felt when with Supergirl is back. He is conflicted. And he is hiding those feelings from his wife (albeit pretty badly). Ultimately, J'onn tells Mon-El that he can't hide things from his wife.

Winn creates ear plugs that will blunt the effect of Purity's scream. Reign is told by the dark priestess to find and bring Purity to the Fortress to teach her.

The DEO finds Purity on a subway and a brawl ensues in the train station. Realizing her powers won't work completely given the team's defenses, Purity tries to take down the roof of the place. While J'onn holds up the ceiling and Alex escorts out the civilians, Purity goes hand-to-hand with Kara and Mon-El. Mon-El is easily dispatched. And Kara is on the receiving end of a modified Scorpion Deathdrop/Atomic Backbreaker and ends up in a choke hold. Basically Supergirl loses.

It is only when Alex reaches out to the Julia side of things that everything calms. Julia isn't a murderer. Just like that Julia is back in charge and asking for help.

But then ... Reign shows up! Alex is about to get stomped to death when Julia steps up. She'll leave with Reign if Reign spares Alex. It works.

Nice to see Alex turn around.

But I'll be honest. I'm a little irked that Supergirl keeps being defeated on her own show. She keeps needing to be saved on her own show. I need a victory ... and soon.

Nothing left but the wrap-up.

In the DEO, Supergirl says maybe they aren't supposed to defeat the World Killers. Maybe they are supposed to save them.

Julia is still in control of her body. But my guess is Reign and the others will be working her over to get Purity back.

Sam almost becomes Reign in front of Lena when angered. But Lena thinks she knows what is wrong with Sam and how to save her.

Mon-El confides in Imra that he is confused by the emotions he is feeling. She then drops a bombshell saying that the Legion is actually on a secret mission in this time, one Mon-El isn't aware of.

And finally, the sisters have a nice meeting at the bar. Kara reminds Alex of a few things. One, Kara is healing. Two, Alex is stronger than Kara and so she should heal as well. Third, Alex is will have all the things - love, marriage, children. It is a wonderful scene reminding me of the easy chemistry these two have together.

But those are big cliffhangers! And we are entering a 9 week hiatus while DCLOT takes over the timeslot. Such a shame as this season was really picking up steam. Overall this was a very good episode building on the foundation of  what has come before. But now we have to wait 2 months for more!! I still disagree with the CW's decision here.


  1. I wonder whether Purity's powers are partially based on Flower of Heaven's energy powers, even if it's evident the show is doing its own thing.

    Interesting episode, although...

    "But I'll be honest. I'm a little irked that Supergirl keeps being defeated on her own show. She keeps needing to be saved on her own show. I need a victory ... and soon."

    ... I agree with you. Obviously I don't want Supergirl going through her enemies as effortlessly as Pre-Crisis Superman beat crooks down, but I also want her to win more times.

    "But now we have to wait 2 months for more!! I still disagree with the CW's decision here."

    Me too. Let's hope it doesn't damage the ratings.

  2. This season has been so good, I am bummed that CW pulled this hiatus but then again, the show is actually going through a production delay, where they have just started filming episode 16,whereas the other shows are an episode ahead, (logically, it was a good step, I mean, think about it, ep 13 just aired, there's just an ep gap since ep 15 is in post production right now). It's a shame the show has to suffer for someone else's actions.

    But, the episode itself was so good. There are theories floating around that maybe the legion is here to change the time-line to save imra's sister. But we will see.

    I don't like seeing Supergirl so weak, it's like she forgot all that 2 year fight experience. Also, Reign and the worldkillers are so over powered, anime protagonists will be ashamed. But I digress, some concessions have to be made to highlight the themes of the show and move the plot along so I will allow it..for a little bit that is.

    I was afraid the Mon el confession was gonna happen and it did. I honestly pray, that Kara and Mon el don't get involved together in any way whatsoever because he is still married. And partly cause this season has been so good, I don't want petty romance to hamper it. If Kara wants a tangible piece of her heritage back, I volunteer for a 20,000 year old kryptonian ship buried under ice.

  3. This wasn't a favorite episode of mine. I never really liked that Reign wasn't a monster, and now we get another human looking world killer.They could at least do some makeup and horn molds or something.

    I felt that Alex going hopeless suddenly was unconvincing. The dialog with Purity was very forced and not very beautiful writing.

    I didn't like that Brainiac was missing, I don't care for the Karamel angst still stealing airctime. I don't like Supergirl looking so weak and I really really really don't like that video game defeat when they go down on their knees and look defeated by lack of energy bar and just watch the fight when they look perfectly able to continue fighting.

    From what I heard the delay will go into putting together some blockbuster action during the hiatus. If that is where they are burning the budget I can accept this sort of lazily put together filler.

  4. Hmmm...reads like somebody didn't get the episode.

    "I never really liked that Reign wasn't a monster, and now we get another human looking world killer.They could at least do some makeup and horn molds or something."

    I guess that Cover Girl was too busy working with the Riverdale girls that week.... :)

    The theme of this overall arc is 'what it means to be human', so it seems rather obvious that putting the actresses portraying Worldkillers into heavy prosthetic artifice would've missed the point entirely. One doesn't need to look like a monster in order to actually be one.

    "I felt that Alex going hopeless suddenly was unconvincing."

    Alex has been out of sorts even before Maggie left (although her departure certainly put a cap on it). This isn't suddenly something new. The first time a Worldkiller appeared, she gave Kara bad advice. this time around, she decides to play 'bad cop' to overcompensate for Kara's good one. Most of the characters are going through a crisis of self-identity all season long, although Kara's has been the most obvious lately. However, Alex, J'onn, James, Lena, Sam...they're all doing some sort of personal readjustment to changes throughout this season.

    When the show returns from the extended break, it'll likely be Winn's turn to lose his way for a bit...his mother's coming to visit.


  5. Anj wrote: “In a sort of turnaround, it is Kara who is espousing the importance of reaching out and being human now. And it is Alex who is acting the cold, calculating, cruel agent. That is not what we saw in the early episodes of the season... Alex says she is cynical because cynicism is what keeps humans alive. This sounds harsh from the woman who earlier this season was telling Kara to grasp her humanity and open herself up to feelings. So this is a switch.”

    Alex is easily the most inconsistently written character on the show, but this tough talking, raygun toting, black leather wearing, badass soldier is my favorite version of her. Alex's literal “take no prisoners” attitude is the perfect counterpoint to Kara's more optimistic, “touchy-feely” approach, which works best for the show, dramatically speaking.

    “Alex steps in and is just brutal. She calls Purity a bug under glass, meat and bones that people are eager to dissect.”

    Kara should've pointed out to Alex that those same “people” Alex is threatening Purity with would probably want to do the same thing to her as well. That would've explained why Supergirl wants to “save” the Worldkillers, because she realizes that they're not all that different from her. In fact, Supergirl has more in common with Reign – Super-powered Kryptonian, human secret identity, etc. – than she does with her "sister," Alex.

    “Basically Supergirl loses... I'll be honest. I'm a little irked that Supergirl keeps being defeated on her own show. She keeps needing to be saved on her own show.”

    Welcome Aboard! Better late than never, I guess, but I've been saying that same thing since last season, when Lena had to save Supergirl from a computer-based bad guy that should've been no match for “the most powerful woman in the world.” The idea that Supergirl could be incapacitated by a mere choke hold, was embarrassing enough, but then having Alex save her by apologizing to Purity, and appealing to her human side, while a red-faced Kara struggled for breath, was absolutely ludicrous. This is the second time this season that a Worldkiller inexplicably refused to vaporize Alex when they had the chance. What happened to all that “bone breaking” and “heart eating” stuff that Purity promised to do to Alex earlier in the episode?

  6. There were more than a few “WTF?” moments in the story, aside from Brainy's puzzling absence from the silly “spaceship battery jump” subplot.

    Why didn't Supergirl use her X-Ray Vision to scan the house for Purity, instead of relying on Winn's infra-red tech? Why didn't Supergirl use her super speed to whisk Julia into a power dampening cell BEFORE they confronted her? I also didn't see the DEO evacuating Julia's neighborhood, which one would think would've been the prudent thing to do, considering they know full well the kind of destruction and property damage Reign's capable of.

    Why didn't the DEO bring in Psi to read Purity's mind to find the location of Reign's “headquarters,” or as I would've phrased it, her hideout?

    Why wasn't the Kryptonian Crystal of unknown capabilities examined in a shielded lab, like a Faraday Cage, where it couldn't do exactly what it did?

    Why didn't Winn and the DEO plant a tracker on Purity when they had the chance, just on the off chance that she might escape? I thought these people were supposed to be smart, but they made the same mistake with Reign in a previous episode.

    When Purity knocked out the floor, why did Supergirl fall through just like everybody else? Supergirl DEFIES gravity as naturally, and as automatically as humans breathe without conscious effort. She SLEEP FLIES, for cryin' out loud! Her instinctive reaction to the floor being taken out from under her would be to fly, just as ours would be to put our arms out to brake our fall. Kara DOESN'T fall.

    I guess now we know why Imra isn't a telepath like Saturn Girl is in the comics. If she WAS a mind reader, there would be no need for Mon-El to have to explain his conflicted feelings for Kara to his wife, or to share them with J'onn. She would already know. Still, it would've been fun for J'onn and Mon-El to compare notes on the perks and perils of being married to a telepath.

  7. I rather enjoyed the episode myself, but agree the hiatus is going to put a damper on my mondays for awhile...

    Definitely the Alex / Kara scenes were a delight, and I liked the contrast between the Good Cop / Kara v the
    Bad Cop / Alex. And MUCH better writing than say, last season when the sisters come to sparks over their
    disagreement how much to trust the return of Dean Cain. I especially heartily agree with your view Anj on
    the Winn x Alex hug scene, and Winn positively drooling over J'onn's car and the Legion ship. Was some nice
    character moments.

    I was going to say I got a Mortal Kombat / Sheeva vibe from this, especially the scene they break from the rail
    tunnel down to the station below, as was seen with the later games.

    > "But I'll be honest. I'm a little irked that Supergirl keeps being defeated on her own show. She keeps needing
    > to be saved on her own show. I need a victory ... and soon."

    To be fair, Supergirl fought alone against Reign and had her butt handed to her before the winter finale. This
    battle actually had Team Supergirl bringing more firepower... though I do agree where was Imra and Brainy? It
    should have been an "all hands on deck" kinda fight, IMHO, unless they're saving that for the season finale.

    And as much as a physical victory would make me happy too, I get the feeling TPTB will go for the "we don't
    beat them, we save them" ending.

    > Still, it would've been fun for J'onn and Mon-El to compare notes on the perks and perils of being married
    > to a telepath.

    :D +9000 to that. Though technically we haven't seen much of Imra's telepathic powers yet. We did see her
    telekenesis powers the time in the prison gym versus Reign.

    See everyone when Supergirl returns!


  8. The vibe I got from Kara & Alex's interrogation of "Purity" is more of an exorcism thing than a good-cop bad cop routine. I think the thing that unites All the Worldkillers is that they are dependent on flawed and unwilling human hosts,so maybe thats a guide to who the third one's identity.
    Yeah there is no other word for it, Supergirl got jobbed out badly in the subway, except this time Alex got jobbed out right beside her. Take some solace in the fact that all three actresses were clearly functioning at a high level in a very very poorly written scene...too bad the writing didn't support the chemistry. This is a page from "The Flash" playbook, Barry Allen basically screws up everything for eighty percent of the season and only closes the gap on the bad guy in the last 25 minutes of the season finale, until then he is mercilessly jobbed out ep after ep...


  9. I think some people are missing the point regarding Alex's behavior this episode. Alex, had always been sort of a jackass even before, remember in the midvale episode how she accuses Kara for everything wrong with her life and tells her that Kara is respond for her dad leaving. I mean, the magnitude of a someone losing their father, while huge nonetheless, but doesn't compare to a child who has lost her entire world, family and has been dropped into this unknown planet where she has to essentially hide.
    Alex knows how to hit deep and hit hard when she wants to and she has always been used by the writers to offer a different perspective on things: case in point, when Clark came in s2 and Kara was considering leaving with him for metropolis and she had almost justified everything but it is Alex who said to Kara that Clark was also the one who abandoned her on their doorstep and probably came to visit rarely even so.

    In this episode, this was used again. Another thing to consider is that Alex was so venomous is also because Reign put Kara in a coma and this time Alex isn't taking any chances with this new worldkiller. That's why she is so harsh even when the deo team is confronting Julia.

  10. "Hmmm...reads like somebody didn't get the episode."

    It reads like somebody is making excuses. If someone is complaining about possible mistakes or plotholes and you think they're wrong, elucidate why without resorting to condescending statements such like "you didn't get it". Because MAYBE it's you who doesn't "get" it, you know?
