Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Granite Con Review And Michael Cho Commission

Two weekends ago, I had the pleasure of heading to the Granite State Comicon up in Manchester New Hampshire. I have said before this is a wonderful convention to go to after the massive buildup and 'work' that I do for Boston Comicon. Granite is more cozy, more laid back, more familial.

This is the con where there are usually a couple of creators for me to seek out and possibly get a commission from. As a result, I have more time to shop, thumb through long boxes, and look for comics to buy.

It isn't a surprise that this is a con I head to with the youngest two Supergirls, walking to floor easily in one day and grabbing goodies for everyone. It also helps that a great little pizzeria place is right next door for annual lunch trips for pasta and calzones.

This year, I was excited to see that cover artist Michael Cho was going to be a guest at the con. I contacted him early in hopes of getting a commission. Luckily his list was open on Sunday and I was able to get the unbelievably tremendous commission you see above. This is just gorgeous. I feel lucky that Cho did more of a torso sketch than just a head shot.

Very very lucky.

I also was able to thumb through the long boxes with a little bit of coin, trying to find some steal.

In the end, I opted for one more expensive issue as opposed to a stack from the cheap bins. And so I am the proud owner of Justice League of America #70, just his eighth appearance in the DCU! I even got a very good price for the book from a 50% off bin.

While this is definitely a book I have wanted for my side Creeper collection, the story is only so-so. Perhaps most glaring is that writer Denny O'Neil says the Creeper has absolutely no powers and is just an ordinary man. He even states the costume change is from an external device, not the implanted matter transporter. That ain't the Creeper.

Still, I'm happy I have it.

For those in the area looking for a day to meet comic creators, see local artists, take in some cosplay, and shop I would highly recommend Granite Con.


  1. That's a gorgeous commission. The flat primary colors work very well. It shows off Little Linda Lee's adorableness.

    Batman punching Green Lantern in that cover is the forebear of the "One Punch" meme? I guess Hal got his revenge in GL: Rebirth.

    "Perhaps most glaring is that writer Denny O'Neil says the Creeper has absolutely no powers and is just an ordinary man. He even states the costume change is from an external device, not the implanted matter transporter. That ain't the Creeper."

    O'Neil is renowned by his Batman's run and revamping Green Arrow, but I don't think he understands or knows most of heroes. "The Sandman Saga" was very good, but he doesn't get Superman. He NEVER got Hal Jordan. His Wonder Woman run is controversial. And most of old timers seem to hate his Spider-Man issues. Given the apparent pattern, I think he doesn't know how to handle SUPER-heroes; but that's only my opinion.

  2. Wow! I thought Michael Cho didn't do commissions. Did you ask for a Silver Age Kara, or was that Cho's idea?

    Denny O'Neil wrote "Beware the Creeper" (probably over Steve Ditko's plots) so I can't imagine how he could make a mistake like that. I think he wrote at least the first issue under the pseudonym Sergius O'Shaughnessy, but he's credited with all 6 issues of the regular series. He did not write the Showcase issue that introduced the Creeper. Strange.
