Thursday, August 17, 2017

This Weekend ... Terrificon!

I haven't even done my overall take on this year's Boston Comic Con and I am already heading off to my next convention.

Terrificon is a convention a little south of me in Uncasville Connecticut and I am considering this my big con for the season. For me, this just seems to be a convention more built for me. There are a ton of comic creators that are going to be there who had huge impact on me in my salad days of comic reading.

Yes, there will be current mega-stars there. You don't get much bigger these days than Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo. And I will be hoping to get on commission lists for Brett Booth and Barry Kitson.

But it is the veterans that are going to be there, creators who I haven't met yet at other cons, that is the big draw. And so I'll be there with bells on!

Let's start out with Keith Giffen! Keith Giffen!!!

He plotted/drew Legion of Super-Heroes in the Great Darkness Sage era.
He wrote/drew/created my beloved 5YL Legion.
He wrote the bwa-ha-ha Justice League.
He wrote the Doom Patrol.
He wrote Justice League 3000/3001.
He wrote 52.
He wrote/drew/reinvented Dr. Fate.

I seriously could probably fill a whole long box to bring to have him sign. So distilling this down to my usual 8-10 books is proving to be difficult. I may need to head to his table once each day.

Seriously, I am geeking out that I will be meeting Giffen.

But there's more!

 Marty Pasko is a huge part of my youth, writing Superman in the late 70s and early 80s when I was just starting to get serious in my fandom for the character and the extended family. He's another creator that I could bring a small box for.

I can guarantee you that First Issue Special #9 and Action Comics #500 will definitely be in the pile for signatures!

And Steve Englehart will be there as well.

Englehart teamed up with Marshall Rogers on two of my favorite runs. Yes they did that fantastic (albeit brief) run on Detective Comics. I only have a couple of actual issues from that run. But he also did a brief run on Mister Miracle in the 70s which formally introduced me to the Fourth World characters. And he wrote the Crisis-era Green Lantern book. I haven't met Englehart before so I am thrilled.

And there are a ton more creators that will be there. Marv Wolfman, Mike DeCarlo, Jerry Ordway, Ron Lim, Mike Zeck, Paul Kupperberg, Peter David ... the list goes on. And there is going to be a Supergirl panel with Kupperberg and David too!

Anyone going? Look for me there!

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