Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Review: Super-Sons #7

Supersons #7 came out last week and finished up the quick 2 part Titans crossover while reintroducing the Forgotten Villains to the Rebirth universe. As has been the norm for this title, this book was a heck of a lot of fun, showcasing the difference between the two title characters and maybe giving Jon a little more confidence in his dealings with Damien.

As I said above, this is a quick two part story and that rapid pace is perfect for this book. There is this free-wheeling, over the top action that is just perfect. Even with the brawls and confrontations, writer Peter Tomasi continues to add wonderful little character moments that bulks up the friendship/rivalry of Superboy and Robin.

Add to that crisp, brilliant art of Jorge Jimenez! Jimenez knows when to stretch the anatomy of his character to complement the story. At times there is a sort of cartoony action and even Looney interaction a la Bugs/Daffy between Jon and Damien. And so that sort of stylized art just work here, bringing some oomph to the story.

Plus, as a long time reader, seeing the Forgotten Villains again was an added treat! On to the book.

Last issue ended with Robin being aged by the Time Lord. Back at the Kent apartment, Robin tries to rally the troops for another battle. Unfortunately, his current bladder can't hold as much as his resolve. In a funny opening, we see him heading to the bathroom repeatedly. It thrills Jon.

Too funny, especially since these two needle each other so much.

It is clear that the Titans have to head back to battle these villains and they'll need all the help they can get. Despite Jon's preteen age, Raven recruits him. They need his help.

With that pitch, Jon can't help but remember the advice his Dad has given him. Good people get involved. So Jon joins in.

And so we get this great splash of the team heading off into action.

This is a perfect example of that Jimenez art, warping anatomy a bit for effect. Jon is all gangly, almost impossible angles. His mouth is gaping in a huge smile. I am sure if we saw someone 'real' like that they would look odd. But here, it all adds to that excitement and happiness Jon is feeling for being part of the team!

I love this art.

And I love Jimenez's take on the regular Titans.

We get a bit of an origin of Kraklow, the villain who molded the Forgotten Villains from clay from another multiverse.

Here we see the Kraklow from some other dimension reaching out to the current DCU doppelganger to bequeath to him the magic multiversal mud.

I can't help but wonder if all this multiverse stuff - from Mr. Oz, to Metal, to this, to the Justice League book dealing with alternate timelines, to The Button - is is all being done to help build up the massive 'fighting Dr. Manhatten' Crisis-style event. I keep seeing things like this in the comics I am reading. It think it is meant to show us that the Universe is unstable right now.

The Titans re-engage with the Forgotten Heroes. The Time Lord is somewhat drained from aging Robin so the best thing he can do is freeze them all in time. With the Titans suspended and helpless, it looks like Atom Master and the Faceless Hunter will simply walk up and dispatch them.

But Jon shows he is no pushover. Using his strength, he somehow rips apart the time freeze, liberating his pals.

Again, this is another brilliant splash. I love Starfire by Jimenez. And this really shows just how much of a strain it is for Jon but more importantly just how strong he is.

Drained and basically inept, the Forgotten villains are pretty quickly dispatched, reverting to the clay from which they were formed.

I loved this quick interaction between Raven and Time Lord.He vows to turn her into her grandparent (a threat that he will age her). She tells him the last thing he wants to do is turn her into a member of her family! Nice little retort. Slick. And great picture of Raven, these tendrils of mystical energy cascading out of her.

Just like that, the fight is over. The villains are back to clay and this world's Kraklow are captured.

The Titans need to take off but not before they heap praise on Jon for saving their bacon. Starfire gives him a cheek pinch, calling him adorable and great in a fight. Gar says that Robin doesn't  need to be jealous. And Raven says they all respect Superboy ... all of them.

Suddenly Superboy is very much welcome in the Titans. Remember, last issue Damian was using his status as a Teen Titan to lord over Jon. Now they are on more even ground.

And, of course, no issue can go by without this Odd Couple yelling at each other. The two gather up the multiversal clay and begin arguing about whose case this really is. Is it Robin's? Or Superboy's??

I wonder if Jon being propped up by the Titans gave him a little bit more confidence to stand up to his partner. I love this sort of prickly friendship that we are seeing unfurl here. Just great stuff.

So another fun, rapid fire, entertaining issue. I am loving this title. It is just clicking!

Overall grade: A


  1. "I can't help but wonder if all this multiverse stuff - from Mr. Oz, to Metal, to this, to the Justice League book dealing with alternate timelines, to The Button - is is all being done to help build up the massive 'fighting Dr. Manhatten' Crisis-style event. I keep seeing things like this in the comics I am reading. It think it is meant to show us that the Universe is unstable right now."

    I too think so. I wonder where this is leading to. Maybe a great unified timeline where all the main universes (Earth-One, Earth-Two, New-Earth, Prime-Earth) have always been the same universe, constantly rebooted by Manhattan? And the heroes are aware of it?

    I can't help but feeling a bit worried about Supergirl, because, you know, CRISIS. I fear she either won't show up or will get screwed up. But I remind myself Geoff Johns is writing this. Say what you will about Johns, he usually treats both Karas with respect, and SG often makes a cameo appearance in his stories at the very least (Green Lantern: Rebirth, Sinestro Corps War, Last Son, Brainiac, Legion of Three Worlds, New Krypton, Power Trip, Flashpoint... and he wanted to include her in the Teen Titans...)

    Back on topic. This issue was very funny. Jon is like a kind of Bizarro Damian, he's so gleeful and optimistic. And it's nice to see classic villains reimagined.

    Although I have to say Raven has really changed throughout the years since her first appearance.

  2. Professor FeetlebaumAugust 22, 2017 at 4:38 PM

    I liked the cover, with Damien and the duck looking at each other. The duck was probably thinking "what are YOU doing here?"

    I wouldn't worry too much about Supergirl. I doubt she has a target on her back, like she did back in '85-'86. As far as I know, no one at DC is clamoring for Superman to be Krypton's "sole survivor" this time around. Which is not to say there will always be a Supergirl comic. But I'm sure Kara Zor El will be around. I doubt they'd kill her off a second time. As George Burns said once about dying, "its been done."

  3. Yeah, Kara will be fine.

    Best. Issue. Yet.
