Wednesday, May 24, 2017

RIP Rich Buckler

Over the weekend, the news broke that veteran DC and Marvel comic artist Rich Buckler had passed away after a long battle with cancer. News reports are everywhere but here is Comic Book Resources coverage:

It seems like the loss of legendary comic book creators like this are all too common these days. But personally, this one stung a little bit more than usual. Buckler holds a pretty important place in my heart and my comic heritage. Buckler was a workhorse in comics, a solid artist who is littered throughout my collection. But I think he is sort of underappreciated. Everyone says that they love Buckler's work but I haven't heard many (or any) say Buckler is one of their favorite artist. And that is a shame because is work is just wonderful.

For me, Buckler is best known for his cover of Daring New Adventures of Supergirl #1. This is a truly iconic picture of Supergirl, one of the best known images of her. I had met Buckler a couple of times at conventions and was lucky enough to get him to sign the cover, joining Carmine Infantino and Paul Kupperberg. This is really a cherished book in my collection.

As I said, this cover is a pretty iconic image of the Girl of Steel, even appearing as a US Postage stamp.

Buckler also drew the fantastic Superman vs. Shazam treasury, a story that is truly more of a Supergirl and Mary Marvel storyline. Buckler really shines in this treasury drawing a remarkable Kara. And he even got to draw Quarmm, the Sand Superman!


Back in 2008, I was able to get a Buckler Supergirl commission in my sketch book. While I should have got him to draw the 70s style costume, back then I was pretty locked into the Matrix look.  I love this commission as well. It is a nice action pose with a smiling Supergirl.

Buckler was so much more than that one cover. I know he created Deathlok and had a long career with Marvel. But I'm a DC guy. Buckler drew All Star Squadron. He drew covers and interiors of The Flash in a time when I would often pick up that book. He drew Justice League issues. He drew Superman issues.

As I continue to talk about why Buckler matters to me, I'll add that he drew the Secret Society of Super-Villains. And SSV #9 was my introduction to the Creeper, one of my all time favorite characters. It was Buckler's moody depiction of The Creeper that really grabbed my attention as a kid and started a a life-long love.

My condolences to his family and friends. The comic world is a little smaller now.


  1. Terrible news. It's always sad when one of the greats passes away.

    R. I. P., Mr. Buckler. My prayers go to you and your family. Thank you for all the stories.

  2. Sad. Time is No Friend to Anyone, Peace to His Ashes, Succor for his Loved Ones.

