Thursday, October 6, 2016

Lego DC Superhero Girls!

Supergirl and the DC Superhero Girls are everywhere. They have a website, animated shorts, full length features, graphic novels, and Happy Meal toys. And now they are making the jump to full fledged Lego!

Here is a link to the announcement from Time Magazine:

And a quick blurb:
The first three Lego sets—Batgirl and her Batjet, Harley Quinn and Super Hero High School—will all be available in time for Cyber Monday on Nov. 27. Fans will have to wait until January 2017 for the next batch of ‘Super Hero Girls’ LEGO sets to be released, though, which seems like a super long time to wait.

For me, there are some things that need to be said.

First off, who would ever think that a Supergirl toy would be announced in Time Magazine. I grew up in an era where Time was the staid and reserved 'high water mark' of news journalism. I don't know if this shows that the geeks have inherited the Earth or that news journals need to cover entertainment like this, but I can't believe Supergirl is in Time. 

Second, there is a bit of a spoiler in this fluff piece. That has to be Lena on the left. So Lena Luthor will be part of the DC Superhero Girls line. And she'll be wearing the Bronze Age classic Luthor armor. Now that is news!

And here is a closer look at some of the sets:

Looks like Supergirl will only be available in the big Super Hero High set. But there's a Krypto one! And is that Lashina? Lashina in a kid's toy? This world is crazy.

Still .... Supergirl in Time Magazine! Incredible!   


  1. When I first saw that photo I thought: "Who is that girl on the left? Wait, is she wearing Luthor's ar- And is that a "L"? Is it Lena?"

    Poor Lena. In one way or another, her brother has been ruining her life or making it harder since 1961.

    It's great to see Supergirl getting more exposure these days... after nearly sixty years.

  2. Let me repeat what you've said before Anj :) I'm VERY happy the attention and love Supergirl's getting these days!
    Hope it keeps up, and goes nowhere but up!

