Friday, January 15, 2016

Adventures Of Supergirl #1 Cover

In a week when the Supergirl show dropped a lot of news, we got some news about the upcoming digital comic Adventures of Supergirl over on CBR. Here is the link:

To start off, we got a look at the cover of issue one with an absolutely stunning cover by Cat Staggs. There is a ton to love about this image. It is a nice heroic pose, Supergirl streaking from the sky and flying between the buildings of National City and Catco.  I love that smile on her face! A happy, bright Supergirl is always appreciated. I wouldn't mind a poster of that!

And here is a quote from Sterling Gates from the article:
"Fans of the show can expect to see all their favorite Supergirl characters play a role in our massively action-packed thirteen-part story exploring the various facets of Supergirl's life," promises Gates. "My editors have assembled a wildly talented group of artists -- including Bengal, Jonboy Meyers, Emanuela Lupacchino, Emma Viscelli, and the brilliant cover artist, Cat Staggs -- and our goal is to knock your super-socks off every two weeks across 2016."

The lineup of artists is just impressive! 

We are 10 days away from the release of the premiere issue! 


  1. John (Somewhere in England)January 15, 2016 at 8:32 AM

    Yes, it's an inspiring piece of artwork. It reminds me of a scene in a Supergirl comic - I can't remember which one - in which Kara is flying, not because she wants or needs to go anywhere, but just for the sheer thrill of being airborne. Roll on the 25th!

  2. LOVE IT! And heartily agree Anj, would LOVE this as a poster. Looking forward to this with
    alot of anticipation, especially with Sterling Gates and the list of artists!


  3. Can't wait to see how Rampage will be depicted in this comic.

  4. Really looking forward to this comic, and where it will go.

  5. That cover looks strongly photo traced from a Supergirl promo photo as opposed to Cat Stagg's photo realistic artwork that was striking and gorgeous on the Smallville Season 11 covers. Other than that, the comic itself sounds good, Gates seems the right writer to helm it due to his stories being an influence on the show and the artist line up looks solid. Can't wait to read your reviews of the series.


  6. As long as Sterling Gates is back on the job with Supergirl, I'll take him any way I can get him!

