Monday, November 23, 2015

Fire and Water Podcast #156: The Supergirl Show

I was both honored and thrilled to be asked onto the Fire and Water Podcast as a guest host. And no big surprise, I was invited on the show to talk about the Supergirl television show. Here is the link:

Shag, Rob, and I discuss all four episodes of the show and I get to drop some Supergirl knowledge.

It was great to hear Shag and Rob's thoughts on the show. As a Supergirl fan, I worry about an inherent bias so it was great to hear them talk about how much they like the show. And the extra special guest star at the end of the show was the perfect capstone, reminding me how universal a Kara show can be.

Shag runs the Firestorm Fan site and is on twitter at the same handle.
Rob runs the Aquaman Shrine and is also on twitter.

Everyone should be listening to their podcast feed as it is top notch comic talks!


  1. Congratulations, I cannot wait to listen. And I agree, it's a great podcast.

  2. Love the Fire and Water podcast. Always a great listen. I was thinking that the guy in charge of Kara's aunt might be Non (Superman II), who was announced as being in the Supergirl show a couple of months back.

  3. Oh, what a fun show that was. I hope you'll return every few episodes.

  4. I've been reviewing it for TVfortherestofus myself and liking it too.

    Given this and firestorm soon to be on TV regularly, we comic fans are getting downright spoiled!
